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Everything posted by fs_twister

  1. This is a multiplayer or single player (via new local LAN game) RTS war simulation style mission that can be played either coop, with AI commanders, PVP, or single player. Two teams start with supply points that allows them to purchase groups and units from the start of the game and then use them to fight the opposing faction or capture and hold areas by moving mobile command vehicles in a free area. There are two modes: destruction and domination which determine how score and supply points are given to BLUEFOR and OPFOR teams (either by killed units or number of areas captured over the other faction). First team to reach score limit wins! You don't have to command if you don't want, but just leave AI to do the work and you take a tank or squad and jump in the battle as a simple soldier. There are almost infinite ways you can play this mission. You can get the feeling of this mission battles from this video (early RHS version with some extra add-ons): Download: Vanilla on Altis: - From Adrive - From Steam workshop RHS Mod US Army vs Russia: - From Adrive - Steam workshop RHS Mod US Army vs Russia on Chernarus: - From Adrive - Steam workshop Enjoy! Features: - Totally random generated every run; - Highly customizable (from MP parameters); - Can be played with up 8 players (4 vs 4) - if you find performance to deteriorate please lower max number of units from parameters; - Can be played COOP only against enemy AI commander; - Intense unscripted and random action with every play; - Each side has an "intelligent" AI commander slot that can play the mission by itself (this allows for just 1 player to play against AI or 4 players coop); - Purchase units, groups and empty vehicles and rearm using Arsenal at base thought the game. - Total air and land warfare using most of the units&vehicles in Arma 3. - You can play RTS style as commander of entire army or just as simple team leaders leaving the AI to do the work; - Designed for quick random experiences every play (with default settings a game lasts 30 minutes but can be set to last for hours and cover entire map if desired). - Can be played in from SP scenarios with default parameters in destruction mode (to play SP with full experience please create a new LAN game and change parameters as needed). To be added in the futures SP only parameters. - If you are not fancy of the high command module then do not slot the first slot in each side and AI will take over and lead the battle for you, giving you a break to lead a fire team into intense action as you desire. Use high command to get an birds eye view of the situation on the map. Also registered in the MANW competition: http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/kTgjeGxfV6 Update #1 - 17th of Nov: - fixed hud not showing on lower screen resolutions (funds, score) - added Chernarus RHS version
  2. fs_twister

    [SP / MP] RealBattle RTS

    I've fixed the hud not showing up with score and funds available and also as requested added a Chernarus RHS version. You can find the links on first post.
  3. fs_twister

    [SP / MP] RealBattle RTS

    Thanks Kremator! To be honest I'm not sure what could explain the frozen units, but I will look in the code. Teleport to units is a very good idea and should be straight forward to implement, I'm also missing that. With the ability to see how much funds you have, this is already there, however I just discovered over the weekend following some comments from the Steam Workshop that my hud will only show on 1920x1080 resolutions. I'm trying to wrap my head around this and see how to make positioning of the RscText relative to screen size as they are supposed to show in top left corner of the screen. Current hud is showing Side_funds$ WEST_score / EAST_score (Score Limit), but only users with above screen resolution are able to see it.
  4. fs_twister

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    Hi, I'm currently working on a ACE MSO adaptation with heavily customised BIS Warfare module (e.g. ACE equipment added, etc.) mostly for my SP LAN use. I was getting very poor performance and in the process I've disabled some modules that were not critical for my type of mission (e.g. Animals, air/sea traffic, database, NOMAD), but it didn't seem to help. The breaktrough came when disabling the town manager module. Before I had very poor performance (e.g. markers on map took a minute to update when capturing WF elements, warfare menus took ages to load.) Most importantly the overall game and framerate was totally laggy. Almost unplayable if AI count went over 200. After disabling the town manager module all of these were solved and frame rate came back to soemthing similar to default warfare, menus loaded imediatly. The AI count was overall similar like before (200+) but game works quite well from the tests I managed to make. I had to also stop the IED module same time since it get and error, but EnemyPop and CQ modules still seem to work without issues. What I suspect to have caused my poor performance is the fact that Town Manager creates triggers for every town on the map (I was playing on Chernarus) and these triggers are then checked very often per second (I read it someplace but I don't remember the exact number) wich eat up a lot of the processor cycles. Since Chernarus have 40+ cities this behaviour might confirm why it took over a minute to see an update on the map. I'm not sure how this will translate on a dedicated server, but just wanted to highlight this in case it might help some other SP LAN players with poor perfomance. For my mission I just disabled the module, since I had similar functionality in the warfare module, but a solution, in case this is really something that can save some fps on dedicated servers, might be to replace the triggers witha a script that runs once every e.g. 10 seconds and checks the number of east, west, etc unitis in a XXX meters radius of each town and then does the rest of the things (e.g. updates the markers and HUMITN). This is likely to eat up less cpu cycles thant 40 triggers checking every x frames. Hope it helps!
  5. fs_twister

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    I've been playing GITS Evolution mostly in single player LAN with multiple saves (very limited time for a propper online session during the week). That 12 respawn bug really ruined me a couple of started games and I was really liking the modded experience, so this weekend I've decided to mod by myself the standard missions which appeared worked just fine (could respawn indefinetly). After a whole day of trial and error I think I discovere the root cause, so hope this can help if you did not found it already. On my end the problem appeared only when adding the RKSL Eurofighter jet (which is one of the best planes I could fly in ARMA). Without it I can play it just fine with extra weapons and some of the other planes/vehicles from the modded missions. As soon as that is added the 12 respawn bug appears. I died a lot during the weekend to test the theory in all the maps ;) Hope this helps! Thanks for the great work you guys did on this mission and hope to join sometimes on your public server as well. Alex