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About soldat931

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  1. soldat931

    USS Nimitz

    how do i get the AI to launch? the catpult alignment,animation of the blast deflectors andf the launch script all say "expected script type nothing" when i try to use them?
  2. So I'm trying to make a campaign that utilizing arma 2's naval units such as the nimitz and gnats subs and frigates first I want to make a carrier strike mission but I can't figure out how to get the AI to take off from the carrier? I tried using the code that came in the instructions but it says "expect script type nothing" has anyone successfuly achieved this? or has a template I can use in the editor? Secondly I'd like to make a mission where a recon team laser designates a Target and.the ships fire missles at it sort of naval support gunfire mission I don't have very much knowledge in scripting so the most basic form of doing these things will help if anyone can provide insight on this matter