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Everything posted by HazJ

  1. Hi all, Okay so. I have multiple different code/functions for finding flat area/position, etc... What I am after now is different. I want to find a random position on the map which is flat. I got this far. The problem is that the trees/bushes/etc sometimes appear. I tried selectBestPlaces command but not having much joy. I think the expression is incorrect. I saw in another thread that someone clears the area by checking if trees/bushes are there using nearestTerrainObjects. I don't really want to do this if possible. Tried isFlatEmpty as well. It is just Tanoa... When it does work. It isn't always consistent. It can works once and then the other 10 tests or so no position is found. Any suggestions?
  2. Hello all, I am creating a 3D object that involves a laptop. Similar to @killzone_kid 's example. I have got the laptop setup just fine but I am looking for information on "class Areas"(assuming this is what I need) but can't find anything useful on the Wiki. Seems to be lacking valuable information or maybe I am just blind heh. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DialogControls-Objects What I am trying to do is add things inside the laptop screen. Normal UI elements like RscText, RscPicture, etc... Here is what I have so far (very basic): class dlg_laptop { idd = 12345; movingEnable = 0; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable [""disp_laptop"", param [0]];"; onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable [""disp_laptop"", nil];"; class objects { class laptop { idc = 100; type = CT_OBJECT_CONTAINER; x = 0.25 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.16 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.5 * safezoneW; h = 0.68 * safezoneH; z = 0.2; xBack = 0.5; yBack = 0.5; zBack = 1.2; inBack = 9; scale = 3; direction[] = {0, -0.35, -0.65}; up[] = {0, 0.65, -0.35}; enableZoom = 1; zoomDuration = 0.001; model = "\A3\Structures_F\Items\Electronics\Laptop_unfolded_F.p3d"; }; }; }; Any help would be great. Thanks!
  3. Hi all, I am trying to draw icons on the GPS panel. Currently having issues with it though, not sure where I am going wrong exactly. I have a feeling the control/IDC is wrong? The function (fn_playerIcons.sqf) works fine, it works on the normal map control #51. Code is quite messy, needs a cleanup/rewrite but for now just trying to get it working. _miniMapKey = []; { _miniMapKey append _x; } forEach [ actionKeys "MiniMap", actionKeys "MiniMapToggle", actionKeys "ListLeftVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "ListPrevLeftVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "CloseLeftVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "ListRightVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "ListPrevRightVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "CloseRightVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "User20" ]; case (_key in _miniMapKey) : { systemChat "Mini Map Key Pressed"; _handled = false; [] spawn { if !("ItemGPS" in assignedItems player) exitWith { systemChat "No GPS"; }; sleep 1.15; waitUntil {visibleGPS}; sleep 1.15; if (!visibleGPS) then { ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscCustomInfoMiniMap") displayCtrl 101) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["Draw", miniMapEH]; systemChat "GPS Not Visible"; miniMapEH = nil; if (DEBUG_MODE isEqualTo 1) then { systemChat "[DEBUG] :: MINI MAP EH REMOVED"; }; } else { miniMapEH = ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscCustomInfoMiniMap") displayCtrl 101) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", tky_fnc_playerIcons]; systemChat "GPS Visible"; if (DEBUG_MODE isEqualTo 1) then { systemChat "[DEBUG] :: MINI MAP EH ADDED"; }; }; }; }; Even tried all of these: { ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscCustomInfoMiniMap") displayCtrl _x) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", tky_fnc_playerIcons]; } forEach [ 15110, 102, 15112, 199, 198, 197, 13301, 101 ]; Any ideas? Cheers, Haz
  4. !!! THIS PROJECT HAS NOW BEEN ABANDONED !!! !!! SUPPORT WILL BE LIMITED AND NO NEW VERSIONS WILL BE RELEASED FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE !!! Hi all, Thought I'd release this for anyone to use. I didn't create the display, I exported it from game files. I have included some code for the demo but just note that it isn't MP compatible by default (only shows + updates per client). The signal doesn't affect the download speed by default. Feel free to modify and improve, just credit me for the base code and Bohemia Interactive for the display. https://i.imgur.com/5kgv7Qn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/8kLj96B.jpg https://i.imgur.com/uY8fehZ.jpg Things you may need to change: _object = dataTerminal; // variable name of object (REQUIRED) _increment = 1; // how fast it increments Download: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArYSs9w5RSIDhg51XA3dDuclYRQ8 OR Download Data (from End Game) v1.0
  5. Hello, I just saw your message after not logging in for a while. I don't currently have easy access to my drives where all of my ArmA data is stored. I'm not sure when I will find the time either. I know there have been other requests from other projects as well. I just don't have the time or interest for anything ArmA related at the moment.
  6. Hi all, Having issue with .dll extension for database. I get this error in RPT: Call extension 'ArmaSQL' could not be loaded: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. Any ideas? Don't think it is the .dll extension itself but then again don't know what else it could be. Rig: i7 8700k 1080 Ti 64 GB DDR4 Should be enough "resources" lol. @PixeL_GaMMa
  7. !!! THIS PROJECT HAS NOW BEEN ABANDONED !!! !!! SUPPORT WILL BE LIMITED AND NO NEW VERSIONS WILL BE RELEASED FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE !!! https://github.com/HazJ/notificationSystem.VR Notification System for ArmA III Installation 1) Copy notificationSystem folder to your mission root 2) Copy contents from init.sqf to your mission 3) Copy contents from description.ext to your mission (if you already have class RscTitles then please only copy the #include part inside your existing RscTitles) 4) Configure config options in notificationSystem\config\config_master 5) Execute function where ever needed Usage examples ["New notification", "This is a notification!", [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1]] spawn Haz_fnc_createNotification; ["<img size='1' color='#ffffff' image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\private_gs.paa'/> New notification", "This is a notification!"] spawn Haz_fnc_createNotification; ["<img size='1' align='right' color='#ffffff' image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\private_gs.paa'/> New notification", "This is a notification!"] spawn Haz_fnc_createNotification; ["<img size='1' align='right' color='#ffffff' image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\private_gs.paa'/> Rank Promotion", "Good work!", [1, 1, 1, 1], [0.12, 0.63, 0.94, 1]] spawn Haz_fnc_createNotification; Config options 0 = FALSE 1 = TRUE debugMode = 0; // If set to 1 then debug mode will be enabled (used for DEV purposes only) defaultTitleTextColour[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; // Default title text colour (used if you don't pass custom argument to function) defaultTitleBgColour[] = {"(profileNamespace getVariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R', 0.13])", "(profileNamespace getVariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G', 0.54])", "(profileNamespace getVariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B', 0.21])", 1}; // Default title text colour (used if you don't pass custom argument to function) maxNotificationsOnScreen = 4; // Maximum number of notifications to show on screen at once (4 is the currently the max - if you try to set higher then it will revert to 3) positionOnScreen = "RIGHT"; // Where to position notifications on the screen - "LEFT" or "RIGHT" expandShrinkToggle = 1; // Enable player to expand/shrink notifications expandShrinkKey = "help"; // The key which is used to expand/shrink notifications - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes (you can also use action key names: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Key_Actions) showNotificationsQueue = 1; // Show notification queue count in bottom left corner of screen Changelog 0.3.1 * Fixed expand/shrink positioning when using RIGHT config option (thanks to Tankbuster for reporting) * Added config option for expand/shrink key * Minor code tweaks 0.3 * Added load save fix (thanks AZCoder) * Added functionality for the inactive customisable config options that were added last version (for example: positionOnScreen) * Fixed the bug with the key press toggle (expand/shrink control elements) * Fixed queue counter 0.2 * Added customisable config options * Added key press toggle which expands/shrinks the control elements out to show more/less information (inspired by BIS_fnc_advHint) * Added RscStructuredText styling support for title * Added option to pass arguments directly to the function * Added text which shows total number of notifications in the queue 0.1 * Initital release Known issues None known Credits Haz Contributors Thank you to everyone who provided suggestions, bug-reports and overall feedback! Sa-Matra AZCoder - Load save fix Notes If you change values in config_master then you may need to reload the mission (not just restart). Please do not remove my name from file(s) - Give credit where due! Useful information https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Key_Actions
  8. @b2020b Hello, Try this. Please note that this project has now been abandoned. I do not have the time for A3 or SQF anymore. #define DIK_TAB 0x0F expandShrinkKey = 15;
  9. There's no need to duplicate the files. Show me your code. There could be an issue with layers. Please provide more info and I'll take a look when I get chance.
  10. Yes. Might be useful to update the link in your first post. I know it's obvious and easy to Google but yeah.
  11. Add: widthRailWay = 1; Inside of: class A3GPS_RscMapControl { Not sure about the other error.
  12. Simple way to test. Open up the map in Eden editor. Place yourself down as a civ. Place one Blufor rifleman and one Opfor rifleman. Position them across from each other. Don't copy/paste anything. Don't do anything else other than this. If it works, then it may be something in the unit's field (behaviour, etc) when you copied it over.
  13. HazJ

    Hosted Mission Issues

    Moi, Make sure the speaker is valid. Try with another to make sure just in case. It could be the Wiki just doesn't have all the speakers listed. I'm not able to go in-game to fetch them all currently. The error is because you are wrapping the _variable inside quotes. { if (side _x isEqualTo independent) then { _voice = selectRandom ["Male01GRE", "Male02GRE", "Male03GRE", "Male04GRE", "Male05GRE"]; [_x, _voice] remoteExec ["setSpeaker", 0, _x]; }; } forEach allUnits; The Wiki lists the following: Male01_F - Male01ENG(B) - Male01GRE - Male01PER Male02_F - Male02ENG(B) - Male02GRE - Male02PER Male03_F - Male03ENG(B) - Male03GRE - Male03PER Male04_F - Male04ENG(B) - Male04GRE - Male01PER Male05_F - Male05ENG - Male05GRE - Male02PER Male06_F - Male06ENG - Male02GRE - Male03PER Male07_F - Male07ENG - Male03GRE - Male01PER Male08_F - Male08ENG - Male04GRE - Male02PER
  14. HazJ

    Hosted Mission Issues

    setSpeaker is not obsolete. At least according to the Wiki. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setSpeaker
  15. Don't worry about it 😄 We all have our dumb moments 😋
  16. Nice. I see you got your addAction working too! 😁
  17. Good post @zagor64bz - Sorry I couldn't be more help, I simply don't use the Eden editor. I usually script everything. Only thing on the map is markers and units which are all positioned at [0, 0, 1000] (bottom left).
  18. You should start slowly. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Eden_Editor Have a read through these, they should get you started. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Trigger
  19. Did you try: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorUp https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/surfaceNormal
  20. HazJ

    Hosted Mission Issues

    Moi 🙂 These are locality issues. We are going to need some more code before we can help you further. For the action, you can setup the actions either on the server or add them for JIP. As for your code above, some tips: Use a forEach loop for repeated actions. (small snippet) e.g. v9 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; v2 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; v7 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; v9 playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"; v2 playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"; v7 playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"; { _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"; } forEach [ v9, v2, v7 ]; You need to broadcast animations over the network using the remoteExec command. setObjectTexture has a global version, setObjectTextureGlobal as JohnKalo said. How are you creating your triggers? Eden or scripted? What is in the cond and on act fields?
  21. I'm not trying to "back-seat moderate" here but... If you read one post up from yours, you would know that you can simply put your post in spoiler tags. It is also in the forum rules. That way, everyone is happy. You can report bugs and people don't see spoilers (unless they choose to). It is too much hassle for moderators to be editing every potential thread that contains spoilers. Some people just want to provide feedback and have a quick read/catchup. People are providing feedback, go back a few pages and you'll see.
  22. The only thing I can think of is (script wise) is to combine some sort of KeyDown / AnimChanged event with playSound3D positioned at the player's feet. You'll still hear the existing sound though. Play the sound on an invisible object then attach that to the player's feet.
  23. What's wrong with storing the position/object as the player looks at it and commands the unit? If I have understood correctly. You call an action, the object you are looking at is the thing that will be climbed. By the time the AI unit gets there to climb, there's no longer a reference because the player isn't looking at the object anymore? Do you have any code to share? As Pierre said. You can pass arguments to the addAction command. // Placed a unit down named Bov // Looked at a building, selected the "Climb it" action then looked away // Bov successfully moves to the correct building // This method will be fine though obviously you'll want to do your checks such as valid position/object, is it a position or object, etc, etc player addAction ["Climb it", { _object = getPosATL cursorObject; systemChat str _object; uiSleep 2; player setPos _object; Bov commandMove _object; }]; // Not ideal as cursorObject is never updated player addAction ["Climb it", { _object = (_this#3)#0; systemChat str _object; uiSleep 2; player setPos getPosATL _object; Bov commandMove getPosATL _object; }, [cursorObject]]; One thing I did notice is that, sometimes it failed to get the object I was directly looking at, despite my cursor revealing the object. Make sure the object is properly revealed. Please provide some code so we can help better. Perhaps some code optimisation / refactoring will do the trick.
  24. Moi, You can use the format command. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/format _townName = "Kavala"; _taskTitle = format ["Task at %1", _townName]; [west, ["task2"], ["Good luck finding this cookie", format ["Find the cookie at %1", _townName], "cookiemarker2"], objNull, 1, 3, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; You'll need to figure out how to get the the actual town name itself. If you have the a marker or position. You could use nearestLocation and text commands. There are many ways to do it. You need to provide more information. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestLocation https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/text