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Everything posted by fraczek
I agree and thanks for considering lowering inside of vehicle noise in 2.0. During the occassions I had a ride in a chopper or plane, we had headsets that worked quite well (ehm, the noise *is* excessive in a chopper or prop plane at max power even with them but you can still hear each other pretty well). Even in the back of a (modern) APC without headsets, we heard each other. I guess every crewmember in Arma3 would use one. So thanks for tweaking the inside sounds, and looking forward to more releases!
Yes, it reminds me of Space Invaders - shooting at yellow or blue glowing triangles...Although SI were more fun. Probably the only things they slowed down would be the already-slow-as-molasses jets...
Vacation in Northern Czech Repubic - Need help identifying vehicles
fraczek replied to dustpuppy's topic in OFFTOPIC
Well, as they had been manufactured right into the 80s, are very reliable (apart from cold starting the earlier models in winter - ether or burning gas soaked newspaper in the air induction was your friend...) and sturdy very offroad construction, "repairable with a hammer", a lot of them still serve in the more remote/mountainous areas. Although you don't want to be driving behind one in the city in a cabrio, lol. One Czech NGO even brought a couple of Pragas into Haiti for the post-earthquake reconstruction efforts, where they served admirably in a country with most infrastucture and roads destroyed. -
OK, on servers which forbid "aiming cycles", just use the sights key (default, NUM ZERO or Right Mouse Button) and zero the sight for appropriate range, what's the problem with that?
try search before posting :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150405-Grenade-Launcher-sight&highlight=grenade+sight tl;dr: 1) missing? since when? it's on every rifle with UGL equipped. 2) there is either the aiming cursor or iron sights key (depending on difficulty) to aim, what could be simpler? 3) zeroing
TPW BLEEDOUT: realistic bleeding system for Arma 3
fraczek replied to tpw's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Another great addition! Two questions / a suggestion: 1) MP friendly? 2) the bleeding out speed is linear? How about making it a curve? Meaning with low damage you bleed out slowly (possibly with very low damage like from a small fall even stops after while), and with more damage the speed increases? To account for big wounds needing immediate CAT or battledressing. -
Vacation in Northern Czech Repubic - Need help identifying vehicles
fraczek replied to dustpuppy's topic in OFFTOPIC
Well, it was featured in Arma 2 as civilian and NAPA truck. The white car in your photo is a Skoda 130RS. BTW, you can look most of them up e.g. on that website -
Terrain Improvement (dev branch)
fraczek replied to NordKindchen's topic in ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH
theoretically, should be easy* to test, no? Just upsampling the whole default one 4x and adding some quick random noise (to account for GFX cards tex compression possibly skewing the results). Might see then whether your computer coremelts or not :) *) disclaimer - I have no idea how the satmask and various texture layers are binarised in the [island].pbo and how the texture size relates to terrain grid size... -
Excellent news! Good to have you back!
Any new impressions after the july 30 and later DEV branch heli changes? I haven't played at all during the summer (preferring outdoors :D) plus perhaps others...
TPW, great to have your mod back for A3! Yours (or later TPWCAS) with Robalo's I used all the time in A2 SP...
Several I think. Although it would be good if Ezcoo could add his nicely summarized technical explanation to the active one...
Mapping player movements and coordinates?
fraczek replied to WarfighterOne's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Are you possibly looking for UnitCapture / UnitPlay script commands? These two would, IIRC, do exactly what you want (introduced in A2 OA, intended exactly for that and used by BIS in their own A2 OA campaign for heli insertions). See this forum thread or google UnitCapture UnitPlay. -
(Arma 2 Ace) How does the CCPR for Bombs like MK82 are working in Arma 2 ACE?
fraczek replied to feldmaus's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
Nope. Please reread the relevant part below. For GBUs, it locks on the laser target somebody else is painting for you. IIRC your onboard computer just tells you when the laser target for the GBU is in range of the guided bomb - being a bomb, it can't maneuver enough to hit a target that's outside its flight envelope, it can just correct its path a bit (unlike old A2 GBUs, which, at least until a certain patch, IIRC, maneuvered more like a missile). Mind you, somebody else has to do the laser painting, be it a JTAC on the ground or another plane or helicopter. As far as I know, AN/AAQ-33 or LANTIRN (target acquisition, automatic tracking and laser designation pod by the singleseater attack aircraft itself) is not modelled in ACE, probably due to engine limitations or the fact that Arma 2 A-10s are model A (IIRC), which didn't have such pods yet. Feldmaus, if you do a youtube search for , several video guides on the whole concept pop up, some of them by our respective author NouberNou himself. These might help you as well.And just be advised, usualy at least from what I gleaned from observing the moderators' work on these forums, it's a (perhaps unwritten) policy to ask questions about mods in the mod's own thread, and not a new thread in the general forums. -
Have you tried binding scroll wheel to analog throttle? In recent DEV branch update, they changed the way digital collective works when mapped to gamepad axis (previously, it was unplayable with collective on gamepad axis, because you would drop unless you held the gamepad up as it interpreted the center position as 0 collective, instead of the "autocollective" keyboard has). Perhaps the change had improved scroll wheel collective as well? I can't test it myself, no A3 access ATM, but try playing with assigning scroll wheel to either digital collective or analog collective. You can obviously unbind the scroll wheel from action menu and use ],[ keys for that. Also, there is this GlovePIE script somebody made back in Arma2 that emulated the scroll wheel into analog axis for throttle - should be on the forums if you search for glovepie. As to heli FM, I can't get anything else than xH-9 into a nose-down funnel. I know these heavier helis should not be so agile, but at least a wide nose-down funnel should be somewhat possible, or what do the simmers here think? Same with hard breaking to side to lose forward speed - it was way too easy in A2 with any medium heli (to the extent the airframe/rotor would probably overload in RL) - now it's the other way around, almost impossible, the medium helis seem to behave more like a Hind in attack run to me.
Backpacks, looting, stealing, teamkilling
fraczek replied to BlackBalsam's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Why why why? Why do people create another senseless thread about all their complaints? Please DO search before posting! There are several threads already about player community ingame. We don't need the forums to be same mess as you allude the game is (all the while talking about one custom mission mode). No thanks. As to your other complains, there are threads discussing them as well. Otherwise it's just trollin' ... -
Re tha falling animation, has there been any news on enabling script ragdolling player for mods to use? I still see that as one of the most important additions (script initiated player ragdoll) for most mods (ACE,...). It would just open so much possibilities with any more advancded mediacal/physical system ACE and similar are probably gonna use...
Come on "HUD Hipsters", the new functionality of F key is actually logical, it is in design with most User Interface guidelines ("do not make controls with dofferent action depending on their state"), and is perfect. BTW, you can still keybind whatever you want to Show extended hud in the options.
Portable missile launchers, have fun on public servers
fraczek replied to Qosmius's topic in ARMA 3 - BETA DISCUSSION
The "2035" argument is kind of moot, IMHO. Laws of physics are not changing in 20 years - last I heard, E=MC^2. bAs well as most missile systems are only increasing in weight as the defences get better. Just compare Panzerfaust to RPG (7V to 7VL to 7VR) to MAAWS to Dragon to Javelin. IMHO, the weight/volume of missile "ammo" needs to be seriously increased. Not just for PvP games' balancing sake, for reality's sake! NLAW/RPG-42 need to be one shot disposable, or (because the current game system probably only allows for separate weapon and ammo, and reload animations are already made) the weight/volume of their "ammo" needs to reflect carrying another full tube. As for AA, full system weights ±16kg. There is no way to get much around that, even in 2035 - the missile needs propellant, and with more maneuvrable jets/helis in 2035, it needs even more propellant than in 1980. There is no way to make the propellant weight just 1/4 by magic. It is more than probable that in 2035, the weight of most missiles would only INCREASE, because of targets' better countermeasures or maneuvrability (i.e. RPG-7V vs RPG-7VL to RPG-7VR). Current AT teams carry one CLU loaded on tube per leader, with supplemental members carrying two tubes each at most. Because they also have around 30-40kg just of personal gear (clothing, bal.vest with SAPI plates is about 20-30kg, helmet, food, not counting mags and the rifle plus handgun...). I had high hopes for the newly implemented weight/volume system. But I think needs some serious tweaking, or we will just have to wait for Arma3 ACE. Of course mission designers can get around that with more restrictive gear selection, no V.A.S. full of everything, etc. ---------- Post added at 20:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:17 ---------- Actually, I almost think the situation with weight was BETTER in vanilla Arma 2 and some* missiles, where one AA "ammo" would take up almost your whole inventory (even though it was weightless). [* only some - AA and Javelin/Metis. The others you could take way too many] ---------- Post added at 20:26 ---------- Previous post was at 20:19 ---------- Exactly. It might be even worse now, because doesn't it allow you now to carry a heavy antimaterial rifle plus AT and several rockets? (I might be mistaken though). With only a little more pausing to catch breath? -
The problem as I see it (and I myself would like to play without TAB lock), and voiced previously, how would that work with AI? Your AI gunner in the typical Longbow? He is doing exactly that, IFF'ing targets via FLIR, which than show on the aproximation of intercrew communications and communications with HQ/JTAC on the ground which we call "radar". We can't have everything in a game that tries to have everything from infantry to vehicles to rotary to fixedwing to underwater...There is always an aproximation how all the systems, which rely on many many people in the air, on the ground, back at the HQ, etc work. Because if there weren't, there would be no need for BIS to develop VBS, they could just market Arma 3 to militaries worldwide. Of course, then it wouldn't be affordable to yours truly. And you can't remove one feature from a sandbox game, that is played in all sorts of ways, to satisfy just one part of the gaming crowd. Please see the earlier Arma 2 Community Configuration Project for all sorts of issues removing just one part of the complex game brought. Sure, we could remove the radar altogether. But I guess SP players wouldn't be too happy that their AI gunned 50M$ choppers are now little more than a Sopwith Camel. Giving AI gunner fire commands from the 2 target menu? That would be a joke. Right-clicking targets you can't even visualy see as a pilot to "show" them to the FLIR 50x zoom equipped AI gunner? Some posters in this thread can't see the broader picture it seems to me. This game is not about PvP CTI (I always felt funny about those Warfare players talking about realism and then solo playing, "buying" units - just give them a set of deployed units, limited reinforcements and that should be all), it's not about pure PvP, it's not about COOP, it's not about SP, it's about all of them! So it's pretty hard to satisfy them all when removing something would limit the other players. Of course there are ways this could be partly resolved. Give mission/mod makers more tools, like those config values proposed by Kju: (btw, I took the time to read through your Biki post Kju, and it's got excellent ideas).
Realistic navigation difficulty setting??
fraczek replied to Wolfstriked's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
But you are still describing just a mission difficulty idea :) (there are other missions than Domination clones...<g>) Perhaps better take this into Arma 3 - Beta User Missions subforum request thread ? Since it seems it's more about mission mechanics than game mechanics (all that you describe would be possible to implement in a mission already without any game changes - apart from the red circle where I fully agree it should be set in server diff. settings - I think there is even a way to disallow map marker syncing - ACE does it and, and you can disable all chat channels in server settings which could disable global/side/group markers as well). And since it pertains to one specific subtype of missions (Domination clones), I just think it better be discussed there. Although I like all your points, I like the forums tidy as well :D Although you are all free to disagree with me and that it belongs here of course! -
Impact cloudlets(including blood) and wound textures - how to remove from arma
fraczek replied to xceptionZERO's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
I guess you would have to change the HitEffects class for your ammo class? Six Config Browser is your friend :) Also - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgAmmo_Config_Reference -
Taking the scroll menu to the chopping block
fraczek replied to CiberX15's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Exactly. Having the scroll wheel perform too many different functions depending on prior state is bad. Now it can either command AI squadmates, interact with world, interact with yourself, interact with vehicle, etc. And you have to make sure in which state it is before confirming the action. Sure I can (and do) use a keymap to things like eject. It's already ingame, btw (doubletap V). But why is it on the scrollmenu itself, right next to all the other actions? Just imagine writing a long article, and having a Close document dialog pop up, where pressing Enter would either save it or discard it, just depending if you moved your mouse one pixel. Or even more horrid examples from Win or OS X (yep even the design gurus made some grave mistakes, infamous "drag to trash to eject disk, newly with sparkly dock magnification on" comes first to mind). Dynamo and Twistking made some very good points as well. ACE (see Arma2 ACE mod) has some nice interface for interaction as well (you could set it up so SelfInteraction was a holdable key that would cancel /well sometimes not though it might have been bug/ if you let it go). But it suffers from another bad design - it changes the paradigm used. From FPS paradigm "where I point my mouse my avatar looks" to "point and click menu". That we can get away in Inventory dialog, where it is expected, but not in other dialogs where you just need to select from few options. The transition from one to another was too abrupt. When/If I have time, I might put together a proof-of-concept mockup video, but before that just a very rough mockup open for improvements or critiuque (some already taken from others here). Few keywords: LOGIC. CONSISTENCY. MUSCLE MEMORY. *** mouse scroll wheel (MSW) selects from options. Make sure the options presented are not contradictory/unrelated (Autohover/Eject?). Press MSW to execute. DO NOT EVER MAKE THE SCROLL WHEEL SCROLL OVER TO TOP WHEN AT THE BOTTOM OF THE LIST. Worst mistake you can ever make. DO NOT EVER CHANGE THE ORDER OF LIST. Another big mistake. *** One key for interacting with world (e.g. SPACE). Pressing once executes indicated action. Holding shows short menu scrollable by MSW if more options. Releasing after hold cancels. Does not interfere with normal mouse/WASD movement (unlike ACE), simply when some distance off the object it autocancels. No other way of interacting with the world. (apart from I for Inventory showing contents of nearby objects). ie: If looking at door, just press space to open door. If looking at vehicle, just press space to enter the vehicle (from top to bottom, ie commander to gunner to passenger, MP issues aside). If looking at wounded comrade if medic, heal him. If looking at vehicle hold space to either get in specific seat, repair it, or whatever). Not having bazillion different ways of opening a door (currently: middle mouse button click, space, selecting from scroll menu and click/enter) Not bazillion different ways to reload a weapon. Not having the space perform widely different contectual actions just because we can. Holding space inside of vehicle: display vehicle specific menu - reload SABOT/HE rounds, change seat, lower/raise gear, turn in/out, get out (only if on ground and moving slowly). Keep Eject to a keypress only. When you ever need it, you better bash the key (doubletap V? I use LWin+E personaly, but that's just a preference). It is a definite and different action, one that changes the current game state, that needs to be separate from all others. *** Another (and only ONE) way to do Self Interaction tasks. Healing, changing to rangefinder, perhaps the explosives here (with confirmation?). Changing weapons could be done the ACE way too - modifier plus key (shift-1 rifle, shift-2 launcher, shift-3 UGL if present, modifier user configurable). It is something you do intuitively and quickly in RL. Infinitely cycling F key that takes different number of presses to get to UGL depending on how many firemodes your weapon has is not intuitive. Feel free to critique, add, remove or reorder. As ever my post is a quick mashup of ideas, some already written here, some in older threads. One problem might be modifier keys use - I don't know how many keypresses does the game/OS register at once and since SPACE is probably not a META key, it might pose problems registering it when you are i.e. holding shift+d+e to slowly walk around a corner peeking around it. Regarding compass rose or completely different system - I personaly dislike it because it changes the paradigm of mouse controlling your avatar directly. I feel scroll wheel is the best compromise for that, since you can still look and move around. It just needs to be more consistent and not mix different paradigms as well. -
Play withSIX - Launcher, Downloader, ServerBrowser - FULL ARMA3 Alpha Support +more!
fraczek replied to sickboy's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
First, thanks Sickboy for fixing the separate paths issue. Cobra, be aware, CBA 1.0.1 is changed over CBA 1.0pre, in that previously 1.0pre had three parts, CBA_OA,CBA_A2,CBA_CO, and you needed all of them for A2 Combined Ops. With newer CBA 1.0.1 only CBA_CO v1.0.1 is needed for A2CO, the other ones are deprecated (unless you need them for running standalone A2 or A2 OA I guess). Might that fix your problem (i.e. - if it lets you install and update CBA_CO 1.0.1 and it only, it is correct behaviour)?