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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. OMG :eek: -- thanks, now I'm going to have nightmares about trying to test a script and having to re-launch bc of ctd every time it had an error!
  2. It's not bc the db level is set so low, is it? Maybe try putting the playsound and say commands in a trigger instead of player init? Just a few quick suggestions off the top of my head...
  3. h34dup

    Overview.html help

    Last night I was able to get a 256x128px .jpg working fine for mine, but I'm pretty sure that you can't go much bigger than that. I know that .paa also works - as linked by cuel, you can use TexView to convert a .tga file into a .paa (pretty sure .jpg won't work as TexView is horribly unstable and will crash at a moments notice-- best thing to do is drop in the .tga, save wherever and drag to your folder if necessary), then simply link the .paa as you would your .jpg. But again, if you have the correct dimensions, you should still be able to use .jpg.
  4. Things are definitely on-track. Today, I added an optional objective to take out an Al-Qaeda HVT who travels around the AO-- you have about an hour and a half to find and kill him before he heads south and the CIA takes care of it. The CIA coordinator, Gary (a reference to the author of Jawbreaker, one of my research sources) gives you periodic updates of the HVT's reported position. Here's a preview of the loading screen, which shows AFO Viper, your 4-man recon team from Task Force 11 (TF11) From L-R: Kraken, Puma, Hooch (you), Widow. Only a few things left to do, another round or two of testing and then I'll submit to Armaholic and link here.
  5. It will most likely be released this week, going to spend another day or so tightening things up, adding a second bonus objective, reworking the story and bringing in more research. Also need to square away debriefing, scenario screen img/txt and a loadscreen. I'll admit I was slightly inebriated when I made the above post whining about how it's not getting more of a response, so you have a point, but I do look forward to hearing from people once it is out there. :p
  6. Has anyone gotten a tpw_houselights108.sqf not found error when exiting the editor or scenario? In my map using ToraBora I get this error msg, yet I haven't implemented the script any differently than I have for Aliabad and HazarKot and I do not get this error. Is there any reason the game would check for this script outside of the scenario it's being applied in? EDIT: Also, I am getting a pretty substantial freeze when the script kicks in 10 seconds after loading for the first time (it doesn't freeze in subsequent reloads), and this is also something that hasn't happened before in other maps.
  7. For my SP mission I'm working on, I have a 3-part "Phase" consisting of 3 different simpleTask objectives - obj3a, obj3b, and obj3c. Each objective is "completed" differently, but in the end, it's just running a scripted file which includes a bit of chat, obj3x setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; some task hints, and a saveGame. What I'm trying to do is allow the player to tackle these 3 objectives in whichever order they want, when they complete one objective (obj3x), the game checks to see which objectives (if any) out of the three have been completed, and sets the player's currentTask to one that has not been completed. When all three objectives have been completed, another script runs that declares all three objectives are complete, thus completing the "Phase" and setting the final "Phase" of the mission (obj4) as the current task. Ideally, the flow would go from obj2 > obj3a > obj3b > obj3c > obj4 ...but in truth, it shouldn't matter which order the 3 objectives within obj3 are completed, only that they are completed. The reason this matters is to set up a clear flow of gameplay and not confuse players when they don't know what the next objective is. Of course, I could simply force the player to follow the ideal sequence at the expense of wasting time, but I'd love to get my head around it. I am intermediate at best as a scripter right now, especially in-terms of some of these core code theory concepts. I currently have an if then else that looked something like this in each obj3x "completed" script: obj3a setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; if (taskCompleted obj3b) then { player setCurrentTask obj3c; sleep 5; taskhint ["Phase 3 Updated:\nRecon Yak Ghar", [1, 1, 1, 1], "taskCurrent"]; } else { player setCurrentTask obj3b; sleep 5; taskhint ["Phase 3 Updated:\nRecon Wanat", [1, 1, 1, 1], "taskCurrent"]; }; The problem of course is that once the last objective is completed, whichever one is in the "then" case is reset as the current task, my script that sets up obj4 never picks up the condition of all 3 obj's being completed at the same time. I knew this would be the case, and I'm pondering the idea of trying to use !taskCompleted (if that would even work) that might simply do nothing when the argument returns false, thus not resetting any objectives and hopefully allowing the obj3 complete script to run. However, I figured before I expend all this effort in trial-and-error, I could ask if anyone could help explain how to do this. There's probably a much more thoughtful use of syntax or a better if-then. Thanks in advance!
  8. Thanks for the reply-- as it happens there are triggers in the scenario now that do things like give taskHints as to what specifically needs to be done in each village when the player gets close enough. I certainly could do setCurrentTask when they get close enough (the villages are 2-3 klicks apart, so the other half of the mission is the challenge of getting around), but my concern was more where to point the player once an objective has been completed (based on feedback from previous releases of mine)-- I want there to always be an active next-step, but if the player should decide 'I want to try doing this one first instead,' they can set it manually and continue without worrying about falling out of the linear progression and having tasks reset. The method you lay out is totally a feasible alternative/added functionality tho, so we'll see if anyone plays through and has feedback. Thanks again.
  9. Figured it out on my own. It has to do with the order of what I was checking for, and was solved by nesting an if...then statement within the else case of the parent if...then. That means first, I should check and see if all three objectives have been completed, then if they are not, I should check which objective is not completed and set it accordingly. So: obj3a setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; if (taskCompleted obj3a && taskCompleted obj3b && taskCompleted obj3c) then { hint "Phase 3 is complete!"; execVM "chat_obj3complete.sqf"; } else { if (taskCompleted obj3b) then { player setCurrentTask obj3c; sleep 5; taskhint ["Phase 3 Updated:\nRecon Yak Ghar", [1, 1, 1, 1], "taskCurrent"]; } else { player setCurrentTask obj3b; sleep 5; taskhint ["Phase 3 Updated:\nRecon Wanat", [1, 1, 1, 1], "taskCurrent"]; }; }; Hopefully this will help if someone else who has a bit of difficulty wrapping their head around the logic of scripting has the same issue.
  10. Did some improving and play testing earlier. Very satisfying mission, definitely going to appeal to people who enjoy longer, more involved missions like the deep recon mission in Operation Cobalt for example. The mission is feasible from the total stealth perspective, the sniper's perspective, or the cqb perspective...and it's enjoyable to try these different approaches. I think the people who play it will like it a lot, just wish there would be a better way to hear from those people. Feedback is so encouraging, so feel free to give a shout if you think this sounds cool!
  11. Sorry for the necropost, but I just wanted to say thanks a lot for this-- it implemented smoothly and will really help improve the mission I am working on.
  12. Two "hack" ideas: 1) It may be accessible via Trigger Effects (in Voice), or you could make your own sound trigger using that sound byte. 2) If you don't need to see that soldier, only the sound, you might try momentarily setting his Position way off somewhere and then moving him back.
  13. Thanks bobtom, 90% of the mission structure is in-place, so it will be very detailed while I take the time to optimize everything, add functionality, and test, etc. But it should be ready for beta release soon!
  14. I've been doing conversations the old way after slowly learning on my own. I had read through this earlier and was completely confused, now I'm reading through this and understand it much more clearly. Still, since I don't currently have voice actors and the dialogue is all relegated to chat channels, is it worth it to switch? I will experiment with this sometime soon anyway just to see what it's about...
  15. Liking these new screens, especially the units-- having patches and insignia that aren't warped and have proper normal maps is so important in my eyes, the unit is ruined if the insignia aren't done right bc it just ends up looking like murky color stains. These are sharp, and have definition on the uniforms. Been letting a French-based scenario brew upstairs for a while, this will be a great reason to do one finally.
  16. Thank god for the search function, this was exactly what I was looking for!
  17. Man, I just stumbled upon this and I must say, this is by far one of the finest missions/campaigns I've ever played! I got about 2 missions into the campaign, ended up booting up accidentally with all my mods (no clue how that happened), and then had to restart clean. And the second time I played through, it was 2 entirely different missions! You're right, this is a highly replayable campaign. Also, I have been wanting to find a good MVD-focused scenario, and I have found it. Now, I haven't combed through all 47 pages of feedback, but all I want to know is- how do we apply this framework so that you can play this on any island? Incredible work, King Nothing!
  18. Old thread, but I just came across this. Thanks! EDIT: Actually, I'm running into some issues with this. It seemed to work the first time I ran it, but then it stopped working and the damn civis got into the area I want to keep them out of. I fiddled with some trigger settings, like setting the activation to Civilian Present, but that only deleted empty objects like furniture (folding tables and chairs, empty cars, etc.). Not sure if it's bc I'm using a custom-made island (shouldn't be an issue), but I had to delete the trigger for now.
  19. Was also interested in this, I knew it was somewhere in the scripting reference... Thanks!
  20. I used TPW's houselights script in my recently-released Op. Razor's Edge SP scenario, now I'm about to give it a whirl with some of the other islands. I bet it will have an awesome effect in some of the really sparse mountain compounds! Really solid script that is easy to implement. The meat of it is well-commented but doesn't really need tweaking. Big thanks to TPW for solving what I think has been a long-standing problem.
  21. Pretty sure this is my first actual post here on the BI forums, been a lurker for some time though, which is largely how I got to where I am with editing now. Looks pretty cool Ken, I'll have to give this a whirl soon-- I'm currently wrapping up work on a SP mission that also happens to take place in Aliabad and use McNools' Tier One Operators, there's a thread on the Armaholic forums. I think that particular pack of units is one of the best around for modeling Advanced Force Operations in Afghanistan-like locales. Based on the screenshots, this looks a LOT like the mission I'm working on, but I'm sure the gameplay and objectives are different. I was working for a short time on a scenario in Takistan based on Tier One's involvement in Op. Anaconda (as depicted by Medal of Honor from 2011), even built the ATVs with M107/ammo bags attached to the body you ride around on in that one mission from MoH...never did anything more with it tho. Anyway, not to hijack this thread, I look forward to checking this out and hope you'll check my Aliabad/Tier One mission out when it is released.