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About HazJ

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    Warrant Officer


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    Gaming & Coding

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    Seriously... Who uses this anymore? lol!
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    Eat, sleep, code and repeat.

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  1. Hello, I just saw your message after not logging in for a while. I don't currently have easy access to my drives where all of my ArmA data is stored. I'm not sure when I will find the time either. I know there have been other requests from other projects as well. I just don't have the time or interest for anything ArmA related at the moment.
  2. @b2020b Hello, Try this. Please note that this project has now been abandoned. I do not have the time for A3 or SQF anymore. #define DIK_TAB 0x0F expandShrinkKey = 15;
  3. There's no need to duplicate the files. Show me your code. There could be an issue with layers. Please provide more info and I'll take a look when I get chance.
  4. Yes. Might be useful to update the link in your first post. I know it's obvious and easy to Google but yeah.
  5. Add: widthRailWay = 1; Inside of: class A3GPS_RscMapControl { Not sure about the other error.
  6. Simple way to test. Open up the map in Eden editor. Place yourself down as a civ. Place one Blufor rifleman and one Opfor rifleman. Position them across from each other. Don't copy/paste anything. Don't do anything else other than this. If it works, then it may be something in the unit's field (behaviour, etc) when you copied it over.
  7. HazJ

    Hosted Mission Issues

    Moi, Make sure the speaker is valid. Try with another to make sure just in case. It could be the Wiki just doesn't have all the speakers listed. I'm not able to go in-game to fetch them all currently. The error is because you are wrapping the _variable inside quotes. { if (side _x isEqualTo independent) then { _voice = selectRandom ["Male01GRE", "Male02GRE", "Male03GRE", "Male04GRE", "Male05GRE"]; [_x, _voice] remoteExec ["setSpeaker", 0, _x]; }; } forEach allUnits; The Wiki lists the following: Male01_F - Male01ENG(B) - Male01GRE - Male01PER Male02_F - Male02ENG(B) - Male02GRE - Male02PER Male03_F - Male03ENG(B) - Male03GRE - Male03PER Male04_F - Male04ENG(B) - Male04GRE - Male01PER Male05_F - Male05ENG - Male05GRE - Male02PER Male06_F - Male06ENG - Male02GRE - Male03PER Male07_F - Male07ENG - Male03GRE - Male01PER Male08_F - Male08ENG - Male04GRE - Male02PER
  8. HazJ

    Hosted Mission Issues

    setSpeaker is not obsolete. At least according to the Wiki. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setSpeaker
  9. Don't worry about it 😄 We all have our dumb moments 😋
  10. Nice. I see you got your addAction working too! 😁
  11. Good post @zagor64bz - Sorry I couldn't be more help, I simply don't use the Eden editor. I usually script everything. Only thing on the map is markers and units which are all positioned at [0, 0, 1000] (bottom left).
  12. You should start slowly. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Eden_Editor Have a read through these, they should get you started. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Trigger
  13. Did you try: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorUp https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/surfaceNormal
  14. HazJ

    Hosted Mission Issues

    Moi 🙂 These are locality issues. We are going to need some more code before we can help you further. For the action, you can setup the actions either on the server or add them for JIP. As for your code above, some tips: Use a forEach loop for repeated actions. (small snippet) e.g. v9 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; v2 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; v7 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; v9 playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"; v2 playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"; v7 playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"; { _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"; } forEach [ v9, v2, v7 ]; You need to broadcast animations over the network using the remoteExec command. setObjectTexture has a global version, setObjectTextureGlobal as JohnKalo said. How are you creating your triggers? Eden or scripted? What is in the cond and on act fields?