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Posts posted by fluttershy

  1. No, I don't mean selectively, I mean disallowing specific attachments via the config line on specifically classed weapons (the weapon models with the differently positioned proxy).

    So for instance, you configure one weapon to be allowed to equip the IR Pointer accessory but no other accessory (there's a config line that specifies which attachments can and cannot be added to a given weapon). I don't mean a secondary Side proxy etc, I mean using one proxy for the weapons, moving it from the side, to the top or bottom (depending on the attachment type) and then disallowing the incorrect accessory. Is this making any sense yet? I know I've seen a line on the config where you specify the accessory that a given weapon class can equip, so I dare say it would be possible, if not out of the scope of your project.



    It does make sense Austin. But: As far as i am aware Soldiers equip there Lasersights on top of the rifle to counter muzzleclimb as well as getting the weight center upon the rifle instead of having a slight sideway drag. Since A3 is currently not considering such indepth adjustments it would be for cosmeticle reasons only, on which i dont know if the ammount of work is equivilant to the result.

  2. Perhaps for the weapon with the Side proxy being on top, you specify that it can only then use the IR Pointer. Likewise with the Flashlight, putting the Side proxy on the bottom rail and specifying only the Flashlight accessory.

    Looking forward to what you decide and what you come up with.


    I am not sure if one is able to create a secondary proxy for just one single attachment. After all the Proxy needs to be supported by the game or the object will simply not react to the proxy given. The definition of Proxys is embedded into the p3d model but the attachments and there possible placement proxys are not located there but rather on the attachment. So changing that would potentially only allow self-created attachments on said position. That might be a bit much considering what we still have to do with it and about the fact that it's rather a preferance thing that is visual different but actually has little to no effect on the gameplay with the weapon.

  3. Dear Mirudes - WTF?!

    you are asking for a patch, upgrading your FREE invitation to the same level as the people that paid approximitly 25 $ and more to get all features aviable? not going to happen.

    What you are supposed and intended to do with the Lite invitation is look into the game, look at mechanics, textures and other things that seperate the arma series from all mindless COD-like FPS brawlers and see if you actually like some realism and possibly outstanding mod-support.

    And then decide rather or not to buy-in at alpha, beta or once the game is a AAA-Title release.

  4. Xeno has always been a personality.

    It just did not develope over night. I think he felt cranky back in the day when DayZ appeared, he stop updating domination our of reasons only known to him, but he left remarks that, in his oppinion, DayZ and other Gamemodes would destroy the Arma Community. That is his oppinion and it is most likely going to stay like this. I think we should all give the Domination Gamemode a rest and let it lie where it belongs, with the past.

    With A-Symetric warfare going on and the realistic battles having a different look now, rather then a complete control all cities destroy everything mentality, we should concentrate our effort on making Gamemodes fitting to the Setup and Gameplay changes.

    Farewell Xeno, i always loved your ranty anger-remarks on your updates.

  5. Maybee you should try adding some depth to them. Currently the camo is just seamlessly blending together. I know i am a naggi s*ut but they just look so "meh" once you cath the first glimps of the camo just going on and on and on.

    Getting a look at some reference pictures of general Camo clothing could help the overall look at a good chunk.

  6. we need a KRISS Vector in the Pack if you ask me ^^.

    MP5 sounds very good since that gun is still used all arround the globe by pretty much everyone. Also a nice would be the new SR-635 by Knights Armament.

    And of course, the Beowulf as one of the most groundbreaking PDW there is.

    If you have any questions about any firearm just ask, me and plenty of other people on the forum can help with almost anything ^^

  7. Updated the link in the first post with 0.2

    The shiny look should hopefully be fixed when in shadows etc. At least it was when I tested it :D

    Let me know if this is not the case.

    I'll look into the equipment crate issue next, back into the dreaded config's we go. Will hopefully get that fixed tomorrow.

    Glad you guys like them so far.

    The "issue" you encountered is the new "feature" in lighting, render to texture as well as the rvmat settings, mine looked really shiny in the sun as well.

  8. Make sure that you not only have TexView 2 installed but the full BI-Community Tools. It won't work with just TexView 2 installed. I had the same error a while back.

    When saving the reowkred PNG make sure to include an Alpha Channel. Load the PNG into Texview2 (make sure the file is properly named as XYZ_co.png in order to make texview save it as color map correctly)
