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Everything posted by greywolf907

  1. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Hey jshock thanks for the help, It does throw up a script error I should have put that on my last post.
  2. greywolf907

    Random tasks\objectives

    Hey jshock, not sure what happened something changed since the last couple game updates I noticed that no more air assets were at the AO's anymore here is the script you put together for me see what you think is the problem I messed with it a bit can't sort it out. Thanks /* ////////////////////////////////////////////// Author: J.Shock File: fn_patrols.sqf Description: Creates randomly positioned and sized patrols throughout a defined radius of an AO using a marker as the center position. Parameters: 1- Center position: (array) (default: empty array) 2- Radius to spawn units: (integer) (default: 300) 3- Number of foot patrol groups: (integer) (default: 5) 4- Number of vehicle patrol groups: (integer) (default: 3) 5- Number of mechanized patrol groups: (integer) (default: 2) 6- Number of armor patrol groups: (integer) (default: 2) 7- Number of air patrol groups: (integer) (default: 1) 8- Side: (side) (default: EAST) Return: Spawned units. Example Call line: _units = ["mrkName",200,5,3,2,2,1,EAST] call JSHK_fnc_patrols; */////////////////////////////////////////////// private [ "_AOmarker","_radius","_numFootPatrols","_numVehPatrols","_center", "_numArmorPatrols","_numMechPatrols","_numAirPatrols","_side","_footUnits", "_vehUnits","_armorUnits","_mechUnits","_airUnits","_units" ]; _AOmarker = [_this, 0, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _radius = [_this, 1, 300, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _numFootPatrols = [_this, 2, 30, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _numVehPatrols = [_this, 3, 3, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _numArmorPatrols = [_this, 4, 2, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _numMechPatrols = [_this, 5, 2, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _numAirPatrols = [_this, 6, 1, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _side = [_this, 7, EAST, [WEST]] call BIS_fnc_param; _footUnits = ["OIA_InfSentry","OIA_ReconSquad","OI_reconPatrol","OI_SniperTeam"]; _vehUnits = ["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F"]; _armorUnits = ["O_MBT_02_cannon_F","O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F"]; _mechUnits = ["O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F","O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F"]; _airUnits = ["O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F","O_Plane_CAS_02_F"]; _center = createCenter _side; _units = []; if (_numFootPatrols > 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to (_numFootPatrols) step 1 do { _configGrp = _footUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _rndPos = [[[_AOmarker, _radius], []], ["water", "out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _grp = [_rndPos, _center, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> (_configGrp))] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_grp, (_AOmarker), (random(50)+75)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; {_units pushBack _x} forEach units _grp; sleep 0.05; }; }; if (_numVehPatrols > 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to (_numVehPatrols) step 1 do { _rndVeh = _vehUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _rndPos = [_AOmarker,50,_radius,5,0,0.5,0,[],[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _veh = [_rndPos,random(359),_rndVeh,_center] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; [(_veh select 2),(_AOmarker),(random(50)+100)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; {_units pushBack _x} forEach (_veh select 1); _units pushBack (_veh select 0); sleep 0.05; }; }; if (_numArmorPatrols > 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to (_numArmorPatrols) step 1 do { _rndVeh = _armorUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _rndPos = [_AOmarker,50,_radius,5,0,0.5,0,[],[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _veh = [_rndPos,random(359),_rndVeh,_center] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; [(_veh select 2),(_AOmarker),(random(50)+100)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; {_units pushBack _x} forEach (_veh select 1); _units pushBack (_veh select 0); sleep 0.05; }; }; if (_numMechPatrols > 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to (_numMechPatrols) step 1 do { _rndVeh = _mechUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _rndPos = [_AOmarker,50,_radius,5,0,0.5,0,[],[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _veh = [_rndPos,random(359),_rndVeh,_center] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; [(_veh select 2),(_AOmarker),(random(50)+100)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; {_units pushBack _x} forEach (_veh select 1); _units pushBack (_veh select 0); sleep 0.05; }; }; if (_numAirPatrols > 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to (_numAirPatrols) step 1 do { _rndVeh = _airUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _rndPos = [[[_AOmarker, _radius],[]],["water","out"],[],{}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _veh = createVehicle [_rndVeh,_rndPos,[],0,"FLY"]; createVehicleCrew _veh; [(group _veh),(_AOmarker),350] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; {_units pushBack _x} forEach (crew _veh); _units pushBack _veh; sleep 0.05; }; }; _units;
  3. Hhhmmm Are you just hosting a dedicated off of your PC or do you rent one from someone? It could very well be a provider issue maybe the server providers need to update something on their end?
  4. Connor have you tried to confirm your settings are working? Because I have tested changing multiple options in the server profile and .cfg and it just defaults to the preset you set in .cfg class Missions { class Mission_1 { template = "Mission1.Altis"; difficulty = "Custom"; }; }; As in the link https://community.bi...Difficulty_Menu The settings seem to be hard coded into Recruit, Regular, Veteran, Etc... I tried modifying the Custom settings and it just keeps using the same options in your link. If you look at what they have and what you posted they are almost the same. Try to change like the third person option in your server profile and see if it has any effect when you join your server to confirm that your method is working.
  5. So I started using your server tool again have not used it since Arma 2 anyway noticed something odd when I set the default server mods and start the server verify signatures set to 0 if I try to join without one of the mods that was set on server start it just kicks me as if verify signatures is on 1 if I restart enable the 1 or 2 mods that I am not starting with but the server is running it lets me join up no prob? Not sure why but if I want to run a AI mod on server without everyone having to run it client side this causes a issue. Thanks for any help.
  6. How can you set the camo range for a uniform in the config I tried camouflage = 0.4; but does not seem to work. That line does work on editor spawned unit with the uniform linked but not if I grab it and put it on.
  7. greywolf907

    Camo for Uniform

    Jackal326 Yes I understand what you meant that is what I was talking about not the init line for the unit. That is how I have it setup so if the unit is placed in a mission with the editor or with Zeus it uses the camo settings from the config. Was just hoping for a way to have the camo setting work for the uniform by itself. Thanks
  8. greywolf907

    Camo for Uniform

    Yes I understand that as I said above if I spawn in the unit with Zeus or just place it in the editor it works fine just thought there may be a way to have it just for the uniform by itself so that if you put on the uniform it works the same. Thanks
  9. I am trying to add a re textured suppressor but not sure where to start with the config.cpp end of it does anyone know how to implement this? Thanks
  10. So I have created a re textured rifle and can not figure out how to have a default scope attached to it through the config.cpp file. I would like to link a RCO scope to the rifle so that if I spawn in a unit with Zeus the AI will have a scope or if I play as one of my custom units on a mission that uses the re textured rifle I have a scope to use. Thanks for any help
  11. greywolf907

    Re textured suppressor

    Oh well that would prob be why I could not make it work. What is the reason for not allowing them to be edited I wonder?
  12. What is the line scope = protected; for? Also is there not a way to just do this within my weapons config as I have my different re textured addons separated in different files weapons, NATO units, Ghillie Units, ETC... Really did not want to add my weapons code line into my units config. Thanks
  13. So where do I add this into my config above? At the end or in the field of the rifles or what? Everything I try seems to give me a error or messes up the second gun being in the arsenal. Thanks
  14. Well even without the line scopeArsenal = 2; my weapons show up in the arsenal but when I add the lines to attach the scope and suppressor the weapon I add the lines to in the config no longer shows up in the arsenal even with the scopeArsenal line. Can you please take my config above and show me how to make it work with the attachments and arsenal? Thanks for the help
  15. Ok well I can get it to work but then I can't see my 2nd weapons in the virtual arsenal how can I incorporate it into my config and make it work how it does now but with the attachments and also so I can have different attachments on the second weapon? thanks. Here is what I have for the config.cpp class CfgPatches { class T1_WEAPONS { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; }; }; class cfgWeapons { //******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** //***** Rifles ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** class arifle_MXM_F; class T1_MD_KRIP_W: arifle_MXM_F { baseWeapon = "T1_MD_KRIPT_W"; displayName = "MXM MANDRAKE [TIER1]"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"T1_WEAPONS\Data\T1_MXM_MDK.paa"}; picture = "\T1_WEAPONS\UI\MD_MXM.paa"; scopeCurator = 2; }; class arifle_MXM_F_1; class T1_MDN_KRIP_W: arifle_MXM_F { baseWeapon = "T1_MDN_KRIPT_W"; displayName = "MXM MANDRAKE NET [TIER1]"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"T1_WEAPONS\Data\T1_MXM_MD_N.paa"}; picture = "\T1_WEAPONS\UI\MD_MXM.paa"; scopeCurator = 2; }; };
  16. greywolf907

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Hey Shomu 1, This is a part of a retexture pack I did some time back the config is for the Orca but just replace with Ghost hawk classname and your other info and it should work. class CfgPatches { class My_Mod_Config { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ //***** Factions ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* //************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ class cfgFactionClasses { class Custom_Faction { displayName = "Custom_Faction"; priority = 3; // Position in list. side = 1; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. icon = ""; //Custom Icon }; }; class CfgVehicles { class O_Heli_Light_02_F; class TIER1_ORCA: O_Heli_Light_02_F //For unarmed version use: "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F" { side = 1; scope = 2; crew = "B_Helipilot_F"; //example: "B_Helipilot_F" faction = "Custom_Faction"; displayName = "PO-30 Orca WOODLAND [TIER1]"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Orca\data\ORCA2.paa"}; //Your path to texture }; };
  17. greywolf907

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Hey Pete was wondering if you know step by step how to create the height map layer in some of your templates? I am using Photoshop but should be about the same as Gimp I just am not sure how to make that layer so that I can use it over other color layers Etc to still show the detail of the uniform or whatever on other self made templates. Thanks
  18. greywolf907

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Thanks man your awesome :)
  19. greywolf907

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Hey Pete I have gotten uniforms, equipment, vests, to work with re textures but the weapon config part I need a bit of help with can you please give me a working config example for the weapons thanks.
  20. greywolf907

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Thanks for the help.
  21. greywolf907

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Yeah thanks for the link. Just to have a full working re textured unit config to reference and see how it all looks together with a re textured weapon, pack, vest, Etc would be great can you maybe post one from your units? Thanks
  22. greywolf907

    Pete's Texture Templates

    K how about the configs for Nato, Opfor, Ind Uinforms, vests, helmets also the carry all pack and the Mx rifles. I have some re textured units I have done in the past but would like to see the config structure and get my head around it a bit more thanks.
  23. greywolf907

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Stumbled across your post nice job man keep up the good work. can you also post the config files to make the textures into a full .pbo file it would be a big help to people starting out with re textures thanks.
  24. greywolf907

    [COOP] All Out Warfare

    Hey man great mission. I was wondering if you can walk me through how you got the AI to call out for help when incapacitated instead of respawning right where they died with the Bis revive from Endgame? I have it working in a couple mission I made but like I said the AI when killed just respawn in place The missions I am using this in are without a respawn location as that is how I wanted these couple missions structured. Thanks for any help.