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Everything posted by grzegorz87

  1. Hi, i try to use this script, work in editor but when i try lunch mission in MP i dont have option call CAS. I make COOP mission without respawn.I add this line to init.sqf : execVM "JWC_CASFS\initCAS.sqf"; i add this line to description : #include "JWC_CASFS\casDefine.hpp" #include "JWC_CASFS\casMenu.hpp" and i add game logic to your mission and name it > varHolder and i named units. Can someone help me ?
  2. grzegorz87

    September 1939 Mod

    I understand you, but I really waiting for this mod
  3. grzegorz87

    September 1939 Mod

    When we can play it ?
  4. How to clear the contents of the box and add another weapon and ammunition to the box ?
  5. I use script NIM_Snow.sqs in my mission and use this command :[this,25] exec "NIM_Snow.sqs" . I have question can i add more snow and howto change vievdistance ?
  6. tomorrow i try this : place the 3 units cia1,cia2,cia3 far away from action game. place an helipad invisible and named it "here" where You want to appear the unit. create 3 trigger 1° trigger condition: c1 inact: cia1 setpos getpos here 2° trigger condition: c2 inact: cia2 setpos getpos here 3° trigger condition: c3 inact: cia3 setpos getpos here make this script -------------------------------------------- _cia = random 2; if (_cia >= 0 and _cia < 1) exitWith {c1 = true}; if (_cia >= 1 and _cia < 2) exitWith {c2 = true}; if (_cia >= 2 and _cia < 3) exitWith {c3 = true}; if (true) exitwith {};
  7. Hi, I'm new to this forum and I have the following question. I'm in the process of creating mission, MP, in a certain place is three people: cia1, cia2 and cia3. I'd like to do so each time you start the mission, only one appeared. I tried to zip the likelihood of the presence, but once there are two units and other times not at all. So that it will not work. This is needed for the random end of the mission, because each of them is assigned a different action script to completion. You could also do so from the beginning that there was one man and share scripts were random. So I have a question how to do that was simple and worked. Thank you in advance for your help. ps Sorry for my poor English
  8. They are AI not playable units. I add this to init.sqf and work in editor and my server but when I start mission on dediceted server this remove cia1, cia2 and cia3.
  9. It`s work but not in dediceted serwer.