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About Outkast_IRE

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  1. Outkast_IRE

    Problem with fullscreen mode

    Ok i know i am replying to my own post here but i found a soloution , may be more of a graphics card bug but im not sure as this and ARMA 2 are the only games it has happened with . Basically i have 2 displays one being my monitor the other is tv on the other side of the room , they are cloned displays showing the exact same thing , except for this game , even though the screens are meant to be clones it only opens on one screen. As i said this and arma 2 are the only games to do this . Problem solved.
  2. Basically got the demo and played the first misson and was good, seriously considering buying the game except for one major bug i cant figure out. It will only open in windowed mode properly, when it opens in full screen mode , the music starts the mouse icon changes but the game doesnt display, If i hit alt enter it will switch to windowed mode fine. The resolution is set correctly and it did open correctly once any tips . Running OS windows 7 ati 6870 hawx 8gb ram