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Posts posted by Wolfenswan

  1. If you set enable = 0 you disable ALL the scripted features from that module. What are you trying to do ?

    Our group uses a script-based system to set the AI skill values, as it is easier to tune for our mission makers and can be changed by parameter depending on number of players. To my knowledge ASR_AI3 overrides all script-set skills. I was hoping that we could still use the other features of the module that aren't related to the skill settings.

  2. Are all settings within sysAISKill scope ignored if enabled is set to 0 or does it only affect the setting of the AI skill values? In other words would dynamic view distance and wounding coefficient (etc.) still apply when enabled is 0 ?

  3. GAGI: tpwcas does NOT require ASR_AI. It only detects if it is running and then calls a function to aid in setting unit skills under suppression etc... if tpwcas does Not detect asr_ai it still affects AI's skill.. Just with out the help of asr_ai.

    Does it still do this if ASR_AI skill settings are disabled?

    And if someone could just very quickly sum up how to correctly setup TPWCAS on a HC it would be appreciated. Do I only need to install the mod in the HC's directory, settings identical to dedi and run it with whatever the setting for "HC mode" is? The dedicated server is running the "dedi only" mode, no clients are running TPWCAS.

    And a third question:

    Is there a point in enabling TPWCAS's search cover functionality if ASR_AI3 is running?

  4. Hey,

    I just realized that the groupMarker page on the wiki is indeed lacking a "adding custom groups" entry. I'll fix that when I get around to it.

    For now, adding a group just means adding another line like

    ["GrpNATO_ASL", 0, "ASL", "ColorRed"] spawn f_fnc_localGroupMarker;

    In your example that would be

    ["INFGRP1", 1, "What the marker text will show", "ColorRed"] spawn f_fnc_localGroupMarker;

    This has to be added in the correct faction scope ofc.

    The number refers to the shape of the marker. You can see which refers to what on the wiki page.

  5. So I've got your orbat notes, Set group ID and JoinGroup scripts working. Only thing I'm missing is the map markers to show positions of orbats on the map. Is that supposed to be handled in the OrbatNotes.sqf or do I need to run the GroupMarker scripts as well?

    The latter.

    I'm trying to have it so only 1 orbat marker is shown per group, all coloured blue, with the marker denoted as infantry, air, armour etc. I don't need a marker indicating the medic or anything like that, just 1 per group.

    To remove the Medic markers, just remove the lines in the groupMarker script where it refers to a specific unit, such as

    ["UnitNATO_CO_M", 0, "COM", "ColorBlack"] spawn f_fnc_localSpecialistMarker;

    So if I have 6 groups of 8 infantry units, what scripts do I need to modify so only 1 marker for all 6 groups shows up?

    This is somewhat tricky as the groupMarker component is made with only one group per marker in mind. You could only run it for the first group but then it would obviously stop working once that group is dead. Have you had a look at the in-game modules for displaying ORBATs? Maybe they are closer to what you want to achieve.

    If there is an alternative method of contact I could use that would probably be a lot easier, at least for me

    The forum's cool, I tend to check it every few days. I'm also active in the armadev sub-reddit if you use that.


    An easy way to do this would be to add a new variable containg the rifle classes

    _rifleRandom = ["rifle1","rifle2"];

    and then at every instance where a unittype uses _rifle class replace

    _unit addWeapon _rifle;


    _unit addWeapon (_rifleRandom call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);

    This assumes they all use the same magazines. If magazines differ it's doable too though.

  6. Use -showScriptErrors and try removing/commenting the common local variables script. If you don't get any complaints about variables missing you should be good.

    And a question: Are you able to assign a variable with weapon classnames in the default role in the assign gear script? I was thinking about letting rifleman players have random variants of the Mk18. Is that possible? Else I would really suggest that as I love the randomization of helmets and uniforms/vests.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Do you want weapon selection to work like uniform selection? So _rifle would be an array?

  7. Hey phant,

    f_fnc_setGroupID is defined in the part from description.ext you've quoted. You can read more about the function library here. In a nutshell it looks for a file in the given path "scripts/f/setGroupID", named as set in the class below (setGroupID{}) and prefixed with a fn_; in this case for fn_setGroupID.sqf. This is then compiled as f_fnc_setGroupID.

    So if you've moved the file to let's say "framework/myGroupIDs/fn_setGroupID.sqf" then your description.ext part should look like

    class setGroupID


    file = "framework/myGroupIDs";

    class setGroupID{};


    If you keep the default folder structure then the group IDs work out-of-the-box with the pre-placed groups and how to add custom groups is explained in the wiki. But feel free to suggest an addendum or explain where it's lacking. Thanks for the feedback.

  8. I really like the framework, especially the briefing part, but I like to make missions with non-standard factions. Is it possible to do a side detection instead of a faction?

    It's rather easy to do, at the top you'd just replace the "faction player" with "side player" and check for the side instead of the faction further down. But you can also add/replace custom factions easily. If you're ingame just slot as a unit of said faction and put "faction player" in one of the monitor fields of the debug console. You can then use this in briefing/assignGear scripts. Check the FIA lines for an example on how to give multiple factions the same briefing/gear.

    If you want I can post proper code examples once I get home.

    A general note on simple wounding system:

    Please let us know if you're using the new wounding system and any issues you encounter, as well as general feedback. We've tested it as extensively as we're able to and don't know of any outstanding bugs. But as with all brand new features unforeseen things can happen, especially with the multitude of various configurations that exist for Arma. One thing we know of that might cause possible issues is heavy desync on client-side at mission start. To prevent this tripping up SWS you can increase the initial sleep in line 39 in f/simplewoundingsystem/init.sqf

  9. I would like to create a squad that is larger than the default fire-team size. I would like an 11 man squad comprised of: SL, AR, AAR, AT (RPG), Medic (used the "_ASL_M" so the map marker appears), X5 rifleman, and a FTL

    Adjusting the load-outs and description of each unit is done but I would like the the group markers to appear but I can't seem to be able to name each units properly to have the group markers appear. I assume that the group markers are tied to the unit name so, because I cannot duplicate the name of a unit, I cannot have the group markers appear. Is there any thing I can alter to allow the functionality of the group markers for my custom squad?

    EDIT: It was only during the editor preview that the group markers didn't show up. On the dedicated server everything was good.

    Are you refering to the Group Markers that indicate the group location (like "A1" etc.) or the markers for the fireteam units (the little triangles)? The latter should work by default but the coloring won't due to code restrictions. A fix/improvement that'll let you set the colors more easily is in the pipeline but probably only for the release after the next one. For now, open f\common\f_setTeamColours.sqf and remove the line where it checks if the fire team is bigger than 4. If you can't find I can dig up the exact line for you, just not at my PC atm.

    Edit: Just saw your Edit. I'll leave this standing here in case as it might come up anyway.

  10. Hi F3 team.

    I've been using F3 group markers for all my missions and it worked just great for vanilla units and factions (NATO, CSAT, AAF, FIA). Currently I'm building a mission using "Russians" addon and I can't make the group markers appear on the map. I tried to change:

    case "AAF":


    case "sud_russians":

    in the folk_setLocalGroupMarkers.sqf but that didn't work. Could you give me a hint on how to add third party factions to the group marker script?

    EDIT: I discovered that the class name for Russains is SUD_RU, but that doesn't work as well...

    Hey CaptainGalaxy,

    there shouldn't be a

    case "AAF":

    anywhere in that file, as aaf is not a correct faction designation and it should be

    case "ind_f":

    That aside, replacing the faction name is the correct method. I don't know the addon you're using but the easiest way to find out the faction you need is to launch a quick mission with the player as a unit of the faction and put

    faction player

    in the debug console.

    If you have the correction faction but it still doesn't work, make sure you've assigned the correct group names as well.

    To help trouble-shooting you can also but this at the bottom of folk_setLocalGroupMarkers.sqf:

    ["UnitAAF_CSL_M", 0, "CM", "ColorBlack"] spawn f_fnc_localSpecialistMarker;
       [color="#000080"]default {player globalchat format ["%1 is not defined!",_unitfaction]};[/color]

    It'll display an error message should you're using a wrong faction. Not that you need to put the blue parts between the last two }; and not at the total end of the file.

    Let me know if that helps.

  11. I have changed the platoon structure, and assign gear script (different weapons ,less players, less/different roles). When a player joins the server after the mission started he gets the gear normally only if he picks a role in an empty group (the first player in this group/fiteteam).

    I think its just a JOIP problem. Is there anyway to make JOIP players call the assign gear script without using the JOIP options dialog (kit picker)? *kit picker doesnt seem to work, I am playing on a non dedicated server and it gives gear to the host only*

    Hey goldenfiver,

    Is AI enabled on those slots? The gear script should run when units are initialized, so if the AI is present they should get the adequate gear. However due to some quirks in A3 is is currently run only on the server (or the host in a non-dedicated environment) which explains your issue. We're still trying to figure out a good way to solve this.

    This is experimental, but try replacing the usual gear stuff with this in the unit init:

    [["r",this],"f_fnc_folk_assignGear",false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

    "r" is the gear obviously. If that doesn't work try replacing the false with true.

  12. We ran our first successful 35+ players session yesterday without any hick-ups and constantly high server (40+) FPS. 1.10 stable seems to be a vast improvement.

    Links lead to screenshots of bandwith/FPS graphs.

    36 Player adversarial, no AI.

    37 Player coop, 186 AI (all present at start), using global caching (hideObject and disabling Simulation).

    Same Coop further in (players dropped)

    The minimal FPS (grey) are somewhat weird, but might be due to the (un)caching of groups. It's safe to assume that even without caching missions with <100 AI should be playable with those player counts. A headless client does not appear a necessity but might be worth investigating for higher player counts.

    Client FPS was not massively affected by caching as there was no Fog present and thus GPU provided the bottleneck for most ppl. However, in single testings before it became clear that even with light fog caching can provide a significant FPS boost (up to 10) as the GPU stops bottlenecking the system and the CPU is relieved.

    This is the caching solution I used in the missions. This was the COOP played.

    Server CPU:

    xeon e3-1245v2 @ 3.4ghz













    class sockets




  13. The guide contains some outdated information though, essence is still true however.

    Anyway as you're writing for A3 you can save yourself A LOT of headaches with bis_fnc_MP as well as the expanded functionality of the function library. (Instead of using publicVariables and publicVariableEventhandlers for ugly workarounds).

    Locality can still be a PITA, depending on how complex your scripting is. I'd also suggest to not consider JIP-compatibility unless you absolutely have to.

  14. now i dont want to seem ungrateful but what would be awesome for the interface (opposed to editing txt files) would be an admin login while in game and a series of sliders or input method in order to change/test on the fly.

    You can't modify the cfgAISkill entries inside/during a mission (which is what the addon does). Using the debug console you can setSkill individual units however.
