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Everything posted by headswe

  1. headswe

    Need BIS developer confirmation (breakOut)

    It's just like break in any other languages with a optional goto for whatever reason.
  2. headswe


    Don't worry guys! were working on the next version and it should be ready tomorrow!(We hope!)
  3. headswe

    Volvo C303

    Awesome work!
  4. headswe

    A3 Launcher

    Thanks Foxhound, you are a god. Totally forgot i had a video
  5. headswe

    A3 Launcher

    Hoo, Updated to version changelog + download on http://bit.ly/headpage Or check the first post :)
  6. Oh dear, these are very good!
  7. I like it, just means we wont have to restart a mission because some transport pilot got shot down and killed everyone.
  8. headswe

    Mag Repack

    I assume he means a scroll option.
  9. headswe

    createVehicle Problem

    When using createVehicle array there is no preceding string argument. _heli1 = createVehicle ["[font=Verdana]B_MH9_F[/font]", getMarkerPos "heli1sp", [], 0, "NONE"]; I assume vehicle.sqf is the vehicular respawn script? Well you are using it wrong. Try [color=#EEEEEE][[/color]_heli1[color=#EEEEEE], 5, 1000] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; [/color]
  10. headswe

    Mag Repack

    Nice work!
  11. I mean the Alternate Injury System. The default "revive".
  12. headswe


    This seems to happen when going from side courch or side standing to prone. ( since there are no side prone only up and down)
  13. Export your mission to multiplayer again with the description.ext inside the mission folder.
  14. I only miss the good old bis AIS that allowed you to survive some shots.
  15. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext This will tell what ya need to know :)
  16. headswe

    A3 Launcher

    Now that is very odd, could you perhaps upload your profiles/presets?. On another front i have added A2 CO support to the application that you can instantly switch to. As-well as a WiP mod installer that allows you drag a zip file of a addon onto the application and it will be sorted and installed just like it should. You click the A3/A2 icon to switch between them.
  17. headswe

    A3 Launcher

    The mods or the profiles?
  18. The reason why that wouldent work is the fact it would be "STRINGHERE" = "RoadCone" createVehicle (getpos player) . format returns a string compile takes a string and turns it into a {} (code boject) call well.. executes a code object. No problem by the way.
  19. try call compile format["%1 = 'RoadCone' createVehicle (getPos player)",_x]; instead of _x = "RoadCone" createVehicle (getPos player); Edit: Make the variable a string too. so HQ_ARRAY = ["COMPANY_1_HQ"]; Putting a variable in a array like that just grabs the value of it and stuffs it into the array. Pretty logical infact. Anyway previous example should work.
  20. I think you have to use a fired eventhandler and check if the unit is throwing a smoke and if the unit is inside the trigger area.
  21. headswe

    A3 Launcher

    Could you either list how the folder structure or screenshot the folder and every folder inside it Thanks
  22. headswe

    A3 Launcher

    Tell me what mods arent showing up in the list and how their internal directory looks. ---------- Post added at 22:35 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ---------- Yes. Tell me what mods aren't showing up in the list and how their internal directory looks.
  23. This would be a godsend for modders.
  24. headswe


    Thank you guys for all the kind words. We had about 2070 downloads so far that we can track and were super pleased! Thank you!
  25. headswe


    Work on 1.1 is going forward so you can expect a new release in a few days.