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Everything posted by PeteWaddell

  1. PeteWaddell

    Funny fails or awsome moments!

    My MK82 once locked on to a chicken :cool:
  2. PeteWaddell

    [SP] Day At The Airbase (A2 / AO)

    What a fantastic mission! Thankyou for your work!
  3. PeteWaddell

    Blackfox34 Presents:

    Hey man, Great work!! Just one problem... I tried the Strike force mission in Afghanistan with my mate and when the heli landed we had no weapons. Whats up with that? looool ;)
  4. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Check this out! An M1129 infront of me triggers an IED, disabling the vehicle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R37xVw8mZ64
  5. PeteWaddell

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    I think I am in Love.
  6. Someone might have already asked this but I dont have the time to read right now (bout to leave somewhere)... So If I decide to partner up with youtube so I can upload long video's n stuff and maybe even earn a small profit from them.. can I just send in that Legal note (filled out) and ask if thats it? Like one approval and I can upload videos off the hook? Or must I send them a thingy every time I want to upload an arma video? :butbut:
  7. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Nice video's guys ^^ Here is a HMMV running over a mine at a gas station. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHzaKaR4IYo
  8. Thankyou for the release Zodd!
  9. Hi all. I was just wondering how to Remove Script Errors? I have the box on GameProfile that says 'ShowScriptErrors' un-ticked but when I take off from a carrier in-game i have a black box with white writing errors in it :(
  10. Hi all. Hope this is the right spot for my post. I bought British Armed Forces from steam a day or two ago and I am not sure how to get it to work. I have CO (from steam also). I have searched the net and cannot find any help! I have tried moving the 'BAF' folder to my main folder but A2 launcher cannot find it.
  11. What are you talking about?
  12. The folder is still in its original spot, and I cannot Launch Arma 2 from Steam and I cannot launch it from its directory, it gets a weird error... so I launch them through Arma 2 Launcher (with mods or Vanilla) BAF folder is located in OA directory/DLCsetup
  13. Thanks for the Reply. The British Armed Forces Soldiers and Vehicles are blurry and not H (just like the lite version)
  14. PeteWaddell

    Fireing UH-1Y Venom guns/rockets

    Should be 'F'. Check your Controls options to find keys for things in the future :cool:
  15. Hello all! So I am really keen to do a machinima, I have been playing Arma 2 for quite a while so its nothing too new. But I know nothing about scripting :/ I saw this video: I am not sure if it is the way I should be doing it but I always get an error saying: Missing ; .. and I have tried putting that at the end.Also, I saw this video: and thought it was really cool with the Animations.. like he wasn't walking like you normally do in Arma. I want to have access to some animations like hands up (not on back of head) and others.... So if you can provide any help, that would be appreciated. Cheers, PVT. Pete
  16. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

  17. Hello all. I am new to Arma 2 MODDING and Addons. (also the forums) A few days ago I learned SixUpdater and how it works. Of course I am still learning, I don't know much about it but I sure have been downloading some nice maps! (Panthea, Lingor, Fallujah) Anyways, A video on youtube back then caught my eye. The korengal Valley. A mate of mine said its called 'Kunar Province in game, so I searched it up on SixUpdater and found nothing. After that I saw it available for download on Armaholic.com . I downloaded it, and all I got was a .txt file with some credits or something and a .pbo file. I made a folder called @Kunar and put the single .pbo file that i downloaded into there, then put it in my arma 2 folder wherethe other maps are located (which I got from SixUpdater) The map does not show in game. So what I am asking is.. What am I doing wrong? And are there any other simple ways of doing it? Thanks for your time.
  18. Cheers mate. I will now take this convo to private messages.. If anyone has the same problem, shoot me a Private Message and I can hook you up !
  19. Hang on.. thanks, but back to where we were talking about the modline. I download this, put it in my folder with the other @maps and it will work? Sorry, I find it hard to understand when trying to learn this stuff with new software. Edit: Luckily this time, I found Clafgan on SixUpdater. But that's not it, I would still like to learn this.
  20. And I can access the Target line by looking into properties? I will look more into this tomorrow, thanks alot Exikutioner, and Kremator.
  21. Hey buddy, I'm no expert, I am new to this as well but I would highly recommend using a program called 'SixUpdater'. Its easy once you get the hang of it. Things like ACE and downloading maps are so much easier. It is designed for Mods. You launch them through SixUpdater and there are options to how you launch the game. If you are interested I have saved you the trouble - https://dev-heaven.net/projects/six-arma-updater/files :D I hope this post is not way off topic.
  22. Thankyou for your Reply Kremator. I was going to post this in the 'Troubleshooting' Section, but the Description of that forum pointed me towards asking in the addons/mods section. So.. is it alright if I continue this conversation? Should I move it? Where to? -- What is a modline, do I put it at the end, or a new line?