Greeting. I recently downloaded Arma II because, more or less, I got tired of many other modern combat games on the market, where everyone is out for nothing more than their kill count, and teamwork and strategy is unheard of.
Name: Mike
Age: 21
Location: San Jose
Microphone & teamspeak: Yes
Languages: English
User codename: Vagabond, Mustang or Starbreaker
ACE: No idea what it is. Will download if it is a required/useful mod.
Roles preferred: Preferably something medically involved. Will also take combat engineering/EOD or infantry roles.
Time spent with Arma2: Not long. Been playing a bit the past few days for familiarization.
Skill/experience: I've been playing FPS games as long as I can remember. Played Planet side for a number of years (which is relevant for Arma II only because it is also a large scale combined operations themed game) during which time I was often a team leader in an organized environment.
Furthermore, I spent some time in the U.S. Army as an 89D (EOD) technician, attaining the rank of E-3.
Looking for:
-Active community.
-Tactics and realism are a must.
-Rank structure is okay.
-Willing to put up with someone a little new to simulation games.
-Preferably an Army themed group, though I'm not picky.
Additional info: