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Everything posted by Bluehammer

  1. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    Hi folks, I was hoping one of you fine pilots might be able to offer some advice to a total n00b. I'm currently going through the tutorials and thoroughly enjoying them so far. However, I am having some real problems with the Landing tutorial, in particular losing speed in a controlled manner and countering drift. Can anybody offer some advice on either of those two areas or landing in general? Thanks in advance
  2. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    I totally understand your frustration Jedra. My problem is still fine control when landing as I seem to drift left or right, over-compensate, start oscillating, clip something and roll. I'm not sure what speed you approach your landings, but after watching MD500's video I've started coming into land a little quicker than I used to, which I find really helps with stability. I've also started descending quicker than I used to and use the bouncy castle ground effect as a cushion. Stick with it mate, I'm sure you'll get it sooner rather than later.
  3. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    You sir, are a total and utter star! "hmmmm i could try but it is very distracting for me to fly with those hud gauges lol." He says and then lands dead centre on a crowded landing pad :rolleyes: Thanks for taking the time to do the video MD, really appreciate it.
  4. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    Excellent video MD500. I'm pleasantly surprised that my angle of descent isn't a million miles away from yours, although it looks like I lose height too quickly as I get close to ground a few metres out and then having to creep forward which is when I get most of my control problems. Would it be possible to get the same video but with the HUD showing, so we can get a clearer view of your airspeed, altitude changes, etc?
  5. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    I get the same problem Jedra. I have no idea why it's happening but it feels like the tail rotor suddenly kicks out and drops the nose. Thankfully it doesn't happen to me very often. Thanks to all the good advice in this thread I've finally managed to do the landing tutorials! yay me :) However, I'm now having a real problem with the Sling Load tutorial. I'm finding it so hard to stay stable at such a low altitude. If I drop below 3m I suffer from the bouncy castle ground effect, but going over 10m and the tutorial fails. Coupled with the helicopters preference to go backwards on take-off it's proving to be a very frustrating task. Still, it'd be no fun without a bit of a challenge :)
  6. I didn't realise you could use the mouse. Thanks for that tip fboes, very helpful. I'm not at home at the moment so I can't check the keys, but I thought controlling the throttle used the 'Insert, Home, Page Up' to increase throttle and 'Delete, End and Page Down' to decrease it? I think you have to hold Ctrl or Alt as well, but I can't remember which.
  7. I had the same problem too, but I think the reason is if you use the throttle via free-look it always wants to step up, so going from off to idle to full is fine, but trying to go the other way it goes from full to idle then back to full. I got around it by using the keyboard commands to take it down from idle to off.
  8. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    Thanks MD. I was a little concerned that decreasing the collective quickly might result in the craft slamming into the ground, but I suppose as long as I'm coming in slowly it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  9. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    I was suffering from this quite badly last night, especially when travelling slow and low. What is the best way of countering the strafe, just small corrections with the cyclic? I also encountered another problem I could do with some advice on. Just as I was about to touch down the helicopter would suddenly start ascending very quickly, with my vertical speed going from -2 to +7 or so. It only happens when I am metres from the ground, but creates a 'bounce' that throws me totally of course (and in a crowded landing usually in to a building). Is this ground effect and if so what is the best way to counter it?
  10. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    Yay! I can land...sort of. I'm still about as accurate as a tabloid headline, but at least I can get the skids down reasonably close to where I want to be. Jedra, I don't know how it affects a gamepad (I'm using a Thrustmaster Hotas X), but getting rid of the deadzone made a huge difference to me. I've also found 'fanning' the collective helps me control ascent and decent better. By that I mean moving the collective in lots of small nudges rather than a single push. I know I'm slow, but I think I've finally got my head around the concept of collective. I was trying to use it like an arcade style throttle; ramp it to the desired level and it will stay constant, when in reality you need to keep an eye on it and be aware it constantly changes depending on the angle and speed you're heading. I now find it easier to watch needle and numbers than the green 'power' bar. I still have problems drifting backwards, but I noticed it happens when my speed goes into negative figures (I know, obvious right). It still happens a lot, but at least by keeping an eye on my negative speed I can counter it easier. I also have a tendancy to bounce quite badly on landing, but I assume this is due to either coming down too hard, or not dropping collective quick enough once down. Thanks for the help so far, now I'm off to try that blessed pinnacle landing...
  11. Bluehammer

    Help on landing

    Thanks for the replies, and thank you so much for the informative write-up and video link MD500. Like Jedra, my biggest problem is dropping/gaining speed too quickly or going backwards, so I'll definately try some free-fly landing practice and check my deadzone settings as I seem to go from about 75 - 0 knots very quickly. Incidently, if it worth getting used to trim now or is that something that can wait until later? I only ask as it seems to get mentioned on the boards quite a lot but I haven't encountered it in the tutorials yet.
  12. Bluehammer

    Steam and Mods?

    Hi all, I'm very interested in TOH, and currently thinking about purchasing it through Steam. However, I have had problems with modding Steam games in the past and wondered if anybody knew if the Steam version of TOH worked OK with mods? Thanks in advance
  13. Bluehammer

    Steam and Mods?

    Thanks for the reply Colasanto. The problems I've had in the past have usually been due to how Steam organizes folders, but good to know it shouldn't affect TOH :)