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Everything posted by laxemann

  1. Problem solved thanks to the take eventhandler. A huge thank you again! Now all I gotta do is to add sounds and woosh, release. :)
  2. Hey guys, I'm really struggling with this one. Does one of you has any idea how to check if the player still has exactly the same weapon as before? Checking if the currentWeapon of the player is different to the "old" one doesn't do the trick, because this returns the class names. The problem: Let's say I have a regular MX and exchange that for another MX - the script would still tell me "yeah, you have the same weapon" because the classnames are identical. I hope you get me. Thanks in advance!
  3. No use, too, unfortunately, but thanks for the idea mate! :) Edit: @Tajin, that sounds like a plan, will look into it - thanks! :)
  4. Haha nice! Hm, all solutions would bring up other problems... this is a tricky one :/
  5. Thanks guys. Sorry for the music, done in a hurry :D Everything works like a charm and I'd like to release this tomorrow, but there's one bug left. The mod detects if the weaponitems have changed and then does... well, what you see in the video :P It also detects if the items simply changed because the player picked up a different weapon... but this works via classnames, so if the player picks up a weapon of the same type, it will say "Okey, weapon type didn't change but the attachments changed, lets play the animation". More clear now? :)
  6. This should be very useful in case I'll redo the tank reverb sounds (which I plan to do because the current ones are a bit short). Thank you very much! :)
  7. The snap is from JSRS, all ES handles is the gun reverb and the gun echo (which isn't the sound of the bullet impact, btw :P)
  8. Nah, he just helped me out with some reverb sounds. So no ACSE delaying because of me, haha! :D // It's my favourite time of day - Update time! One of the biggest issue I had was that the whole soundscape sounded very messy during a firefight, 'think I mentioned that. I'm a lazy bastard but in the end I decided to realize the simple but a bit more work-intensive idea I had from the very beginning: Different reverb sounds depending on distance. Implementing it but mostly editing the respective sounds didn't take half as long as I thought and the result is more than pleasing if you ask me! :) I did something for the ones that like video updates as much as I do, of course. :)
  9. Thanks for the motivation, guys! :) Another small feature I threw together today: Unfortunately I have no clue how I could mute all sounds except for the overpressure/ ringing sound - "x fadesound y" mutes the sounds played with "playsound" aswell. ACE did it in ArmA2 and 3 but I have no clue how. The current mod status: The "code framework" works very well but I'm having _serious_ trouble with finding decent sounds for the reverb. So, if you'd like to contribute: What I need are gun reverb sounds... in a very high quality. High quality means: Clearly audible, no disturbing noises like talking, magazine rattling, shot in an appropriate area so that the reverb is rather long, at least 3 seconds - the longer the better. YouTube video links are enough. I really don't care what weapon it is, I can always just modify it or use it for different calibres. That's it for this evening (11pm here in Germany), I'll probably have some new ear candy tomorrow but I can't make any promises. :)
  10. laxemann

    ASR AI 3

    Very weird. Did you put the userconfig on the server?
  11. Hey Folks, another update... with two videos! I started working on the "urban" features of the mod, meaning instead of having a wide, but smooth reverb reflecting from the terrain, the shots get reflected in a more aggressive way from the surrounding buildings. Here's a quick example: It works really well so far, I'm currently trying to find the best compromise between having a super accurate reflection and maintaining performance and -which is way more important- keeping the calculation times low. ...just for you ;) While making the video I noticed that the reverb stuff reaaally "sums up" in an... extreme way. You can't really hear it in the video because there isn't so much going on, but as soon as there are some machine guns firing at the same time, stuff sounds really messy. I know that it actually is SUPPOSED to sound messy, but I'll try to make it sound more natural and I guess the way to go is to play different terrain reverb samples based on distance. It just sounds weird when someone's shooting from 400m away, the actual firing sound is just a "plopp" but the reverb is still very bright. *sigh* Lots of work ahead, but we're getting closer! :) Enjoy the stuff!
  12. Haha you are right, this was answered a few times before, but once again! :) ES doesn't change any actual weapon sounds, it just adds the reverb and echo feature (... so far, if I get some time today it's time to get the urban features started!) As for the performance: You can define the number of shots that are calculated simulatniously in the userconfig. I'm currently running it on 100 and it performs really well on my PC, which is almost 4 years old now (except for the graphics card) Yup, if the weapon has it's prefix not defined in cfgWeapons, a default soundset will be used that sounds "ok" with most weapons. Then again there is a chance that I add own soundsets/configs for popular mods if I get the mod author's permission. :) This was actually already implemented but it really messed up the performance... because when there was really no terrain around, the script would check like crazy, even with some safety measures the "script" delay was audible. If I can think of a better solution, it's gonna get implemented, but more soundsets and the "urban feature" have the highest priority so far. :) Besides that, I got a very simple yet very effective script/minimod for (low) flybys in the making, low priority but this might become an own little thing.
  13. Some new features were integrated today: • Silencer check (I know that a silencer doesn't really make the weapon more quiet, but I'll play no sound until I got a silencer soundset finished) • Check if shooter is inside a bulding • it's now splendid camera compatible, meaning the distance calculations aren't based on the player's position anymore, but on the camera position (duh) • Pistol soundset finished (Yes, i'll only do a few "basic" sets for the first release, more lateron) • The reverb is now actually travelling through the terrain • The reverb is alligned to the terrain (so no more terrain reverb from midair :) ) I won't be home 'till monday, so no updates in the meantime. :(
  14. I get your point dude, but I think we're talking about two different things; in the video I'm trying to simulate the actual "terrain reverb" that you can constantly hear since the sound hits the ground in front of you veeery fast; there is an actual "echo" simulation, check the first video on the main page, you just can't hear it in the video because the shooter isn't shooting "against" a mountain... I think you're talking about that, but correct me if I'm wrong! :) By the way, huge fanboy alert, but I'm really looking forward to ACSE. Take your time and make it splendid , there aren't enough people focusing on dynamic range. :D
  15. Hey peeps, small update: In earlier versions the gun reverb was just "spawned" a few hundred meters in front of the shooter. tpM pointed out that he was thinking that the terrain reverb sound was the ectual "clearly audible" reflected echo and that made me think... Indeed, it sounded a bit static with the earlier method (having the terrain reverb spawned playing at a predefined position). So I sat down and worked a bit more on the actual code and voila, I found a solution which is surprisingly performant and way more dynamic. And it fixes an issue with the previous method. :D The terrain reverbs are now actually "wandering" from the shooter's position in the direction he's shooting, so it really sounds as if the sound is "unfolding" in front of the shooter! :) Since I'm a fan of videos and media myself, here is a qucik video that demonstrates how it sounds at the moment (still needs a bit of improvement):
  16. Huh, where did I write that? If yes, I said nonsense, it adds stuff, but doesn't change the "normal" stuff... if that makes sense. Oh, I forgot to mention... you can define the maximum amount of shots that are simulated simultaniously in the userconfig, so you can always just lower them in case your PC is having a hard time. :)
  17. That's the weak spot, I could simulate all that but it would eat performance like crazy. So at least currently we have the reverb sound played in the terrain in front of the unit (to give a sense of "depth") if appropriate, only the echo or "popp" is actually reflected. :)
  18. The hardest part is it to gather useful sounds (I get mine from YouTube Videos and edit them afterwards... compression, EQing, fading, stuff like that.) After that all you gotta do ist to define the sounds and add 4 entries to the weapon's config (meaning modders can add own soundsets to their weapons!) :) (The script gathers a prefix that is defined by me or the modder in the config, e.g. "120mm", and then adds this prefix to a string so that it looks like "120mm_reverb_1". Easy but effective system! Here is the promised autocannon video, with JSRS:
  19. I can and will look into that lateron (I even thought about optional flyby scripts), but adding different soundsets for the different weapons is my highest priority so far. And after adding the sounds for "open fields" I'll start working on my "urban surroundings" features. :) Speaking about soundsets... here's the autocannon! Edit: Whoops, wrong quality settings. Re-uploading! Edit2: Check my post below or the first page. :)
  20. Thanks for the feedback guys, just finished the autocannon (35mm) stuff :) Yup! The mod only "adds" new elements so it should be compatible with any sound mod out there, however I'm trying to achieve a volume level that'll sound good with the vanilla sounds aswell as with the JSRS ones.
  21. Kaelis baby, you're alive haha Currently working on a big project (not the LOSounds2) but I'll be having a month of vacation, too so lots of time to finish all the sounds :)