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About Wikzo

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  1. Denmark ... so I think it's more plausible to use an online store.
  2. Thanks, everyone. A maximum amount would be less than $100, I guess. And one basic question: is it really worth playing the game with a joystick, or can it be just as fun with keyboard and mouse?
  3. Hi all, I just discovered Take On Helicopters. Downloaded the demo through Steam and found it very interesting. I have always enjoyed flying helicopters in the Battlefield games (especially BF2) and thought it could be fun to try something more challenging. I am consindering buying TOH and maybe also some kind of joystick. I have never owned a computer joystick, though, so I know absolutely nothing about what to look for. Could you please suggest me some good, not-too-expensive joysticks for a helicopter beginner? Thanks in advance! :)