Hi all. Just brought 'ARMA X' as it's time to get back in to the milsim. Been away since Delta Force Land Warrior so you can guess I am more of the mature gamer. Just couldn't get in to all those cod's, bf's etc - a lot of headless chickens.
Anyway the problem I am having is that I have 3 24" monitors utilising nvidia surround at a resolution of 6000x1080. That is 3 x 1920x1080 with 2 x 120pixel bezel correction.
At the sides of the hud I am losing say 2 characters per side that is hidden behind the bezels.
Editing the 'username'.ArmaA2OAProfile I can shift the left side across altering the uiTopLeftX= setting but that of course pushes the right side even further behind the bezel. Then if you reduce the uiBottomRightX= it simply pushes the left side back behind the bezel.
This is driving me nuts as being new to the game I need (at least for now) to see both sides of the ui.
Yes I have googled this extensively and searched the forums but have yet to find a solution.
I am sure I can not be the only person to use bezel corrected triple monitors to play this game.
Please can anyone put me out of my misery so I can get on with the training, campaigns and then get online once I am up to speed.
Thanks in advance for your help.