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Everything posted by ConUnPar

  1. real physiological needs like in Fall Out New Vegas. For example deshydratation, hunger, need to sleep, diseases, hypotermia... and its effects on a person such as blurred vision, tremors, fatigue, headaches, fatigue... and at some point... death I think this will add realism to this amazing game and also this will make the animals and enviroment more useful. http://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-05-70.pdf
  2. what you think of factors like thirst,hunger, lack of sleep, heat... and its effects and if youwant to implement it in the game along with the posibility to get water and food by diferent ways like stealing it, searching in the wild etc, the posibility to sleep in diferent locations like a barrack, a tent, a fox hole, an improvised refuge, a safehouse... I think this is a good implementation because it will add more complexity and realism to the game and the animals and plants will be more useful. What do you think?:cool:
  3. hydration I think the need to drink (and eat, but is for all that a man can survive 6 weeks without food but only 3 or 5 days without water) will be a good implementation and it can add more playability for example: you're a downed pilot and you need to survive several weeks behind enemy lines. Your water don't have unlimitated capacity, what you do? :confused: this also adds more value to animals in game and make the game more realistic