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Everything posted by oksman

  1. oksman

    3CB Factions

    Does anyone here know if it's possible to change the clan logo on certain vehicles to a specific .paa for each mission? I've tried changing setObjectTexture with "clan" etc but can't seem to get it working. Anyone know how to set this as an editor? Cheers for any response, and many thanks 3CB for the hotfix!
  2. oksman

    3CB Factions

    Awesome thanks! I just want to clarify after reading my own text it wasn't super clear maybe, the M2s on all Land Rovers have this issue, where as the commanders PKM itself is aligned correctly. Great work, thanks on behalf of Guerrillas of Liberation !
  3. oksman

    3CB Factions

    Hello 3CB devs, love your work it's really great to have a larger faction set using the RHS content so very happy to see that! I wasn't sure where to find a feedback tracker or known issues but I would like to report an issue with the Landrover HMGs that seem to have a very offset sight, the 100m range sits between the pin on the sight and the "arch" so its very hard for players to use effectively at distance and even confusing at close range. Is this something that could be fixed? I was hoping the previous patch note on the wrong magazine may have fixed it but perhaps its not related. The Commander version with the PKM seems to be aligned so that's not an issue, it's only the M2 on top of these Landrovers that have the problematic alignment For reference this is the Dshkm from a Hilux which has a more flat arc at the same ranging which works well
  4. Hey I've been trying to figure this out and I can't seem to get it working, my intent is creating a script that creates random targets for CAS practice, and I've made so there's smoke spawned near the enemy to guide dumb fire, what I'm missing is to simulate having an FAC on the ground who has a laser on target. So what I'm trying to make is a scripted laser show up on the HUD / Sensor of the players airframe and this is intended for use on dedicated server hence the dynamic variable. _laser = createVehicle ["LaserTargetW" ,getPos _randomTarget, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; [side _Player,[_laser , 3600]] remoteExec ["reportRemoteTarget",0]; [_laser,[side _Player, true]] remoteExec ["confirmSensorTarget",0]; _randomTarget is just a invisible helipad. side _Player is in this case EAST hence the "LaserTargetW". Anyone got a clue about this? Is there another solution to make scripted laser for human pilots? Thanks for any help in advance
  5. Larrow you legend. Is there any documentation that mentions this or is this one of your many magical skills? Thanks a bunch! That's sorted it
  6. Damn, I read the opposite in another thread. I'll give that a go and return! Thanks Edit: So I've managed to make the target pop up both with TargetE and W for east, however it disappears after 5 seconds instead of remaining for the time designated. _laser spawn { while {!isNull _this} do {sleep 0.1;}; systemChat "Laser gone..."}; This fires every time after a few seconds.
  7. oksman

    Arma3 Videos

    Best Amphibious assault recorded in Arma 3 ever imo 😄
  8. oksman

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Disable the function? It's slowing down joinings on servers. Don't need to expand it just stop the game from attempting to contact Arma 3 Units? It's not working for anyone anyway?
  9. oksman

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    I have a curious thing happening to the Husky, no AI seems to want to fire their rifles at the gunner? Is this intentional?
  10. oksman

    Arma3 Videos

    Clan rituals, nothing to see here
  11. oksman

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Sorry just tested this, it doesn't seem to work. UK3CB_BAF_Weapons_Ammo_fnc_check_for_smoke_round doesn't seem to be defined if I check for it in the watch fields.
  12. oksman

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Thanks a lot man! I did notice that the smoke doesn't seem to effect the AI when playing on a dedicated server with or without headless client. Is this a known issue or could it have something to do with AI mods such as LAMBS_Danger.fsm? https://streamable.com/rpguxf Just realized that I disabled LAMBS_Danger on the enemies there in that video, so maybe it's something else?
  13. oksman

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Hello, great mod. Love the quality! I was wondering, os there a way to activate your 60mm Smoke Shell module via script? Love the smoke effect, finally a smokeshell that does its job! Would like to do a scripted scene in a mission but I don't want to use the module with triggers, I'd want to apply some scripts and parameters for it such as delay per smoke round etc. Is this possible?
  14. oksman

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    What happens if you give your vehicles to the AI? The default vehicle spawned in does not have vehicle ammo in the vehicle, meaning AI can't reload right? It makes it quite the hassle for anyone seeing as you have to manually load it in in-game which cost precious time or it requires some hefty scripting. I love the mod though I just wondered if there's a solution for this?
  15. That looks really nice, I really hope you manage to get it working 🙂