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Everything posted by naizarak

  1. So hypothetically, if all players had good connections and were guaranteed to be connected for the entire duration of the match, you could run all your scripts on clients and get the same results as if running them on the server? Also, you mentioned that certain scripts can be explicitly run locally. What would happen in that case? Using the createVehicle "truck" example, if this code were run locally for a client, how would it be represented in game? Would the vehicle only appear on that client's PC, and would no one else be able to see it?
  2. it takes most people about 3-6 months to realize that public arma is garbage, and you need to join a private community instead not sure why a 12yr vet wouldn't know this already
  3. naizarak

    My idea about AI

    the core problem isn't computing horsepower but the AI algorithms themselves. there's a reason most games have garbage AI: it's difficult and costly to implement properly. the arma headless client was developed to address server optimization. basically arma would run on only 1 core, and having large numbers of AI would severly degrade performance. the headless client allows you to offload the AI calculations to a separate machine(or the same server, just run as a seperate arma process). that way you could make arma utilize multiple cores by essentially running multiple instances of the game. a fairly simple fix that doesn't require extensive code modification. so anyways the headless client just allows for more AI to be present at any one time, it doesn't actually make them smarter
  4. naizarak


    hopefully not. i prefer installing and managing mods myself, especially for a game as mod-focused as arma. it makes me cringe just thinking of letting steam auto-manage my mods. what a mess that would be
  5. naizarak

    What REALLY helped me to improve performance

    sorry to burst your bubble but all the "performance" parameters were really only used back when arma 2 was launched. using them now is basically a placebo effect
  6. naizarak

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    things that have helped me: 1. disable shadows. i didn't really notice any graphical improvements but it boosted fps alot 2. lower clouds 3. lower hdr 4. Don't use AA. This is a biggie because AA gives you a good graphics boost but really kills your FPS more than anything else. I've found that playing with either fxaa/msaa is a viable substitute with practically no performance loss. Fxaa also has the added benefit of sharpening the in-game image, which you may like. If none of these help then just try setting everything to absolute minimums and running from there. If you still get FPS issues then it's most like a CPU problem, and you'll either have to wait for updates or buy a new system.
  7. naizarak

    Bug Report - Heads bent over in vehicles.

    yes confirmed for the 1000th time
  8. naizarak

    Mirrors on vehicles

    i have PiP set to low and mirrors look great to me. good quality with smooth playback. in fact i've only noticed a very marginal improvement from low to ultra, including the vehicle displays.
  9. yep came in here for info about ACE. i suggest you change the title
  10. yeah the low-res terrain textures have really been bugging me. i mean arma 2 looks better at this point, and it runs a little better, too.
  11. naizarak

    Works on FreeBSD and Linux with Wine

    tip: take this to a linux forum. no one here cares. btw good luck at running this at more than 5fps
  12. naizarak

    FIX the SDAR UW SMG, Does not do damage

    make sure you're using standard mags. also make sure you compensate for the 50m zeroing
  13. naizarak

    We need this to be optimized.

    so tired of these people talking about "optimization" like its some sort of magic entity. im not a game developer. i don't know how "optimization" works. i don't pretend to. i don't make asinine posts like "WE NEED MORE OPTIMIZATION!!111!" if you can't run the game well then upgrade your computer. the devs aren't going to magically boost your FPS.
  14. and this is why public servers are practically nonexistent in arma2
  15. naizarak

    ArmA 3 missing from the BI store?

    so any word on the regular editions?
  16. naizarak

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    OP if you're using a phenomII that might be the problem. say what you want but they're a very dated platform and I wouldn't be surprised if it's bottlenecking your vid. card.
  17. naizarak

    Diamond Ironsights, Why?

    diamond sights are better because of their sharply defined perpendicular lines. makes looking through them a little easier on the eyes and lining-up targets is also a little easier.
  18. So I had the Arma 3 alpha in my shopping cart ready to purchase for $25, but the store would never load. Now it's gone and they don't even have the game on the website. Seriously wtf. I'm expecting to get the game for that price now.
  19. naizarak

    Bistore closed

    So...when are they putting the regular versions back on the BIStore? I want my $8 discount lol
  20. naizarak

    Arma 3 first impressions

    To be generous, let's assume BIS started working on arma 3 in 2010. That's 3 years of work. The game is set to release in a about half a year. That's roughly 20% development time left until launch. The entire point of the alpha/beta is to fix bugs, not add new features. If something isn't already included then odds are it won't be in the final release, either. That said, Arma games have always been a rolling beta build, and BIS is constantly working on the game post-launch.
  21. naizarak

    Settings and FPS

    Your CPU won't keep up, don't even bother installing.
  22. Not to be pushy but a UI redesign should be your top priority. I've tried six updater so many times with arma 2 and then uninstalled each time because it was just a headache to navigate. Gonna give it another try with arma 3 because this program has a lot of potential. btw, is six updater the defacto mod browser for arma 3? Will we still be able to use mod folders? Will the steam workshop be integrated in any way? Thanks.
  23. naizarak

    alpha invite started?

    yes if you buy arma 3 now you'll get to play now