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Posts posted by Wolfenswan
Unless I'm being dense adding this at the end of addaction should be enough:
((_target distance _this) < 9)
Obviously 9 is whatever you want it to be.
For example:
action = cone addAction ["Do stuff","script.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","((_target distance _this)"];
Careful when testing on a dedi though. If you're the only player connected the game treats it differently then to several players being connected.
You can each give seperate waypoints and synch them to each other. Not perfect but better than the formation AI.
For the LAV try using
{_x [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/assignAsCargo"]assignAsCargo[/url] LAV; [_x] [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/orderGetIn"]orderGetIn[/url] true;} forEach units Group;
on activating the infantry group Waypoint
The script is working fine, there a no script errors.
isserver is not needed in the addaction scriptnot in but around, as in:
if (isServer) then {
... addaction ...
(see below)
Post some more of your scripts.For easier reading I've now split my init into two seperate inits, one for Server the other for client.
init.sqf starts:
ws_init_server = [] execVM "ws_scripts\ws_init_server.sqf"; ws_init = [] execVM "ws_scripts\ws_init.sqf";
if !(isServer) exitWith {}; //Wolfenswan - required variables if (isNil "ws_initdone") then {ws_initdone = false;publicvariable "ws_initdone";}; if (isNil "ws_markersdone") then {ws_markersdone = false;publicvariable "ws_markersdone";}; if (isNil "ws_uploadstarted") then {ws_uploadstarted = false;publicvariable "ws_uploadstarted";}; if (isNil "ws_uploaddone") then {ws_uploaddone = false;publicvariable "ws_uploaddone";}; if (isNil "ws_mapclicked") then {ws_mapclicked = false;publicvariable "ws_mapclicked";}; //Wolfenswan - server side scripts ws_placewreckage = [] execVM "ws_scripts\ws_placewreckage2.sqf"; ws_wreckmarkers = [] execVM "ws_scripts\ws_wreckmarkers.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone f_processParamsArray}; if (f_var_debugMode == 0) then {deleteVehicle trgDBG; deleteVehicle trgDBG_1;}; if (f_param_uav == 0) then {deleteVehicle UnitRU_UAV;deleteVehicle mdlULB;deleteVehicle UnitRU_Terminal;deleteMarker "mkrTerminal";};
//Invisible markers {_x setMarkerAlpha 0;} forEach ["mArea","mArea_1","mArea_2","mArea_3","mArea_4","mArea_5"]; //Precompiling stuff we need later BIS_Effects_Burn = compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf"; call compile preprocessfile "SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf"; //Launching client side scripts - Wolfenswan [] execVM "ws_scripts\ws_Intro.sqf"; //The script blacking out the player screens until the mission has properly loaded [] execVM "custom\groupTeleport.sqf"; //Teleport for the Journalists & HALO for Spetsnatz waituntil {scriptDone ws_init_server}; waituntil {(ws_initdone)}; //Set Wreck on fire if (f_param_fire == 1) then {_fire = [Wreck,5,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;}; //Action to allow Data Transfer ws_uploadaction = Wreck addAction ["<t color='#dddd00'>"+"Begin transfer (DEBUG)"+"</t>","ws_scripts\ws_uploadaction.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","((_target distance _this) < 9) && (group _this != grpRU_Grnd)"]; //Action allowing the grounded pilot to estimate his location if (f_param_broadcastaction == 1) then { ws_broadcastlocation = UnitRU_Grnd_P addAction ["<t color='#dddd00'>"+"Estimate location"+"</t>","ws_scripts\ws_mapclickaction.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","(driver _target == _this)&&((Wreck distance _this)<250)"]; } else { ws_broadcastlocation = UnitRU_Grnd_P addAction ["<t color='#dddd00'>"+"Estimate location"+"</t>","ws_scripts\ws_mapclickaction.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","(driver _target == _this)"];};
ws_placewreckage2.sqf (the script moving the Wreck around Cherna), works perfectly fine
//Based on init_start.sqf in: Jolly Green, made by Shuko of LDD Kyllikki sleep 0.1; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; if (ws_initdone) exitWith {}; private ["_findFlatGround"]; _findFlatGround = { private ["_pos","_posTL","_posTR","_posBL","_posBR","_result","_water","_gradientTooBig","_posArray","_radius","_maxFactor"]; _pos = _this select 0; _radius = _this select 1; _maxFactor = _this select 2; _posTL = [(_pos select 0) - _radius, (_pos select 1) - _radius]; _posTR = [(_pos select 0) + _radius, (_pos select 1) - _radius]; _posBL = [(_pos select 0) - _radius, (_pos select 1) + _radius]; _posBR = [(_pos select 0) + _radius, (_pos select 1) + _radius]; _result = [false,_pos]; _water = false; { if (surfaceIsWater _x) exitWith { _water = true; }; } forEach [_pos, _posTL, _posTR, _posBL, _posBR]; _gradientTooBig = false; _posArray = [_pos, _posTL, _posTR, _posBL, _posBR]; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _posArray) - 1) do { for "_k" from 0 to ((count _posArray) - 1) do { private ["_pos1", "_pos2"]; _pos1 = _posArray select _i; _pos2 = _posArray select _k; if (((_pos1 select 0) != (_pos2 select 0)) && ((_pos1 select 1) != (_pos2 select 1))) then { private ["_sample1", "_sample2", "_posASL1", "_posASL2"]; _sample1 = "RoadCone" createVehicle _pos1; _sample2 = "RoadCone" createVehicle _pos2; _posASL1 = getPosASL _sample1; _posASL2 = getPosASL _sample2; deleteVehicle _sample1; deleteVehicle _sample2; private ["_heightDiff"]; _heightDiff = abs ((_posASL1 select 2) - (_posASL2 select 2)); if (_heightDiff > _maxFactor) then { _gradientTooBig = true; }; }; }; }; if (!_water && !_gradientTooBig) then { _result = [true,_pos]; }; _result }; //sleep (random 0.5); private ["_area","_centerpos","_cx","_cy","_areasize","_rx","_ry","_ad","_cd","_sd","_tx","_ty","_xout","_yout","_bomb","_found","_result"]; switch (round random 5) do { case 0: {_area = "mArea";}; case 1: {_area = "mArea_1";}; case 2: {_area = "mArea_2";}; case 3: {_area = "mArea_3";}; case 4: {_area = "mArea_4";}; case 5: {_area = "mArea_5";}; }; _centerpos = getMarkerPos _area; _cx = abs(_centerpos select 0); _cy = abs(_centerpos select 1); _areasize = getMarkerSize _area; _rx = _areasize select 0; _ry = _areasize select 1; _ad = (markerDir _area) * -1; _cd = cos(_ad); _sd = sin(_ad); _found = false; while {!_found} do { _tx=(random (_rx*2)) - _rx; _ty=(random (_ry*2)) - _ry; _xout=if (_ad!=0) then {_cx+ (_cd*_tx - _sd*_ty)} else {_cx+_tx}; _yout=if (_ad!=0) then {_cy+ (_sd*_tx + _cd*_ty)} else {_cy+_ty}; _result = [[_xout,_yout,0],2,4.5] call _findFlatGround; _found = _result select 0; }; Wreck_loc = _result select 1; publicvariable "Wreck_Loc"; _bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle Wreck_loc; [_bomb] spawn { waituntil {isNull (_this select 0)}; Wreck setPos [Wreck_loc select 0,Wreck_loc select 1,0]; Wreck setvectorup [0,0,0]; Wreck setdir (random 360); Wreck allowdamage false; Wreck setVelocity [0,0,0];}; ws_initdone = true; publicvariable "ws_initdone";
private ["_caller"]; _caller = _this select 1; ws_uploader = _caller; ws_uploadstarted = true; publicvariable "ws_uploadstarted"; publicvariable "ws_uploader";
ws_upload.sqf (started by a trigger named trgUpload that listens for ws_uploadstarted)
waitUntil {scriptDone f_processParamsArray}; private ["_time","_tick","_nearlist","_dots","_pos"]; _time = f_param_uploadtime; _tick = 0; Wreck removeAction ws_uploadaction; deleteVehicle trgUpload; _pos = getPos ws_uploader; ws_laptop setPos _pos; if (isNil "ws_pickuplaptop") then { ws_pickuplaptop = ws_laptop addAction ["<t color='#dddd00'>"+"Pickup data"+"</t>","ws_scripts\ws_pickuplaptop2.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","((_target distance _this) < 4) && (ws_uploaddone)"]; }; _mkr = createMarker ["LP", _pos]; _mkr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mkr setMarkerType "Dot"; _mkr setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; _mkr setMarkerText "Data"; hintsilent format ["%1 has established connection.",name ws_uploader]; while {_tick != _time} do { _dots = ""; for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { hintsilent format ["Transfering%1",_dots]; _dots = _dots + "."; sleep 0.1;}; sleep 5; _dots = ""; for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { hintsilent format ["Transfering%1",_dots]; _dots = _dots + "."; sleep 0.1;}; sleep 5; _tick = _tick + 10; }; hint format ["Transfer finished, data has been secured."]; ws_uploaddone = true; publicvariable "ws_uploaddone";
As said, the action scripts self work perfectly fine.
What else do you need?
Is the add action shown for every one, or only for some?It should be shown for everyone but not a single unit is able to call it when the bug occurs.
Is there a better documentation for it?
I don't see how it would help me in this particular case as the issue isn't caused by locality problems.
What is the script doing that you call from the addaction?The script (local) itself only flips a variable to true and then makes it publicvar.
A trigger listens to said variable and starts doing stuff (global) when it rings true.
This works perfectly fine in all tests where the action actually does appear (see OP).
Is it maybe just a delay thing? I mean, if you had the time, would the action eventually appear?
Players take about 5-15 minutes to get to the Wreck which doesn't even account for clearing it of hostiles.
Also there's stuff happening in the script after the action is added which works fine so this would be a very weird delay.
Thanks for your advice so far, I might try adding an isServer clause and remove the nil check; if debugging this mission only wouldn't be so painful :S
Exactly what happens when you play 20+ players?Action simply doesn't appear.
Have you tried command setVehicleInitIt might work but aren't BIS significantly changing setVehicleInit due hackers on public servers and it might even be cut entirely? I'm a bit wary of using it.
I might just remove the addAction entirely from the mission init and put it into a trigger that fires once players close in on the crash site.
Maybe try this script. It's not ideal but should work and you should be able to combine it with an addAction.
I'm having a very strange and frustrating issue in a dynamic mission of mine:
In theory an object (Wreck) is placed randomly in Chernarus and after that is done a action is added to it, allowing to start a data transfer.
The problem is that apparently with a certain number of players (20+) this doesn't work reliably: the action isn't added and can't be called. However, it does work as intended when testing locally, alone on a dedi or with 3+ players on a dedi.
The relevant bit of code, executed on all clients:
waituntil {(ws_initdone)}; if (isNil "ws_uploadaction") then { ws_uploadaction = Wreck addAction ["<t color='#dddd00'>"+"Begin transfer"+"</t>","ws_scripts\ws_uploadaction.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","((_target distance _this) < 9) && (group _this != grpRU_Grnd)"]; };
ws_initdone is flipped to true once a good location for the Wreck has been found and it has been placed.
Things I've tried without success:
- Adding the action to the Wreck, then moving it
- adding the action to the Wreck via the unit init field in the editor
I'm at the end of my wits now, any ideas?
thanks for the missions, our server was in dire need of some missions for <20 playercount
I'll post some feedback when we get around playing them.
set the heli + crew to captive and set {_x setCaptive true;}forEach playableUnits; and do the same but in reverse when they have roped down.
if that fails try flagging the heli to allowdamage false
We played it yesterday with a group of 8 and had a great time. A video of our exploits full of girlish screams and delightful panicking is below. In our first attempt we manage to steal satchels from our guards, use them to make the BMP3 bail that appeared a few minutes later and went on a rampage until an angry T-72 took us out. The second try we ran away like the manliest squad of headless chicken and then killed civilians for their vehicles :S
I second the notion to remove grenades from the prison guards. We had one lucky grenade take out our whole squad at the beginning which is a bit cheesy. I added _unit removeMagazines "Handgrenade_East"; in the init_server.sqf which should be sufficient?
Due to our relatively high playercount (easily more than 8) I found it a bit problematic to start with no weapons at all, respectively one rifle and one pistol from the guard. I added a parameter to optionally give each player a pistol + 1 mag at the start (they are spec ops they sure can hide it *somewhere*) and remove the check for a player weapon from the init_server.sqf. To counterbalance that missing check I added an eventhandler to all Player units that triggers when they fire a shot and thus switches the variable for the started escape to true.
Additionally I'm thinking of adding this function for some form of body-armor while reducing "revivability" at the same time.
Btw. I love the structure of your scripts, folders, varnames etc. It's extremely easy to change and adapt things, very well done. As people have already pointed out if you could centralize the class names for all units in a single script that creates the global arrays used by other scripts it would go a long way in making the mission even easier to edit/adapt.
oh and this happened once:
and on a less serious note:
Maybe add BTR-40s to the list of patrolling vehicles? No matter that they are Takistani, they are obviously the most charming rolling deathtraps.
Problem with Ambient Civs not spawning.
in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Could try giving single civilians random patrol routes with BIS_fnc_taskPatrol or upsmon.
Setting their skill to 0 could help reduce server strain but this still isn't the most resourceful method.