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About capnsully

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  1. capnsully


    Tx. For those that ask, just search for 'Plausible CBD' over at the xp org site. I built over 50 buildings then placed them accurately-ish, then had fun lighting them for night! But wowsers, as a scenery nut I spilt my load when I saw the ToH versions with their reflections!
  2. Hi, I'm a brand new member here, just picked up ToH and the Hind prepay pack, I have to say BI have done a fantastic job! If you see my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/id5556, you'll see I'm mainly into X-Plane, but hell, I'm always open to new good sims, and this is pretty darned good! I bagged the ToH Community preview for its flight model, but the latest version is excellent, challenging but not ridiculously slow (but I ain't tried it in windy settings yet). The daytime Seattle is superb, those building reflections! Great fps too with my 560 OC Ti. One criticism I have is the night look, pretty bland and lacklustre compared to xp10 (check out my Seattle CBD scenery and night/fog demo for 10), but as ever I'm sure things will improve. Can't wait for the Hind addon, and I'll join the queue if you make any more scenery addons! I'm already playing with the cool editor, even with a dozen helis flying around the frames are great! Simon