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Everything posted by Doombug

  1. Doombug

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I use Seth - FPS. I downloaded it from their forums. It's worked great so far, and of course you can tweak the profile to your liking.
  2. Doombug

    Fuzzy's Carpack

    wrong thread, I assume you mean RH Hk416 pack any problems should be posted in that mods thread. If it's not available through Empty->Ammo in the editor you could use LEA and make a profile with the gun you want then apply it ingame.
  3. Doombug

    Fuzzy's Carpack

    thanks, always need more vehicles.
  4. Doombug

    [SP] Old MacDonalds Farm adventure.

    I'll have to check it out, being a farmer and all. Can you script milking? It's what I'm off to do right now lol
  5. Doombug

    ShackTac Bunnyhop

    thanks, looks really good
  6. the easiest way would be to group the civs to an OPFOR unit (if playing BLUFOR), just make sure you set the Opfor to 0% chance of spawning. And use the search, this has been covered plenty of times already. I put "site:forums.bistudio.com get guys to shoot civs" in google and it came up with a bunch of results.
  7. Doombug

    ArmA 2 : CO On Steam?

    Why don't you just buy a pre paid credit card? You could also probably use paypal, you can put money on there from your bank account.
  8. Doombug

    dumb question from beginner

    From what I can gather, he can't pick up ammo for the launcher or his M203 GL. It does the animation but no ammo is actually being picked up. I've never bothered with the boot camp so I can't be of any more help. Sorry....well besides the obvious of trying it without any mods activated.
  9. DAC can create objects. You can get it from this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?99753-Dynamic-AI-Creator-(DAC)-V3-0-released It has a large manual that covers all you need. From the features list
  10. Doombug

    Arma 2 play for free - no cd key

  11. Doombug

    How to make pursuit?

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?119376-Making-enemy-units-chase-player Use the search, I've been playing around in the editor since 2010 and every problem I've had has been solved by using the search.
  12. I sure wouldn't want that cow on the farm I work at lol. Now we need a Hindu mod, we already got a sacred flying cow, now we need Cow Copter and Cow Tank!
  13. Here's an updated version with all the weapons from the ingame ammo box. Also the GL versions have smoke shells and flares in the ammo list now. ACR LEA V2 If anyone can get good pics for the new guns that have scopes and the SD ones, it would be great if they could be posted.
  14. If anyone wants to add the new guns from ACR I made a Addon with only the new weapons. They can be found under the faction ACR in LEA. Good pics are needed, but it serves its purpose. Download Link ACR LEA
  15. buy it from the BI Store, it'll download sprocket (345KB) then it connects to a server and downloads the file. After that you run the installer it downloaded and you're good to go. You can burn the file to DVD or back it up on a HDD or Flash Drive. After you get the file sprocket is no longer needed also.
  16. Doombug

    [SP] Shooting Date - version 1

    sounds cool, I'll check it out tonight if I can. Do you have a team or is it a lone soldier type mission
  17. Doombug

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Just checked it out, those new armored units look amazing. I only checked one of the new maps, other than being small compared to chernarus everything is looking good. The firing range is neat, although why they have seemed to limit your choice of firearms seems like a odd choice.
  18. I44 works great with this and the LOS Mod. Was playing for a couple of hours today with both active and it was awesome running with beta patch and these mods @cba;@coslx;@i44;@maps\@landtex;@other\@asr_ai;@other\@lea;@other\@mcc_sandbox;@other\@proper;@other\@stmovement;@other\@tpwc_ai_suppress;@other\@truegameplay;@other\@trueuser;@sound\@jsrs1.4;@sound\@rug_dsai;baf;pmc;@other\@tpw_ai_los;@other\@gl4