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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Ha well with this hurricane hitting us on the east coast and my office closing tomorrow, I will likely have some substantial time to work on it. Thanks for the words of encouragement guys! I'll keep the updates coming, new screens as well. Stay tuned!
  2. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I appreciate that offer Harzach. The structure for Mission 13 is largely in-place, you will go up against a daunting enemy force, but the support options at your disposal will devastate them if applied properly. You have to make sure that both you and your squad aren't getting bogged down in the larger battle, you have a specific objective and the longer you wait, the more bad guys will have arrived by the time you get there. The mix of ANA, 10th Mtn Div and ODA 331 feels cool as the AO evolves over the course of the Campaign. The Epilogue is going to be a non-combat intensive (may not feature combat at all) show-case style experience where you drive around the former AO two months after the Battle of Panjwayi. You will visit a village that laid in ruins coming back to life, an enemy strongpoint that has been converted to an ISAF Firebase, the Canadian OP that is now an FOB, and more. I was originally struggling with the morality of how I depict the end of Lions of Kandahar, based on the book, but I think I have it figured out. I'll save the spoilers for release...
  3. Hey Fox, this addon looks very promising indeed. EDIT: Read through a bit of the thread to get a sense of what's been going on. If there's anything I can do to help with this project, please let me know. Really excited to see some fresh new US Tier 1/CIA SAD units in the works. Not sure who is going to take up the reins from here, but someone should! Keep me in the loop, I've never dived into the code side of Arma 2 unit addons and now is not the time, but I've done player skins for MoH, CoD, CoD2, BF2, etc., and I'm a designer by trade so I can definitely work the textures.
  4. h34dup

    player prone ?

    Does giving the player a waypoint with "Stealth" behavior work? I seem to remember that working.
  5. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Thanks Wiki! I got my laptop's battery replaced under warranty today and everything appears to be back to normal. No clue why my battery went kaput like that, but the problem appears to be fixed and the project will not see any unnecessary delays. Good news...
  6. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Minor emergency: my laptop's battery has gone black, the computer shuts off at random even when plugged in, and I can't get Windows to load without this happening. Fortunately, I have these missions backed up in the cloud, and I have an appointment to get it fixed under extended warranty today. If all goes as planned I'll have the battery, or something more replaced today and it'll be back to business. If not, however, I'm not exactly sure what the plan will be... Mission 14 - Epilogue is underway now, you play as Sgt. Bill, working on the recovery effort 2 months after the battle. Already life is returning to re-populate the abandoned villages, you'll see Ishfaaq beginning to come back to life with a thriving marketplace and a few homes restored. You'll speak to the village elder and he'll ask for your help with a few tasks. Then you'll get the option of visiting the various firebases that have been established in the old AO-- Firebase Sperwan Ghar (CDN/US), Firebase Masum Ghar (CDN), both are being modelled after what info I can find on the real things.
  7. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Well, I'm afraid as of now neither the F-15 nor F/A-18 will be added to the required addons list, they don't play an important enough role in the campaign. Anyway, I've laid the foundation for the last two levels this weekend, so now all missions are in place and in-progress to some extent. Now I just have to finish them all and bring 'er on home. Easier said than done. M13 - The Dragon's Back - The Taliban are making a final all-out assault on the Dragon's Back, the collection of hills (including Sperwan Ghar) held by your team, now reinforced by the 10th Mtn Division's Comanche company. The enemy has already secured a foothold to the south at Zangabar Ghar, you need to dislodge them, and then cut a path to relieve Bruce, who along with 2 of his men and 20 ANA soldiers, was cut off in no-man's land and attacked relentlessly by the Taliban. This is the pitched finale, there will be nearly 300 of the enemy in your AO hitting from many directions. Fortunately, you will have artillery and Apache support, along with the reinforced defenses set up along the ridge. Comanche Co is also sweeping southwest on their primary objective, but they are further north. Still, this is going to be a challenge. M14 - Epilogue - Two months after the end of the Battle of Sperwan Ghar, the mission has shifted to recapturing the hearts-and-minds of the people. As Sgt. Bill, you will help the people in the villages devastated by the fighting, but just because Op. Medusa is over doesn't mean it's not still dangerous. You start at a checkpoint on the outskirts of "Kandahar" and will return to Sperwan Ghar, which is now an ISAF firebase. I'm beginning to approach the home stretch, not there yet, but I'm moving along at a healthy pace. More voice acting will be needed, but I need to finalize the scripts (and speak to people I haven't heard from) before that commences again. Those who have submitted voice stuff to me will get a PM soon too. If anyone is interested in voice acting, there may be a few cameos coming up so stay tuned!
  8. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I don't know, I haven't looked yet :P Since I live in NYC everything is bound to be like 10x what you would pay in HK but shipping would make up for some of that I imagine...unless maybe I gather the bravery to venture into Chinatown. Heh, well, you're not gonna like it but they're actually F35B's (for now). There is an F/A-18 mod I bet you are already aware of ( http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14861 ). The players will have to use their imagination, it's not like they're all that easy to discern at a minimum of 800m distance. I wish there was an F/A-18 to replace the F35B's (esp since they aren't even used in Afghanistan as you say), but even more so, I wish I had a RAF Nimrod XV230, instead I had to just use a generic C130J, I don't think a Nimrod addon even exists. Not ideal, but with the only other option being to tack on another addon for what is essentially just a set-piece, or simply not having them, I'd just go for it.
  9. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    docbrown is right in that I play Arma2 on Windows, and Kommiekat is right in that I use Photoshop on Mac OS for things like the loadscreens or cropping screenshots, I don't edit the screenshots unless there's like a crosshair or UI element in there that gets in the way. I'm thinking a USB keypad might be perfect, that way it won't take up too much space either... we'll see, I'm going to power through getting the missions in order then do more intros. Mission 12 is already almost complete, it's a simple scenario that lets you accomplish the three tasks in any order, but depending on the order you choose, there are trade-offs. A new comrade joins you with each task, waiting to address one task means more enemies will be there later. There is a cool atmosphere created by the fact that the entire village at the foot of the hill has been destroyed by the AC-130 support you control the night before. You will walk through the destruction but you have to stay alert... Mission 13 comes next, the enemy makes his final assault, but this time you have backup from the 10th Mtn Div.'s Commanche Company (motor infantry and Howitzers), another ODA, an AH-64 and a pair of F-18's.
  10. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Interesting, thanks for the link! Over the past months, I spent a little while trying workarounds like replacing windows key bindings to no avail, never seen this VAC program though... so it can be used for something like intro/outro stuff? I would be using the numpad keys for very meticulous camera rotation, and numpad plus/minus keys for zoom-- as of now, all I can do is pan, the camera only faces a single northward direction. As I said, I'm thinking of either staying late in the office at work when I'm ready one day, or just buying a usb keyboard that could work on both OSs. Started working on Mission 12 last night, things are going very smoothly so far (I find I'm getting more efficient with each mission I create), and I found all kinds of ways to tie in Rusty's literal account in the book. This is where doing an adaptation gets interesting because the challenge then becomes to balance this with making it a gaming experience and not just a diorama or machinima, all while juggling the constraints presented by the map and my decisions to-date. For those who have read the book, the schoolhouse has been really tough to tie in, and there aren't huge fields of marijuana at the foot of what I've chosen to make into Sperwan Ghar. In reality, it's Reshmaan province and wasn't designed around the book at all. However, conveniently, there are a couple of small fields in the middle of the town of Ishfaaq, which is at the foot of Sperwan Ghar. So, rest assured, you'll still get to hear the jokes when you walk near the burning pot field in town in Mission 12. It's details like these that I'm counting on readers to pick up on all throughout the Camp. tl;dr Making some good progress... EDIT: Loadscreens
  11. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Err, no, actually it's a 2011 MacBook Pro (upgraded CPU) running Bootcamp. I set the video settings to very high when I want to get some images for sharing, it runs OK surprisingly, but I usually play with the settings on normal. The only real drawback of doing all this on a laptop is that I don't have a full windows keyboard with Num Pad, so doing intros/outros is next to impossible unless I stay late in the office or something... EDIT: Giving serious consideration to buying a custom desktop PC for modding and editing Arma III and the new Company of Heroes when they come out...
  12. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Thanks dude! I made a 3rd pass on the intro to Mission 1, made some final tweaks, added some sound fx, and added the credits. I couldn't be happier with the opening cinematic, and it would not have been possible without your help! Hope the voice stuff I sent you for HoT turned out well btw. As for doing an adaptation of a book, this is my first time. My last release, Battle of Tora Bora was partially based on an account in the book Jawbreaker. Once I released BoTB, I knew that doing adaptations and simulations of real military operations was what interested me the most. It's good because there's always something to fall back on, but it's also kind of challenging because everything needs to be possible using the game engine...fortunately, thanks to the awesome platform and amazing community, it is possible. Either or... a main goal of this Campaign is to turn people onto the book so as long as you check it out my goal is fulfilled. I guess I'd recommend reading the book first, it's a pretty easy read, a good story, and it draws the reader in.
  13. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Updated the first post -- after going back through the book to set up my mission outlines for the last missions, I've decided an additional mission needs to be added to do justice to the story. New additions to the Campaign list: ~ M12 Today Is Not Your Day [TBC] Strengthen your defenses by completing three key tasks - secure the village at the foot of the hill, patrol the exposed southern ridge, and take up a sniper position ~ M13 The Dragon's Back - The Taliban are making their final push for Sperwan Ghar, defend your hard-earned positions from their counterattacks Also, to clarify, there will be bonus SP scenarios -- a new one will be released each time a substantial Campaign update is released. ~ Bonus Mission 1 [TBC] As a member of Canada's mechanized infantry in Charles Company, participate in the opening assault ~ Bonus Mission 2 [TBC] As a Dutch Apache Pilot, use your AH-64 to decimate the enemy strongpoints ~ Bonus Mission 3 [TBC] ANA Commandos from the 3rd Kandak go on a routine patrol in Kandahar...but will it go as planned?
  14. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Here are some screens from the newest mission In-progress. Things are coming together very well, it's a blast (no pun intended) to have all the firepower of the AC-130, essentially leveling the playing field when there are 6-8x as many OPFOR as BLUFOR... M11 - Holding On At All Costs - The Taliban has been defeated, but waves of enemies are closing in, as desperate for control of Sperwan Ghar as you... only you have 3 AC-130 sorties at your disposal. You'll have to take out their key positions (while avoiding firing upon civies or NATO forces) and defend your position at the same time.
  15. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Alright, as promised, here is a screenshot update. The full gallery with more new images can be found here. The first post will also be updated with completion statuses. M9 - Put Your Mouthpiece In - You must capture Sperwan Ghar, pushing up the ridgeline and eliminating scores of enemy combatants standing in your way. M10 - Friends For Life - Immediately after Sperwan Ghar has been captured, you must defend the Casualty Collection Point (CCP) against counterattack and be prepared to go above and beyond to keep your brothers safe.
  16. Loving it, really looking forward to this one... Maybe soon it will be time for me to go back in time and explore some of my LRRP ideas!
  17. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Awesome, I'm especially interested in hearing from people who read the book. There are tons and tons of references throughout, it is a very concerted effort at doing a faithful adaptation, so please be sure to keep an eye on this thread and share your thoughts when it comes out. Still a couple of months probably until release, but not too long.
  18. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I managed to get the intro/outro for Mission 1 to a point where I could send to nettrucker for some feedback late last night. Excited to hear his thoughts, I'm fairly happy with it as far as my first try, but there is of course always room for improvement. Another chance to tie in the book in a meaningful way, I think the story will be more cohesive now with these cutscenes. The opening scenes take place half-way thru the campaign, with Rusty and his team getting engaged for the first time by a sizeable enemy force and a radio message saying "Talon 30 this is Eagle 10, here is your situation: the enemy count is not in dozens, but hundreds, maybe even a thousand" as the camera pulls back to show the swarm of Taliban coming from Sperwan Ghar. Then the scene cuts to 1 month earlier, as the player returns to Afghanistan in the belly of a C130-J and begins the game at Kandahar Airfield. I may release a teaser trailer if you guys are interested.
  19. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    PROGRESS REPORT: M9 - Put Your Mouthpiece In - Much of this mission is in place, you have to fight for control of a large ridge line with 4 key capture points, but there is still a good bit of work to be done to bring the mission to a close. M10 - Friends for Life - The skeleton of the mission is in place- you have to defend the Casualty Collection Point and then make a daring rescue effort, pulling bodies of your wounded comrades to safety and defending them until MEDEVAC arrives, but more structure will need to be built out. This mission is really challenging from an editing perspective, hope to get it squared away soon. M11 - Holding On At All Costs - Starting to plan for this one, which takes place mostly on an AC-130 gunship. Also started learning about intro/outro cutscenes, under the guidance of nettrucker. I am hoping most of the intros/outros will be quick and to the point, not taking long to implement or experience, but that it will boost the storyline. This campaign will have a rather high level of detail, hopefully you guys will enjoy experiencing and exploring it! Screens to come soon, hopefully...
  20. h34dup

    Mi-28 WIP

    OK so you're saying it was not done using the modules in-game. I've spent a lot of time toying with the color correction module, but never arrived at anything as cool as this. I have the movie effect modules in-place in the Camp I'm working on, but the photo-realism you've achieved with the post-processing is a lot closer to what I originally set out to achieve. Anyway, not to take away from the actual mod this is about, keep up the good work! The model itself literally looks photo-realistic so it's coming along nicely goes without saying.
  21. h34dup

    Mi-28 WIP

    Looks fantastic! Was the post-processing applied in-game using modules or something, or was it done out of the game using a program like Photoshop? If it's in-game, would really love to know how you achieved this effect!
  22. Oh man, so good to hear you enjoyed the mission! If you like the sense of authenticity that comes with a historically-grounded mission, you should keep an eye on the Campaign I'm working on - Lions of Kandahar - it's an adaptation of the book by the same name that takes place during the 2006 Op. Medusa. Anyway, I've never heard of the HVT's SUV getting trashed and forcing the occupants to get out and move on-foot, but that's cool you were still able to nab him! I bet if you played again that experience would be different. Let me know if you ever give it another run and it goes the same way with the HVT, he should be content to the back seat of his Caddy haha.
  23. Alright, I've got something here. I tried messing with a few more things to no avail, setting health in the unit's window in the editor really low, trying to tweak code I still don't fully understand, I have found something that appears to be stable enough to work. First Aid: BC module only, no other First Aid modules. Set the unit's health low in the editor and sync him to the FA:BC module. Also, I'm not sure if he could actually sustain more damage from the IED itself, so I'm gonna do a little magic trick that places the body in the landing spot while the "stunt doubles" caught in the explosion either go away or are deleted. This goes in the init field of the unit to be wounded and dragged (sorry for the wonky line breaks and lack of proper indentation, it got lost in transition): The major change is that instead of using setHit, I use setVariable (same syntax) from the original code kylania posted. This ensures the unit is wounded and thus meets the condition to be dragged or carried. I tried based on my limited understanding of the script to disable the waitUntil medic is finished healing part as suggested by Dawg, not sure if it's out there. Only bugs of this so far (5 mins ago) are the animation gets wierd and the units collide and fall a little while carrying him on your back, dragging appears to be fine. Also, the animation is really not that obvious, the wounded AI looks more like he's lying unconscious or in shock, not jerking about violently like normal. This is actually not a bad thing, it will make searching for them among the bodies of the enemy more intense.
  24. I have run into a couple of walls with a mission I'm working on for Lions of Kandahar... My searches have not yielded anything about controlling drag/pickup wounded, only conversation about how to make the modules work. It has to do with the sort of functionality from the First Aid: Simulation and First Aid: Battlefield Clearance modules that would allow the player to drag/pickup an AI. I want to have: 1) A controlled IED explosion which ejects the passengers of a Humvee out onto the ground (this is in-place), 2) I am trying to keep them alive using allowDamage (this is inconsistent, in most cases one of the two AI dies), and setting damage to like 0.7 using setDamage and not setHit (lost the link with the body part translations) 3) The player will run to the first AI and do an action to put out the fire on one AI's body (I know how to make something like this work), 4) The player will have to defend the area for a few minutes 5) This is where I really need some help, then I want him to pickup or drag the two AI's to a nearby casualty collection point, when both of them are within the trigger area, the mission will continue to the next phase. So, I am looking to recreate basically the functionality from the Training portion of Arma2, where the two AI units are injured but not dead, and can be dragged or carried. Can/should this be done using the above-mentioned modules, or is there a function I can use, or some kind of action/playmove combo that would attach the AI to the player? Thanks in advance for any links, explanations, etc.
  25. So I've spent the better part of the evening wrangling with this thread trying to figure it out. Looks like it does exactly what I want, provided I can make the proper edits to Big Dawg's script. Sure enough, it pastes into the init without errors, but the unit just lies there... At first I thought he was dead, but he isn't dead...but he isn't wounded either (if shot, you get the drag option). http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?82597-First-aid-thing-can-I-disable-quot-First-Aid-quot-while-keeping-quot-Drag-quot&highlight=aid Any help would be appreciated.