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Everything posted by dekster

  1. http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_may2007/CamouflageCouch.jpg (116 kB)
  2. Belgian most read (and awfull) newssite did a review http://www.hln.be/hln/nl/4126/Games/article/detail/1456586/2012/06/28/Recensie-Iron-Front-Liberation-1944-oorlog-is-dodelijk-saai.dhtml In short: the guy hated it, said it belongs more in the 90's, is boring, buggy and crashed a lot. -edit: same review also on http://www.demorgen.be/dm/nl/5402/Games/article/detail/1456586/2012/06/28/Recensie-Iron-Front-Liberation-1944-oorlog-is-dodelijk-saai.dhtml -
  3. dekster

    Is ArmA III having the OFP:CWC vibe?

    I don't have time to read it this week, you probably should become a ghostwritter for Tom Clancey.
  4. Can somebody explain me the point of paying $ for one camo patern if you can have several that work in various conditions for probably les?
  5. Do I detect unsecurities in you avoiding my question?
  6. 3rd person is a compensation for tunnelvission, or does first give you a 180degree field of view like real life?
  7. dekster

    Is ArmA III having the OFP:CWC vibe?

    I hope it will be something like: we're in total war with Iran/a force from the east and we lack resources, you have to go to Limnos a small island and try to keep them at bay. (with limited resources and try to sabotage the iranian forces and keep them at bay) After a while when you seem to be quite succesfull, Nato will give you more support ending with a conquest of the island to establish a base. A bit like Malta in the war, a few Brittish forces where put there (to man the AA), the germans/italians couldn't attack the island and after a while the supreme command was so impressed they stationed some fighterplanes (hurricanes) on the island.
  8. dekster

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Notthing is as convenient as going to the store and buying a hardcopy. Come home, install the game. Don't know something? Look it up in the added paper manual. simple as f**** :)
  9. dekster

    Endangered Languages Project

    I think you're confusing bilinguality with own identity/cultural heritage. ---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ---------- Strange thing is languages are formed from dialects, not the other way round. And since languages are formed and influenced from languages, we should regard them as languages too.
  10. dekster

    Endangered Languages Project

    Only 2 "languages" in Belgium, while in fact almost every dialect here is endangered.:(
  11. I found this screenshot of armma 2 by accident on the net, It's an official one so it should be a part of the Chernarus map, but what? I can't come up with a possible location of this screenshot on the map. Any ideas? http://www.pcgameshardware.com/screenshots/original/2009/05/Arma2-screen-06.jpg
  12. dekster

    Mystery screenshot

    http://imageupload.org/getfile.php?id=231044&a=89972066a2318bf4500719e46e90a26f&t=4fe61ec8&o=90D8C6EF612456F7A70F67C7AE3CA312C2C494BC626C5AE8B80E0881EE77BF7CE4D8C7F36124&n=Arma2-screen-06.jpg&i=1 http://imageupload.org/en/file/231044/arma2-screen-06.jpg.html Does this one work? -edit: thx Nicholas-
  13. dekster

    Operation E3

    I don't know how it works with you guys, but once you turn off postproces, you can do everything on high/very high with an acceptable framerate. (with a Nvidia GT 230M, I think that's even a lesser than recommended card)
  14. dekster

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Yes I know, I also read Iran has spec ops on the ground and Russia also has troops providing support. Nato/US is not going to start a war in Syria, it's not worth it.
  15. dekster

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Well at least it shows Syrian airspace isn't penetrable like Lybian.
  16. dekster

    Abandoned Russian tank repair facility

    On milweb you see them come by from time to time. http://www.milweb.net/webverts/60990/
  17. dekster

    Abandoned Russian tank repair facility

    Non rivalrous goods aren't the word we're looking for. (Public transport is a non rivalrous good) It came to me that it should be an asset http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asset (Fixed Assets I gues) Yep, but what I mean is that they're just laying there and there no need to sell them now. I think compared to what they've cost back in the time when they produced them as if it where shoes, they're not losing any money on them now compared to the value in scrap. There is a private market for tanks, but even today Russian tanks are relativly easy to get hold on and I don't think you could sell them easily. (law of demand and supply; too much supply + transport costs)
  18. dekster

    Abandoned Russian tank repair facility

    Mistake from my side, in my language "capital goods" can be used to describe goods that are used to produce and goods that hold their value/increase. (What's the english word for goods that don't loose their value?)
  19. dekster

    Abandoned Russian tank repair facility

    Many country's are also endebted (to one-another), I believe an old-fashioned war is an option for the future. (Those tanks will always be worth at least their weight in steel, so they're capital goods.)
  20. dekster

    Abandoned Russian tank repair facility

    Hippie alert. :icon_mrgreen:
  21. dekster

    OFP on 20th anniversary for shooting games

    Never played that game, but the feeling that short clip gives, makes me hungry for it. There's something with the atmosphere in many old games...
  22. dekster

    What is the first thing you will do in Arma3?

    GMTA :p And after that I'll get 5 mins to understand the controls and off to the multiplayer looking for some pvp.
  23. dekster

    What Mods Will You Expect/Create?

    A was thinking of a new gametype, "Intercept or evade". A pvp game where a group of mercenaries/spec ops get randomly assigned a list of objectives. (ex Kill this AI person, blow that radar up) They have freedom to perform the ir mission as they will. (with the gear they have) The other players are a response group on the island, they try to track the intruders and hunt them down. (off course with limited gear, 2helos and some vehicles for ex) They are aided by AI patrols on the island whoreport something if they have an encounter or hear shots. There's a time limit and an endscore will be given to each team depending on how many objectives are completed/prevented and how many of the intruders are intercepted. It should be about trying to outthink your enemy, do teamwork and have a good plan. Thing is, I have no experience whatsoever with modding or mission creation in Arma.
  24. dekster

    Abandoned Russian tank repair facility

    Bugger, too young :( Well if we want to establish a country of our own (sick of the lack of freedom) we do know where to get our armour from.
  25. dekster

    MP thoughts

    That's the bit you have to leave out, unending isn't cool. Pvp isn't fun if you can't finish your opponent off.