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Posts posted by fluttershy

  1. I think the biggest issue with the Steamworkshop will be that most, if not all, non-profit user generated content for a Game like Armed Assault 3 is set to be as realistic as possible.

    Therefor Addons would mostly use source content of already protected Content, Logos and concepts.

    This pop up in my mind the first time i noticed BI created close to real models of curtain Firearms but named them in a fashion an IP conflict with the company that produces the real thing won't happen. You can see such methods on other Games as well, where Product and producer names are altered in order to not create an IP conflict in the first place.

    Though our Community of dedicated addon creators does not work in such a fashion, we are proud of what we create for our beloved titles. The naming for most items is therefor the same as the real product, for example a Colt M4A1 Rifle.

    Taken from the colt firearms website:

    The trademarks and/or service marks of Defense include, but are not limited to, the trademarks and service marks listed below. Some or all of these trademarks or service marks have been registered in the trademark registries of the European Union and/or foreign countries.

    Therfor most addons will have a conflict with licensing because we create content for the game that is Trademarked or license protected. Though we do not create this content to generate profit, it is still already licensed or even Trademarked by the respective license holders. So in conclusion: Even if whole addon packs would be releasable on the Workshop, it would break single or even multiple trademark and license rights. The high ammount of Public interist in Steam could then in turn initiate said license holders to engage in legal actions towards the uploader, Steam or even BI for potentially incorporating the content into there game or other titles.

  2. You do realize, once ArmA 3 goes full release, we're going to have more than just Stratis, right? That's like saying, it doesn't make sense seeing jets in the ArmA series, period. The ArmA series has always had planes of various types, sizes, etc. ACE even had in-air refueling capabilities in ArmA 2. To think that planes at all would not have a place in the new ArmA series is rather silly.

    I am pretty sure he was rather concerned about the Alpha, and possibly Beta stage of the game where there is no islands added.

  3. Hi Alex,

    to 1) I have not gone to far into detail with the hand-made paintjobs. The intention behind it was to create camo textures for the Rifles that look like someone actually sprayed them on the rifle during deployment, wear, miscolloration and other weathering effect that might affect the camo were not taken into consideration.

    to 2) With no Highpoly bake, creating Normal maps is a pain to do. I worked with what i had and i am fine with the result for what was aviable.

  4. Ah, yes, the M4A1 submersion tests went so well... -_-

    Point, but even the regular frame USP is 8-900g...

    Eh, what do you expect when someone asks for a 'offensive handgun', HK just cater the best they can (which judging by the projects they did for the Bundeswehr, they do it well).

    Well the general issue with the M4 Plattform is that Eugene Stoner was rushed to finish it, it was serviced before it went trough a final review. Sadly Colt got kind of stuck with the Tube-concept which is the reason why the M4 and M16 do what they do. There is also pros to a gasetube over a piston system, but reliability and durability is none of them.

  5. The German company could have been a oversight...

    Though it is a 'large' project, and Astast has been working on that side for a while...

    Never heard of ODA using HK Sidearms though, apart from the Mk.23, which from what info is on it, it wasn't exactly popular to carry a 1.4kg pistol when you could carry a 800g M11.

    Ppl that play in water and prefere to be able to fire there gun afterwards will always use anything apart from an M4. Its so obviouse that even colt is manufacturing piston driven assault rifles now.

    And astast would hide anything from me - we are like brothers from a different father.

    About the pistol question - yes i prefere a 1,4 kg pistol. Why? 9mm vs .45 ACP speaks a pretty clear language when it comes to effect on target.

  6. Hi Ryder,

    really like the idea behind this project you started. Though i would like to ask for some of the "missing" parts.

    You currently dont have a high-res texture on the rifle. In order to get that going you would need a high and a low-poly version of the rifle (the low-poly gets put ingame later) and then bake maps like normal an ambient occulision.

    From that you will be able to get a way better texture done, this could also eliminate your wood problem, even though i think that might be a problem with the rvmat-file that is not present. You could of course be using a rvmat from a different rifle, but that can potentially cause the same problem ^^.

    And also, welcome to the BI-Forums family - we sure like having new people come by and already start contributing.

  7. Update on the Sounds Alwarren,

    i got my crew together and we will hit the range on Saturday. Though i was unable to find anyone having a Gastube AR-15 Type rifle. I am no sound engi but i would say a Piston operated system will sound differently then a tube systems. Currently we are looking at 4 different AR-15 types we are going to record, you can then just pick your favourite of the bunch ^^

  8. Hm, changing the extension will most likely result in no sound on the regular builds, then... I guess it is time to go for custom sounds :)

    Thanks for the heads-up.

    Edit: Removing the extension and letting the game figure it out works :)

    feels od that the is able to figure out the fail on it own. But dont you worry Al - i will try to find a friend that uses a 5.56 Nato with at an at least 16 inch barrel so you can get some nice sounds recorded.

  9. Hey fluttershy, I've begun applying the camo to each cut like you have advised, getting up to the pockets - have a look what do you think?

    Pants completed:

    http://puu.sh/2OCes.jpg >100kb!

    Very good young Padawan ^^ - though some pockets are still missing (as well as the reenforced pooper area ^^). I think you already noticed how it changes the overall look to the better ingame.

    Keep em comin!

  10. yea but what i mean is that the shadow underneath it suggests that it is bending the surface/fabric more than it really is (looking at your ref pic) which makes me want to see wrinkles. so to make it more clear. just make the shadow more sharp and closer to avoid that suggestive effect and you won't need wrinkles ;) look at astast's signature. the AO in there makes it perfect (or here http://i7.minus.com/ikJud3UGvQpGZ.jpg). for some reason on the textured version the shadow goes further and is more diffuse. maybe you hand painted it? or maybe it's just dirt that looks too dark. i don't know :confused: and the reference you show has no darkening in that area at all. be it dirt or shadow.

    sorry for stretching it out so much since it's really a super minor subjective thing. i just replied since astast asked. it still looks very nice.

    Sorry i completly misunderstood your first post. Well the shadow is there because i had to retrace the shadow via the UV-Grid and it did not go as accurate ^^. Maybee i can get em closer to where i want it on Friday.

  11. Lol yea it is kind of too round i might remake it or just make it a bit thinner regarding the wrinkels we have made wrinkles on the normal map but from that view they dosn't really show :( maybe we can make them stand out a bit more i will ask flutter!

    Gerddarnit - I have searched low and far, but there is no reference image in my posession that has any significant wrinkles arround the headband.


    Normaly the Helmet-cover is thightly fit to the Helmet so the Headband wont bend the surface down, since it is already right on top of the Cover. Though please note: the headband is currently not affected by a Normalmap and therefor has no visual depth based on the fabric it is made of.

  12. Improved the detail of uniforms for all camo sets, added new patches and cloth texture.

    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

    Screenshot 3

    Screenshot 4

    The next release will feature customised soldiers, ie, shirts, rolled sleeves etc.

    Sorry to interupt Sbats, but i have to bring up my favourite part about retextures. You fell into the same trap as most people retexturing and you put in a lot of effort to make them get better and better with every update: BUT

    You placed the camo pattern on top of the clothes but did not cut them up on parts like pockets or seems. Take a look at some reference pictures of Military uniforms and you will notice the difference.

    Please don't get this wrong, i am simply trying to point you into the direction you are already willing to approach on your own.

  13. Yeah, not doubting it. As I said, I was aiming for a much darker grey but it came out more brighter in Arma 3, probably a matter of the rvmat. I'll tweak it since I am in the process of remodelling some stuff anyway...

    Look at the black we got on the M4, that with a slightly more bright/blueish for the main body - the rest should be fine with the base tone.

  14. Hmm, I just tested this out and for an accurate normal map I wouldn't recommend using this method. I could see it working on something that has forms that are difficult to define like random organic surface micro textures, but for normal maps that are augmenting actual geometry or require precision I would stay away from it.

    But it also works great for small things that you dont want to model on your Highpoly. Like Serial numbers, Company logo imprints, the handgrip of a pistol or rifle. For me, it works juuuust fine ^^

  15. Please, share these techniques. At the moment I think you must be thinking of a cavity map.

    Technically you can convert any kind of map to any other kind of map, but that doesn't mean it's effective.

    I am using Quixel nDo to create the normals from the AO. The AO needs some slight touch ups on some parts though or you will end up editing the normal.

    But it doesnt matter how hard you try - it is almost impossible to get to the point of modeled Highpolys baking the Normal.

    The ammount of effort put in of course depends on what you think is easier for you.

  16. Say whaaaaaaaat?

    Yes you can convert AO to normals, there is several different methods you could use ,they all deliver lesser results then actually baking it from a high poly, but they work.

    Or you could attempt to draw them by hand using different types of software, though be warned that is a terrible long process.
