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About SkipDialogue

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  1. I'm not sure this is the best place for this, but since I know several people got ToH from Steam... http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/index.php
  2. SkipDialogue

    G940 or Warthog?

    Thanks for the feedback. The pedals aren't an issue because I actually have some CH Pro Pedals already. They're not perfect, but they work well.
  3. SkipDialogue

    G940 or Warthog?

    I know there was a joystick thread earlier, but that seemed more associated with which joystick would you recommend. I'm really only interested in two, so I'm hoping to get some feedback. If money weren't a factor, which one would everyone prefer? I'm spending way too much time in ToH and I'm also spending time in DCS A-10. Both sticks seem to have good reviews, so I'm not sure which I should get. If I add money to the equation, I can get the G940 for substantially less, but price isn't necessarily the most important factor. Thanks in advance.
  4. SkipDialogue

    Minimizing still

    I don't know how to keep it from minimizing, but I know how to get it back without killing it. If you hit Alt+Enter, it will enter Windowed mode and you'll see it again. Then you can hit Alt+Enter again to go full screen.