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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yes, this is an excellent point - it begs the question once again of an exhaustive, mod-heavy "hardcore version" that would have all the correct units (including the Dutch Armed Forces mod for the Apaches - something I'm actually considering for the standalone bonus SP scenario, Boeing/SOAR MH-47, some kind of F/A-18, and more!) and perhaps a few other additions to the list-- what would be awesome is an actual GMV unit, customized HMMWVs with .50 cals and M249 in the front, but with much of the frame still intact, the SOV I'm using is a bit more naked than what ODA 331 used. I'd also like to figure out how to make weapon addons optional, so if you have them, they are added to the briefing selection, if not, then they aren't there and don't disturb anything. This branching of versions would need to be done after a few updates to ensure maximum stability, but if enough people express interest in it, that is something I could do (I'd opt for it myself). What I'm not as familiar with is ACE. Still, it isn't off the table as an option further down the line.
  2. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I noted what I'm hoping are all of the specific instances of the dialogue overlapping in my recent play-through, so they should be listed (including the one in M2) in the known issues list. I'll be updating the Camp likely tonight or possibly tomorrow night and I'll submit that soon- this should address a bunch of easy fixes and help the Camp become more stable. I have all these other projects on my radar, outside of Arma 2 and inside of it, so right now I'm trying to deal with the void that has been created by no longer having to make progress with this project. Still, the overall response to this Campaign is far beyond what I was expecting, I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying things. I played through a number of Campaigns when I first got into Arma 2, and tried to bring in as much as I could that inspired me in those Camps. Working with real source material is also both a challenge and a pleasure. I'll be interested to hear from people who read and picked up on things as subtle as direct quotes or stuff from the cutscenes. More interestingly, the points where I was forced to depart from the book. Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for commenting, I feel like good ratings and positive feedback really help the page when it's not in the recent newsfeed on Armaholic. As for the Red Desert mission, I'm not sure what about the mission you didn't like, it sounds like you don't prefer the island itself much? Either way, as you seem to have noticed-- it's part of the book, it was something Rusty and his team had to do in order to divert the attention of the Taliban from the larger Canadian ground force. Many times, the convoy got bogged down, vehicles would need to be dug out, etc. While I didn't include this, I wanted to include a little bit of a sense that you're tangling with the elements, especially when you have to scan that huge area for the supply drop (Hint: search for it from atop the hill near Checkpoint 15 for the best vantage point). Speaking of Mission 3-- in the intro and outro, are the vehicles taking a little too long to enter the frame or do they show up after 5 or so seconds? Longer than 10 is what I saw and that's too long, not sure what caused the delay as things move fine in the editor.
  3. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    It simply had to happen... glad you appreciate the reference. :cheers: Just finished my own playthrough-- phew! No game-breaking bugs per-se but there are a few easy fixes I will release ASAP. Here is the known issue list, if I missed something, feel free to post it up here-- not a guarantee it'll get fixed, but it will definitely be noted at least: Now, I'm not sure if patching the Campaign will affect saves or progression, can anyone provide their insight?
  4. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I'm not sure if there's a difference, to be honest. If I recall, both have the same contents, but I'm not 100% Looks like the savegame thing was related to my difficulty setting, it appears. D'oh...
  5. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Not sure what to suggest otherwise. To be honest, I wish that ONS removed this as a requirement from the mod, as this Campaign doesn't really use it anyway, outside of in cinematics bc of the default AT loadout. It's difficult to be of much help when it comes to getting required addons to work, but rest-assured it's likely a fixable problem. I'm noticing user Saving seems to be disabled in Mission 9, which makes it a lot harder to complete, is anyone else having this happen?
  6. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Not to worry- this is listed as a known issue related to ONS itself-- it will not have any effect on the Campaign. EDIT: Oh wait, that's a diff error msg than this one. Do you have the proper version of ONS installed (the one linked? OA version not A2 version)? Also, is INKO properly installed in it's own addons folder?
  7. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yes, this definitely sounds like something related to SGW's ANA/ANP -- just to be sure, is the mod installed correctly (inside an addons folder?) and is it activated in your mod manager/launch app?
  8. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Really glad to hear everyone is enjoying this Campaign! Definitely makes all the hard work and near-obsession that went into this project worthwhile. As for ACE in this Camp, I'm surprised you made it as far as you did with ACE activated-- this Camp was neither designed for, nor tested with, the ACE mod. You should only play it with the required addons listed on the download page, using any other mods, even small or minor ones can have unpredictable effects, especially ACE. In Mission 7, there are a few sync'ed waypoints that require the convoy to remain a little bit of structure before moving on, so it's likely one of the vehicles got stuck (this may actually be ACE-related somehow). Restarting this mission and running without ACE should address this issue. As for Mission 8, since I'm not too familiar with ACE, I'm not sure if the mod removes the vanilla action to "Assemble M252 Mortar," but as stated earlier: with the mortar backpack on your back (use the action near Ole Girl to get the mortar backpack), you walk over to the tripod on the ground at the marker, aim at the tripod, and you should get an action to assemble the mortar. Pretty sure that once the mortar is assembled and you are "in" it, the mission continues accordingly, even if you don't participate in the mortar volley.
  9. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Not at all my man, this is a rough beta, there will inevitably be bugs and points of confusion. It is good these things are being identified now so they can be addressed, it takes no time at all to add a convenient hint for a point of confusion like this. Speaking of, now that I'm hearing more from testers, another potential source of confusion in Mission 11 ("Holding on at all costs") which I will address in the next update - there is a satellite phone on the hood of the GMV next to Ron, you are supposed to use this to call in AC-130 support to defend your position. Takin the Talibs on by yourself will inevitably result in failure, use the firepower of the Spectre to even the odds!
  10. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    You are correct-- with the Mortar backpack on your back, go to the Tripod bag and aim at it, then you will get an action to assemble the mortar. This is outlined in the Editor's Notes of the briefing too. EDIT: I'll make a note to add a hint for this in the next update.
  11. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    As I'm enjoying my first full playthrough of the Camp myself, I have picked up one bug worth noting in Mission 6: A few more very minor tweaks to be made for the next update, but nothing major on my end. The key is to play with only the required addons, even unrelated mods can potentially affect the experience.
  12. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yes, this error message is a known issue and has to do with the ONS addon, not the Campaign. It's nothing to worry about and can be disregarded as it won't affect anything.
  13. Update-- Lions of Kandahar is now out! 12 of the Campaign's 13 missions take place on Reshmaan Province, check it out, hope you enjoy: Download from Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18194 Alternate Mirror #1: http://www.armaholic.net/colombia/scenarios/campaigns/LionsOfKandahar-v05-beta.rar Alternate Mirror #2: http://www.h34dup.com/uploads/arma/LionsOfKandahar-v05-beta.rar Big thanks once again to the MAD team for creating and releasing this fantastic island!
  14. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Woo-hoo!!! It is now live on Armaholic! First post updated, links can be found here as well: Download from Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18194 Alternate Mirror #1: http://www.armaholic.net/colombia/scenarios/campaigns/LionsOfKandahar-v05-beta.rar Alternate Mirror #2: http://www.h34dup.com/uploads/arma/LionsOfKandahar-v05-beta.rar If you enjoy this Campaign, please do me a huge favor and rate it or comment on it on Armaholic! Help other players find this Campaign and enjoy it too! Thanks to everyone who helped me over the past 4+ months as I went from an intermediate editor with a lot of lofty ideas, to having a Campaign with full voice and intros/outros under my belt. Special thanks go to Wiki, Kommiekat, Laqueesha, and AZCoder for being the core support, contributing to everything from Voice Acting to Play-Testing, nothing was too much to ask from these guys and this Camp would not have been possible without their help!
  15. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    By all means keep it coming, your feedback is great to hear! Glad you are digging the feel of the Camp, this is something I am really proud of in terms of the result.
  16. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Correct, until the link is public on Armaholic I am holding off on posting it here, only hidden in my earlier post at the moment for the more observant.
  17. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Hey there, thanks for the early feedback and glad you are liking it so far, my comments are above in red. And I expect a lot of people will experience Variable's problem with ONS A2 version versus OA/CO version (I did myself initially). I tried to call this out in the download pages and the first post of this thread, but it's inevitably confusing.
  18. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Submitted to Armaholic! Keep an eye on it Friday for a link to download the public beta. I'll update the thread when it's up in the newsfeed. As a thank you to those observant followers of this thread, you can download it now if you want from here.
  19. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Packed everything up into a single Campaign, aside from a few missing voice lines, everything should be good to go for the initial release. I'll take some time tomorrow to go through everything once more before submitting. As a beta and a first release, there are bound to be bugs and fixes to be made. My plan is to release a first update around Xmas time.
  20. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    More tweaks and improvements made last night, test builds were sent out to my testers, along with the last minute voice lines. There may be one or two bugs or voice lines missing from the public release, but things should be pretty much good to go by Friday! To everyone who has posted their words of support, offered to help, or even just lurked and followed this project's progress, thank you! In a couple more days you guys will get to check out the result of 4 months of work (surprised that's all it took!), I hope you will enjoy.
  21. h34dup

    User mission requests!

    Here are a few real-world situations I'd love to see adapted for Arma2/CO: Mali - France urges foreign military intervention in growing Al-Qaeda stronghold, an international coalition is mobilized and moves to dismantle the new hotbed for extremism Afghanistan - US Navy SEAL member is killed during an operation to rescue a kidnapped doctor- 12 hours earlier, the team was training and planning the operation Syria - The UK has expressed a new sense of urgency to intervene in the bloody civil war that has been raging for 22 months, amidst worries that the regime will resort to chemical weapons, an SAS team is inserted to neutralize a suspicious factory Syria - As a member of the resistance, you must fight both Assad's regime, and the fractious alliance of Taliban-leaning foreign militants, in order to protect your neighborhood and avenge your brother's death Afghanistan - Afghan and Coalition security forces apprehend prominent Haaquni leader in Paktia province (see my Op. Razor's Edge for precedent) Iran - Iran claims to have shot down an American drone in their airspace. As a member of the CIA's Special Activities Division, you must insert undetected and destroy the drone before the Iranians can get to it. Afghanistan (or Iraq) - The conflict has evolved, the enemy you face is even more elusive-- blue on blue attacks and hidden IEDs along your patrol route. Use your RG-31 MRAP and lead your squad through a volatile region notorious for militant activity. So many more... I may decide to take on that last one at some point soon...
  22. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Thanks guys, yes this Friday looks to be the ETA, I'm going to submit to Armaholic Thursday evening EST, assuming there are no disasters (everything is triple-backed up).
  23. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Great news all: this weekend I finished the last of the intros/outros and checked off most of my project list! All that is left to do is to tie up some loose ends, get a few voice acting lines in, and have my little QA team do a second round of play-testing. The planned public beta release date for the Lions of Kandahar (LoK) Campaign is this Friday, December 14, 2012!