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Everything posted by p0inT

  1. Hey, i have looked through a few guides, but none of them works for what i want to do, and i can´t find any answers to it either. What i want is this: Ai group go into a staying helicopter > helicopter takes off when all of them is abord, that it, my main problem is to get the helicopter to stay and wait for them, so what am i suppose to do?
  2. p0inT

    MARPAT Request

    thats not what i mean its the design of the pant because, for example the regular FROG,and MCCUU doesn't have integrated kneepads ;) EDIT: but i look good besides that, its a nice re-texture
  3. p0inT

    MARPAT Request

    Well you all need to change the uniform because it the picture "mycatsaid" gave it look like AOR1 crye uniform which the Seals use, it does look cool though, but properly not what people want!
  4. I would like to help, but like Archosaurusrev i cant mod either, but i got alot gear knowledge, by allmost all US mil. at that time!
  5. Iam trying to make a smaller unit(2-3) to go in a small heli, but even if i set a waypoint beside the geltin-out postion it Will still go around, to the postion and THEN get in???
  6. I have another problem, when the ai goes in heli it gods behind, to the side, and then it goes into it. Why is that, and is there way to make them go in it directly?
  7. Thanks :D, kindy awkward way to it though.