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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. DOWNLOAD (v0.5 beta): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2364019577 Lead your men to victory and take part in the liberation of France as an American OSS (Office of Strategic Services) operative during the legendary Operation Jedburgh. After months of training and preparation, your Jed Team made the drop into France the night of the D-Day invasion, establishing contact with local Maquis resistance in Orglandes, providing training, arranging supply drops, and serving as a vital link to SFHQ in London. Today, all that will be put to the test as we move to prepare the region for the rapidly advancing Allied 8th Army. FEATURES A story-driven SP mission based on the real Operation Jedburgh (Wikipedia link[en.wikipedia.org]), offering the immersion of a campaign in a single three-chapter scenario! Play across a huge swath of the excellent Orglandes terrain, with thousands of hand-placed set pieces, including a unique Milice station, Panzergruppe encampment, and a completely re-worked "battle-scarred" town of Orglandes! NEW! Dynamically-spawned units optimized for performance, an improvement requested by players of my previous missions, ensuring a populated battlefield that is more CPU-friendly! Detailed units with the right gear for the theater, including the American O.S.S., British and French SAS, French Maquis/F.F.I. and Communist F.T.P., Vichy Milice, and German 352nd Division, 17th SS Panzergrenadiers, 5th Fallschirmjager, and more! Mission tasks are based on the real tactics of the OSS and the Simple Sabotage Field Manual, including ambush, sabotage, and rescue, with multiple approaches to accomplishing your mission, and optional objectives for added challenges and unlockable support! AUTHOR'S NOTES I've been working on a mission based on Op Jedburgh for a while, originally set in the Crossroads: Bocage terrain, but decided to start over with a completely different narrative. This is the result, hope you enjoy what might be my last release for some time. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. It was inspired by Robert Kohoe's account of his experience on Jed Team Frederick, as well as Operation Jedburgh: D-Day and America's First Shadow War by Colin Beavan. I referenced the War Report of the OSS, the Special Operations and Secret Intelligence Field Guides, Simple Sabotage, and other declassified documents. This is a beta release, some bugs may exist. Also, it's Arma, so there are bound to be things that will affect your playthrough. The add-on list may be long, but I assure you they are worth it! Warning: this scenario contains some imagery that is historically-accurate to the period being portrayed. By no means does the inclusion or representation of imagery from this period reflect or represent the views of the author. This is intended for entertainment purposes only, do not subscribe if you are uncomfortable with it. Curious to hear about your playthroughs! Please like and comment if you have an AAR, catch a bug, or have any constructive feedback. CREDITS The respective authors of the required addons, especially Orglandes, GEIST, and USGE&A for the incredible mods! Surrender script from MNK Michael Giacchino, Composer, MoH Soundtrack
  2. O.S.S. Ops: Tunisia These are promo images from a recent SP mission I released. A member of O.S.S. Combat Intelligence Team 'Indigo' embedded with the 36th Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, takes aim with his Springfield rifle at attacking German Afrika Korps soldiers in Hazar Kedh. April, 1943. A member of O.S.S. Combat Intelligence Team 'Indigo' embedded with the 28th Maori Battalion, takes aim with a Bazooka at an incoming Panzer III from the 5th Panzer Army. April, 1943. Soldiers of the German Afrika Korps (DAK) rendezvous with scouting elements of the 5th Panzer Army as they prepare to assault Hazar Kedh. April, 1943. German paratroopers from the 2nd Parachute Brigade committing acts of reprisal against local Tunisian farmers outside Juy Duktar. April, 1943. Mods used: Hazar Kot Valley, CBA_A3, CUP Terrains - Core, Faces of War, IFA3_AIO_LITE, Iron Front ArmA 3 : Faces of War Compatibility patch, US General Equipment and Accessories (FOW/IFA3), IFA3 liberation, WW2_OBJECTS, GEIST-A3 LITE, CUP Terrains - Maps, Polpox, ZSL, Rismark's WW2 poses, etc.
  3. DOWNLOAD (v0.5 beta): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2230684252 Step into the boots of an American OSS (Office of Strategic Services) operative during the Tunisian Campaign of 1943. Experience combined arms fighting in WW2, as the British, American, and other Allied armies learned under fire how to work together on the battlefield. Your cover mission is to assist in the capture of an enemy-held village. Your true mission is to locate and secure a German secret weapon and kidnap a high-ranking enemy target. In order to complete your mission, you'll need to call on your skills in negotiation, reconnaissance, marksmanship, intuition, sabotage, and survival. FEATURES: * A story-driven SP mission offering 1-2 hours of playtime, in the spirit of the Medal of Honor series! * Thousands of hand-placed set pieces, including a massive US Army command post, fortified hilltops, and more! * Detailed units with the right gear and insignia for the theater, including the 9th Infantry Division, 5th Panzer Army, and 28th Maori Battalion! * Optional objectives, multiple approaches to accomplishing your mission, hidden dialog and unlocks! AUTHOR'S NOTES: * This mission is the first to be released of a few SP scenarios I created, inspired by the exploits of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII. * This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. I take quite a few liberties with what units would realistically have been in the same battlespace (eg. the Maori Bn was nowhere near the Americans). I referenced the War Report of the OSS, the Special Operations and Secret Intelligence Field Guides, and other declassified documents. * This is a beta release, some bugs may exist. Also, it's Arma, so there are bound to be things that will affect your playthrough. * The add-on list may be long, but I assure you they are worth it! * Warning: this scenario contains some imagery that is historically-accurate to the period being portrayed. By no means does the inclusion or representation of imagery from this period reflect or represent the views of the author. This is intended for entertainment purposes only, do not subscribe if you are uncomfortable with it. * Curious to hear about your playthroughs! Please comment if you have an AAR, catch a bug, or have any constructive feedback. CREDITS: * The respective authors of the required addons, especially GEIST and USGE&A, for the incredible mods! * Surrender script from MNK * Michael Giacchino, Composer, MoH Soundtrack
  4. Tunisia, 1943 These are promo images from a recent SP mission I released. SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE Mods used: Aliabad Region, CBA_A3, CUP Terrains - Core, Faces of War, IFA3_AIO_LITE, Iron Front ArmA 3 : Faces of War Compatibility patch, US General Equipment and Accessories (FOW/IFA3), IFA3 liberation, WW2_OBJECTS, GEIST-A3 LITE, CUP Terrains - Maps, Polpox, ZSL, Rismark's WW2 poses, etc.
  5. DOWNLOAD (v0.5 Beta) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2164963312 Join the fight with the 1st Infantry Division in Tunisia, North Africa, in early 1943. With Rommel's Panzer Army Afrika threatening to drive the Allies out of Tunisia, II Corps must open up a southern flank by capturing Highway 17. The problem: the highway and its surrounding valley lies in range of an Axis-held artillery nest. You and your men are tasked with striking the artillery nest and silencing the guns ahead of a larger armored assault to secure the highway and surrounding villages. This scenario is purely fictional, but is inspired by historical events at the time leading up to the Battle of Kasserine Pass. Features: * A gamified rendering of America's early involvement in the ETO and North Africa * Witness a large combined op unfold on the excellent Aliabad map, the artillery nest is almost completely hand-placed * Bonus objectives unlockable in the field * Access to weaponry, explosives, and vehicles from your starting position, as well as simple mortar support * Randomized unit presence adds variety to multiple playthroughs Author's Notes: * This is my third scenario release for Arma 3, I have a few more WW2-based scenarios close to being able to be released. This is my FIRST attempt ever at making a Co-op friendly mission w/ playable units (and adding playable units to your group), please be patient and let me know if it works or not, I've never made anything besides SP. * This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. Primary inspiration came from Rick Atkinson's book, An Army at Dawn. * This is a beta release, some bugs may exist. Also, it's Arma, so there are bound to be things that will affect your playthrough. * A note on addons: I try my best to keep the list short and limited to quality addons that deliver accuracy and are worth the storage space, that said, I release these scenarios to showcase the incredible free work of the authors of these mods and to thank them for sharing it w/ the community * It's the closest I could get with the tools at-hand, if you spot something that could be made more realistic or historically-accurate within what's possible in the game, please leave a comment with details! * Warning: this scenario contains some imagery that is historically-accurate to the period being portrayed. By no means does the inclusion or representation of imagery from this period reflect or represent the views of the author. This is intended for entertainment purposes only, do not subscribe if you are uncomfortable with it. * If you know of any useful scripts, supports, or other easy to implement features, please leave a comment with details! * Your feedback is welcome, but to be 100% transparent I make these missions for myself first and foremost and release them as-is, I rarely make updates or changes unless they are clear and easy tweaks made shortly after release
  6. Fixes: * Removed certain triggers after first part of primary task is complete * Marked key buildings on map in Shapur-1 to clear when you are close to them * Made a couple explosions bigger * Updated task destination after completing first part of primary objective * Falcon element will re-enter the AO to hunt down remaining hostiles after primary objective is complete * Fix to RTB task after primary objective is complete * Typos corrected in briefing
  7. DOWNLOAD (v1 beta): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2080975463 As an elite operator in the UK Special Forces' Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR), your mission is to locate and capture or eliminate a high-value target (HVT) within ISIL leadership. Features: * Authentic modern military ops singleplayer mission in the spirit of my Arma 2 campaign, Task Force 42 * Multiple approaches to completing some objectives * Bonus objectives unlockable in the field * Access to weaponry, explosives, and vehicles from your starting position at OP Kemal * Randomized unit presence adds variety to multiple playthroughs Author's Notes: * This is my second scenario release for Arma 3, should be a blast for fans of my Arma 2 SP Campaign Task Force 42. * This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. * This is a beta release, some bugs may exist. Also, it's Arma, so there are bound to be things that will affect your playthrough. * It's the closest I could get with the tools at-hand, if you spot something that could be made more realistic or historically-accurate within what's possible in the game, please leave a comment with details! * If you know of any useful scripts, supports, or other easy to implement features, please leave a comment with details! * Your feedback is welcome, but I make no guarantee I'll be able to respond to it!
  8. h34dup


    I had a major issue with this mod, which was included as part of the ArmaPH (Philippine Army) mod pack, that caused a dependency issue in the editor, even if none of the assets of either ArmaPH nor ADV - ACE CPR were being used. I ended up having to use Eliteness and other tools to manually edit the addon class tables in the .sqm file and had one of those near strokes when you realize you may have lost many hours worth of work. I resolved the issue, thankfully, as far as I can tell. Not sure why this would happen as I'm a script/code novice, but I wanted to report and see if anyone has reported this in the past.
  9. Confirming I ran into the same issue as above where "Common/Common.sqf" is there but the file is empty. EDIT: Looked into TypeSQF and the file for Common.sqf appears to be empty not only in the latest version but the previous and the first. Is it supposed to be empty? EDIT #2: Using TypeSQF actually did work, I don't get the error I was getting about Common.sqf being missing having tried to instal manually. Seems to be working now, thanks a lot to the author!
  10. July, 1944 - OSS Jedburgh Team Lawrence working with French Maquis / FFI to hamper German reinforcement efforts IFA/FOW, US G.E.A.R., GEIST, Massi WW2 Units, Crossroads Bocage, ZSL Static Poses, Northern Fronts, POLPOX, Rismark's WW2 Poses, Recolor
  11. Super stoked to check this out! Thank you for bringing one of my nerd wishes to life!
  12. Dude... yes. Must give this a try. If you're interested and haven't seen it yet - I also recently released an SP scenario based on the SAS in the Western Desert, definitely inspired by H&D2 as well!
  13. h34dup

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    Hi @GEORGE FLOROS GR just saying THANK YOU for this awesome script. I managed to modify it to my exact needs after hitting a wall w/ a previous script. Your commenting is seriously next-level, so helpful. @jgaz-uk I ran into the same issue just now, and resolved it by formatting the weapons in arrays, the same way they're formatted for the other contents, eg. ["SmokeShell", 10] (see: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWeaponCargo). Looks like they are considered strings as "Weaponname" instead of the arrays expected. Maybe a bug?
  14. DOWNLOAD (v0.5 beta) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1919312045 Command your SAS troop to victory raiding Axis strongpoints from behind enemy lines during the battle of El Alamein! Features: * Authentic WW2 singleplayer mission in the spirit of H&D 2 * Multiple approaches to completing some objectives * Recruit up to 6 men at a time to your group, each with different specialties * Access to weaponry, explosives, and vehicles from your F.O.B. * Skip time at campfires to switch between day/night ops * Unlockable fast travel points * Randomized unit presence adds variety to multiple playthroughs * Call in mortar support (beta) Author's Notes: * This is my first scenario for Arma 3, used to edit SP scenarios for A2/OA/CO * Note that the first task is just the beginning of the mission, more tasks unlock as you play through. * This is a beta release, some bugs may exist. Also, it's Arma, so there are bound to be things that will affect your playthrough. * The SAS focused much of their efforts during the Second Battle of El Alamein on disruptive raids far behind enemy lines to the west in Libya. The map has been sectioned off to capture the ideal terrain for this fictional operation, imagine the AO is west of where it’s actually located in this map. * It's the closest I could get with the tools at-hand, if you spot something that could be made more realistic or historically-accurate within what's possible in the game, please leave a comment with details! * If you know of any useful scripts, supports, or other easy to implement features, please leave a comment with details! * Your feedback is welcome, but I make no guarantee I'll be able to respond to it!
  15. h34dup

    [SP] WW2 SAS Raid: El Alamein

    Second update, more to come: * Fixed a major bug with Objective Burke, apologies if this prevented you from completing the mission, or for reverting your progress! * Tweaked opacity of a couple markers that shouldn't have been as bold * Adjusted the date to maximize moonlight for night ops - if you use Re-Color mod, you may need to turn it off to be able to see at night * Fixed a bug that allowed the radio at Objective Charleston to be used more than once * Added US and German ammo crates to the weapons area of the F.O.B. and British ammo to the ammo truck nearby * Fixed a bug that caused a shovel at Objective Burke to float in mid-air
  16. h34dup

    [SP] WW2 SAS Raid: El Alamein

    First update, there will be plenty of bugs to catch and fix. Changelog: * Fixed a typo in the briefing * Moved SAS solder Bergeron to a different location to avoid him getting stuck when joining your group * Changed the Group Callsign to 2 Troop * Fixed a bug where Group Join was only counting 1 man lost in the group, should now work where each man lost opens a slot in the group * Moved the intel at Objective Dunham to a place where it will be harder to get lost in explosions or gunfire
  17. Well get stoked my dude, I am nearing having one of my SP scenarios ready for release! The mountain you fear is really not that steep, many of the changes made to Eden editor make things a little easier... yes, I'm still learning and wrapping my head around it, but it's not prohibitive. Will post here soon when I have things ready to share out, test build may be ready as soon as this weekend. SAS WWII raid scenario on El Alamein for I44/FoW/IFA...
  18. h34dup

    [SP/CAMP/CO] Real-World Operations (RWO)

    Thanks! I read a book about the SAS recently that provided a lot of interesting but very surface-level info about Ops Houndsworth, Bulbasket, etc. It characterized the patchwork units of SAS, Maquis, and even Russians more as a band of pirates than soldiers. The initial setup I quickly made for SAS Ops in France is built on the Neuville map, has not a forest camp (due to lack of suitable terrain) but a remote farmhouse hosting a motorpool, where you can recruit up to 6 followers from SAS or Maquis (different weapons, specialties, etc.), I also set up a simple mortar request script, but the projectiles in Arma 3 have different classnames, and the only ones I could find that worked were Smoke rounds, 500lb Bombs, and Bazooka shells with rocket trails behind them that slowly fall like leaves before exploding (which is what I've stuck with). I would love to figure out how to make that into like a mission hub, where you can choose to take on different missions across the Neuville map (eg. Ambush the convoy, Assassinate the officer, Destroy all vehicles at X location, Rescue the prisoner, etc.). Still, for now, I'd like to just focus on getting through making a single mission, and 'nam is furthest along.
  19. h34dup

    [SP/CAMP/CO] Real-World Operations (RWO)

    Thanks, domokun! Can't speak for the others, but it's unlikely I will release COOP, I have always been an SP gamer in all games. That said, I'd consider giving permission to someone else in the community to convert my missions for COOP, can't imagine it's terribly hard for someone who knows what they're doing. As for RWO, I've been away for too long to consider picking things back up, and still the project was carried into A3 by mathias, I'd say it's no longer my call where things go. However, I really only like to edit missions with a basis in reality, so all my stuff is technically RWO. The project that got me back into editing is a 4-mission mini-campaign for UNSUNG following MACV-SOG through 1967, '68, '69, and '70. First mission, based on Practice Nine (later known as Igloo White) has most of the core game components, I started working on the 4th mission which is inspired by Operation Ivory Coast. If you like LoK and TF 42, you'll likely enjoy these missions. Another idea I had been messing with is based on the SAS during WW2 (IFA/FOW) - desert raids in N Africa, insurgency in Greece, working w/ Maquis in France. The modern setting is mostly dry for me, but I had been playing "my little operator" to find a good Op. Neptune Spear AOR1 DEVGRU outfit...might have some fun with that setting one day.
  20. [RWO] Task Force 42 (Addon+ Version) Overview: A fictional campaign for Arma 2 Combined Operations, inspired by real operations in Afghanistan. Showcasing the variety of the UK's special forces, take part in the hunt for a dangerous JPEL-listed target, code-named 'Black Shadow.' Conduct infamous night raids with the SBS, intel-gathering ops with the SRR, a long-range patrol with the SAS, and more! The Addon+ version is recommended for the ideal playing experience: it features extra missions and content, and is supported by carefully-selected addons that match more closely the vehicles, uniforms, and weaponry that the UKSF are believed to use. Required Addons: Combined Operations British Armed Forces DLC Community Base Addons Afghan National Army and Police Reshmaan Province (w/ MAD Buildings) Massi's UK SFTG Units KYO MH47E SOAR ADuke's Helo Pack Tonali SF Units BB OA SpecOps Merc Units L128A1 Shotgun L119A1 Rifle Pack L115A3 Sniper Rifle RHS HK416 Pack RHS SMG Pack RHS AK Pack PR FATA Pakistan SGW's Afghan ANA/ANP Units Features: Experience the Addon+ version and play it as it was meant to be played! Extra weapons, outfitting, vehicles, maps, and bonus missions! Inspired by real operations, step into the boots of characters on the shadowy front-lines of the war on terror! Take part in tense night raids, gather intelligence in hostile territory, and pursue your target, a dangerous JPEL-listed HVT! Custom support scripts created by RCMW and HeadUp: PEDRO Pararescue, AH-1 chopper support, GR9 fast-mover support, Fly-in Reinforcements, and more! Rich with details and dynamic elements - missions have multiple approaches, intel is often concealed, downed support choppers need to be secured! Play as soldiers from across the spectrum of UK Special Forces, including the SAS, SBS, SRR, SFSG, and SIS! Mostly-Full voice acting (over 300+ lines) and custom soundtrack, sound fx, full Intro/Outro cinematics! Spans massive portions of the excellent Reshmaan Province, as well as Zargabad as you've never seen it before, and yes, the FATA! Installation: Simply unpack the TF42+.pbo in your ..\<ArmA2OA installation>\Campaigns folder (you can create this folder if you do not yet have one). A note about the addons: use only those required above when playing this Campaign. Seriously. Otherwise, you may run into bugs or other issues that have nothing to do with the Campaign itself. Also, it can be a pain, but make sure that each of the addons is installed properly and activated. For more info, check out: http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=18 DOWNLOAD: TF42 (Addon+ Version): Armaholic Mirror #1 (h34dup.com) Mirror #2 (Dropbox) PlayWithSix [RWO] Task Force 42 (Lite Version) Overview: A fictional campaign for Arma 2 Combined Operations, inspired by real operations in Afghanistan. Showcasing the variety of the UK's special forces, take part in the hunt for a dangerous JPEL-listed target, code-named 'Black Shadow.' Conduct infamous night raids with the SBS, intel-gathering ops with the SRR, a long-range patrol with the SAS, and more! The Lite version is not recommended, but is for those who don't want the extra addons: it features the core story and the original final mission (which is different in the Addon+ version), but does not feature any of the bonus missions or content in the Addon+ version. Required Addons: Combined Operations British Armed Forces DLC Community Base Addons Reshmaan Province (w/ MAD Buildings) Massi's UK SFTG Units Features: Inspired by real operations, step into the boots of characters on the shadowy front-lines of the war on terror! Take part in tense night raids, gather intelligence in hostile territory, and pursue your target, a dangerous JPEL-listed HVT! Custom support scripts created by RCMW and HeadUp: PEDRO Pararescue, AH-1 chopper support, GR9 fast-mover support, Fly-in Reinforcements, and more! Rich with details and dynamic elements - missions have multiple approaches, intel is often concealed, downed support choppers need to be secured! Play as soldiers from across the spectrum of UK Special Forces, including the SAS, SBS, SRR, SFSG, and SIS! Mostly-Full voice acting (over 300+ lines) and custom soundtrack, sound fx, full Intro/Outro cinematics! Spans massive portions of the excellent Reshmaan Province, as well as Zargabad as you've never seen it before! Installation: Simply unpack the TF42Lite.pbo in your ..\<ArmA2OA installation>\Campaigns folder (you can create this folder if you do not yet have one). A note about the addons: use only those required above when playing this Campaign. Seriously. Otherwise, you may run into bugs or other issues that have nothing to do with the Campaign itself. Also, it can be a pain, but make sure that each of the addons is installed properly and activated. For more info, check out: http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=18 DOWNLOAD: TF42 (Lite Version): Armaholic Mirror #1 (h34dup.com) Mirror #2 (Dropbox) PlayWithSix Videos: License: Content created by HeadUp (h34dup) and RCMW is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, please just be sure to give us a mention in the credits. Credits & Thanks: RCMW LDL Neo Massi SGW PR Team MAD Team Robert Hammer Schnapsdroesel UKF Team Lennard Ardvarckdb All the voice actors (credited by name in the game's end cutscene) Kommiekat, Wiki, and the RWO team for their support The brave men & women who risk their lives for others out there on the front lines
  21. Hi all, RWO co-founder OG here. It's been many years. Apologies for disappearing, and big thanks to @mathias_eichinger for keeping RWO going on after I dropped off. My work for RWO is sadly not working for my install of A2/OA/CO due (I think) to mod updates. But after a long absence, I've fallen back into editing, this time for A3. So if you liked my work, keep an eye out for new stuff for A3, and if I can ever access my old missions, potentially some ports to A3.
  22. h34dup

    [SP/CAMP/CO] Real-World Operations (RWO)

    Hi all, thank you to @mathias_eichinger for keeping RWO alive after I disappeared from the forums and the editing community. It's been years. I've been dabbling in A3 editing, so if you liked my missions during the RWO days, get stoked because some new stuff may be forthcoming!
  23. h34dup

    [SP/CAMP] Task Force 42 (RWO)

    Glad to hear! How did you get it to work w/o the missing file errors? Hi all, I am the original co-author of this Campaign, hard to believe how long it's been since I was last active on here. I recently tried to load up my old missions, but it seems there was an update (I assume to Reshmaan Province) which prevents both RWO and LoK from loading (I haven't tried loading all my old missions, but most don't work, sadly) due to missing .paa file or something. Not sure there's all that much I can do at this point, but if I figure out some kind of way, I might consider porting some of my old missions to A3. Perhaps even more exciting news if you liked my work is that I have started to dabble again in mission editing. And I'm planning to share out some of my projects, including one WIP for Unsung following MACV-SOG. Thanks for playing, thanks for the support, keep an eye out for new stuff from me soon.
  24. h34dup

    [SP/CAMP] Task Force 42 (RWO)

    Quick hint: I did not come across any issues or bugs w/ him not showing up at all as described above. Hope this helps and you guys can find and eliminate the sucker!
  25. h34dup

    [SP/CAMP] Task Force 42 (RWO)

    Not surprising, RCMW and I prioritized release over stability, given the fact that it almost never made it to release due to real life obligations for both of us. Care to elaborate on what broke? And +VoiceOfArmA, confirming Buhere is correct, both are non-critical bugs, I haven't seen the RH bug myself but the tpw_houselights is common when you revert to the main menu, for some reason it tries to build the menu cinematic using the island you were last playing on, I'm not sure if tpw_houselights is missing from the reshmaan release or if it's some kind of bug due to referencing an init that was just loaded in-game, but not in the menu.