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About HarveyKrumpet

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  1. HarveyKrumpet

    ASR AI Skills

    Delta99 msg#20. 18Sept10, so quite some time ago
  2. HarveyKrumpet

    ASR AI Skills

    Boy...I need some help. I do have my asr-ai_settings.hpp HHP file installed as Delta99 suggested (your Arma2 directory/userconfig/asr_ai/asr_ai_settings.hpp) but none of class files, that I can see, have the specific file definitions - SkillFriendly = 1; SkillEnemy = 0.7; PrecisionFrinedly = 1; PrecisionEnemy = 0.5; Could someone check their asr_ai_settings.hpp file and see if they can find those files. One thought...this thread has been going on for quite a long time, perhaps these recommended setting were for a previous iteration of the asr_ai_settings.hpp file Thanks for the help
  3. HarveyKrumpet

    ASR AI Skills

    Need some help with configuring. In an earlier post there were recommended settings for recruit, regular etc. For regular (my level) they were: SkillFriendly = 1; SkillEnemy = 0.7; PrecisionFrinedly = 1; PrecisionEnemy = 0.5; I have it installed properly and it is working for me, but I have been looking all through the dta Config and can't find these specific settings. Could someone help me with their location? Thanks
  4. HarveyKrumpet

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Spent cartridge casing remain on the ground Hello All, I have tried to do as much research as possible but can't find an answer to the question "How do I get the spent casings to stay on the ground?" I have that option checked in ACE options within the game. In the ARMA2 userconfig file I have edited the ACE_CLIENTSIDE_CONFIG FILE to enable #define ACE_CARTRIDGES, I have checked and the ACE addons file and have what I believe to be the correct files ( ace_sys_cartridges.pbo and ace_sys_cartridges.pbo.ace.b522) but no luck............Can someone help?
  5. Hello All, I have tried to do as much research as possible but couldn't find an answer to the question "How do I get the spent casings to stay on the ground?" I have it checked that option in the ACE options as well as the userconfig. Is this an ongoing bug or is there an answer? Thank You
  6. Thanks for the quick response. The mod was ACE and your suggestion removed the ping pong ball tracers
  7. Hello all, several mods that I have been using change the colors and size/shape of the tracers. How do I get the tracers back to the vanilla? Have CO edition to Arma if that makes a difference Thanks