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Everything posted by Slider7

  1. Hello everybody ; ) First of all, I've to say, that you did a great job with this game. I'm flying with the Microsoft Flight Simulator since 10 years (FSX for the last years) and I was really happy as I heard about your game. But now to the topic, unfortunately whether the game knows my joystick, it's pretty unflyable ingame. First I thought it's because of the difficulty, but even on easy the helicopter does not really what I want it to do. Perhaps you think I'm just to stupid for it, but I can assure that I could land a helicopter on a moving boat in FSX and now it's almost impossible to controll it. As soon as I lift off the helicopter is super nervous and starts to bend backwards. Perhaps it's the sensivity and deadzone options of the joystick, so I would like to know, if somebody here has the same Logitech and perhaps the same problems or an answer for my trouble. Kindyl regards Slider7