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Everything posted by mistermdg

  1. - please improve the squad command system, both in the mission editor and in-game. we need to be able to tell a squad to "defend this position from assault from that direction" and they will intelligently position themselves. or maybe i just need to sort out my connection and get playing online lol.
  2. - i'm not sure but i don't think i've ever seen ai throw smoke, or use it properly
  3. "Have the option to shoot with both eyes open (for CQB), making the iron sighted weapon partially semi-transparent." totally agree with that - also, please focus on more accurate commanding of squad members. if we are a 2 man sniper team covering an 8 man assault i need to be able to tell the other sniper "go cover behind that rock, watch that position and fire on my lead." ---------- Post added at 04:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 AM ---------- - what would be awesome would be a voice recognition system where you can assign members of your squad to certain voice-activated teams before the mission starts and record your voice for certain common commands like "move there", "assault there", "suppress there" - new death animations that are more realistic. also, don't forget to make it so that being hit by a projectile will interrupt whichever current animation you're doing and make you drop the magazine, or even the live grenade you were about to throw. ---------- Post added at 04:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 AM ---------- - just make the most awesome wounding and medic care system as well as the best looking death animations ever. this will make every sniper happy for a long time. ---------- Post added at 05:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 AM ---------- guys i know this is not the discussion thread but i just watched something with andy mcnab talking about what's important in a good milsim and his main comment was that being shot/hit must be devastating, in order to force all players to play cautiously and realisticly. so imo, take it way down to a one shot and you're down kind of thing, and focus a lot on the wounding and medic system. this will force us all to go back to relying on tactics and battle protocol. a guy with 17 years military experience who consults for milsim developers knows what he's talking about. - take out the "zoom/focus" thing or tone it down to no more than 25% of what it is in ARMA2. noone can shoot a point target with a naked eye at 450 meters. it takes away so much from the game (approach angles, stealthy approaches, etc). i actually spent a very short while training with the israeli army in the mountains, which are very similar terrain to operation arrowhead (less bushes and almost no trees) and a lot of what infantry combat on that kind of terrain is about is using the map to find the routes that are concealed and still offer the best sight lines, and spotting the enemy first. that zoom thing is totally unrealistic. in reality the whole time you have to stop to use optics to check out if a thing 300 meters away is a rock or a person. there's no way you can make a 400 meter shot with an m16 without optics as easily as you can in ARMA2. - add dehydration. if you don't drink in that heat in an hour you start getting headaches and blurry vision. implement that into ARMA3. add a "drink water" command so we can order our squad members to stop and drink and make them less effective if we don't have them drink on time. - an order system which allows us to order a squad member to observe multiple positions. so they will look, turn, look, turn, etc, and scan the area in between. ability to tell them to observe with scope/binoculars, or naked eye. - with regards to side-mission scenarios; it's fine if you guys make missions where nothing happens i.e. where we are sent in to clear a small town and told that there are enemy in some of the houses but after clearing the town for 3 hours we find nothing. bad intel or maybe there is an informer in the town, who knows. it's good because it adds to the tension as well as the realism.
  4. dude game development is not easy. you gotta respect that. also, the whole "alien invasion" thing is overdone and cliches aren't really funny. rather develop a better sense of humor, and then post.
  5. yes! very important that we can stroke the enemy
  6. yeah, something like this http://www.plannedassault.com/ but with access to all the map locations id have no problem paying some amount for this as an extra dlc a few months after the games release if that'd give you the time to do it nicely ---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ---------- - if it's possible, a model for small rocks etc on the ground that move/crunch when scuffed. in arma 2 i always felt that the ground itself didn't look as good as the rest. also if there's some way to do it, would be awesome to have the buildings and walls made from something which simulates the material they're made from. bricks etc, that are each separate objects in the engine. i know that's probably a bit to hectic haha, maybe for arma 4. ---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ---------- - storm weather effects etc with rain being blown about in the wind, sand in eyes, fog affecting visibility etc. ---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ---------- not sure if it's the mods i'm using but sometimes my squad members just don't stay still when i tell them to or won't turn to watch where i want them to etc. sorry, i know this is kind of a discussion but it's an idea inside a small discussion lol please forgive me gods of milsim ---------- Post added at 10:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ---------- like when you tell need to run into a compound they'll stop and crouch and engage the enemy. basically what i'm saying is i want more obedient squad members who will go where i want, look where i tell them, and follow me into cover, not stop in the middle of a field when there's like 30 enemy heavy machine gunners about to engage us.
  7. - a "watch our rear" command so when moving or stationary you can command squad members to always watch the opposite direction that the squad is facing. and those members must stick to this. ---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 PM ---------- - some sort of animation modelling for getting in and out of cars where you can actually shoot people while they are getting in or out
  8. - a faster way to hurdle obstacles
  9. - ability to have proper "windy conditions" with gusting winds that aren't constant and drown sounds - better stereo awareness of sounds. sometimes even when an enemy is firing from a fixed position on a calm day it seems like the audio origin of the gunfire is moving around when i move to approach it even if i know it isn't.
  10. i agree with spotter, especially on point one. there is basically no fighting inside buildings in arma, which really sucks. i'd say it's armas greatest weakness, basically the only remaining major weakness. the lack of proper urban fighting and also (because of the fact that there are only set points that you can command squad members to go to) the lack of the ability to properly coordinate your squad in tight areas. another point; - the ai members of a squad should copy the leaders movements exactly unless ordered otherwise, so if the leader walks to the corner of a building and then sprints across the road in front of it, and then drops back down to a walk, the ai members of that leaders squad should do exactly the same. ---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ---------- - also the whole zooming in when focussing thing. it zooms in too far. yes there must be a focus function, to mimmick the extra detail that a human perceives when focussing on an area as opposed to scanning it, but the zoom is too much. it's very unrealistic and needs to be tweaked heavily in my opinion. ---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ---------- - the leaves in the trees look blurry when close up. also those texture artifacts that glitch in and out of the frame. ---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ---------- - proper bullet penetration. so important for a proper experience, and then some good looking bullet holes would be awesome. i don't think it would be too hard to do the bullet penetration. assign every material in the game a penetration value per round type and sort it according to round velocity. ---------- Post added at 09:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ---------- - video of 5.56 and 7.62 round penetration against various materials. currently this does not exist in any way in arma.- better intrasquad ai communication. often i will set my machine gunner 200 meters back in overwatch on a hill and then move into the urban area with 2 other squad members. i know that there are times when the machine gunner can see my location and enemy location but he still says "enemy 5 o clock". realistically he would say "enemy 3 o clock, thats 2 enemy riflemen inside the compound (or building) to your 3 o clock" or "enemy 10 o clock, thats 1 enemy rifleman to your 10 o clock over the wall" that machine gunner is alone. his point of reference must be your location. he needs to provide cover fire as well as be your spotter in order to be efficient. he must also notify as he engages so that if he is say 500 meters away, the sound of the bullets landing doesn't disorient you and leave you wondering who fired them. it will take a second for you to hear the weapon sound so in effect if he doesn't notify before firing or as he fires, you may think for a second that you're under fire. ---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ---------- again thanks so much for the awesome game. i think so many people have learnt and been inspired by this game i really do.
  11. mistermdg

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    oh my god PLEASE, PLEASE CAN I HAVE ONE!! haha
  12. - improved weather, specifically rain. it would be awesome if you could somehow model the waters physics so that it would run off roofs and pool in depressed areas as in reality. as far as i know there is no such rain model out there so far. perhaps there is.
  13. - no more fixed locations to order your men to move/observe. let us tell them exactly where to go and exactly where to look. very important for rigid cqb fighting that we can control our squad precisely. this would also help stop the problems of squad members going off to unexpected locations. i don't know how you'd implement this in code, but something like an xyz reference grid embedded in each map file would allow this. although the grid would then have to be limited to ensure only physically realistic locations be used. maybe the easiest way is just to add many more of the fixed locations. but like, many more. having a man at the corner of a room and not being able to tell him to go to the middle is a problem. - please fix the clipping problems somehow. - some sort of action planning system/dialogue, like in the tom clancy games, where one can set the movement path of each squad member, his stance, his awareness status, and his arc of fire. a lot of the time it's important to use squad positioning and arcs of fire along with stances to "lock down" certain avenues of movement with a few squad members so that the rest of the squad can operate in relative safety. this would also help make multiplayer more fluid and realistic as each member of the team would know what his/her squad leader wants him to do. whether he does it or not, or does it effectively, is up to him, but the team members would know what they are supposed to be doing, instead of acting individually. they would also know which elements of their team have been lost due to casualty or wounding. this dialogue should be set before the start of the mission and not accessible afterwards. there should be a function where the squad leader can give handtyped notes to individual members. the result will be a team of individuals who know the general goals of themselves as well as their teammates (from the map overlay with movement paths and firing arcs etc), and have a list of notes from the squad leader to guide them individually. again, thanks so much for the great game. so many people love this game.
  14. - reload aminations - animations for handloading of magazines. halfway through an engagement you may have 4 magazines with between 5 and 8 rounds in each. you already have in place a system which keeps track of the rounds per magazine. it would be awesome to be able to then be able to open a handload dialogue (or maybe just incorporate it into the gear dialogue like have a "check magazines" command which then puts a little number on each magazine and you can then drag and drop magazines onto each other and the animation would play once you close the gear dialogue)
  15. - to the dev; you may want to take a look at cape town, south africa, on google earth. could be a really cool city to emulate maybe in a dlc pack. my city ;)
  16. mistermdg

    Firefight Dynamics in ArmA 3

    i suggested in the arma 3 suggestions thread that improvements be made to the suppression orders ie so you can command people to suppress a certain building and point to it or if youre out of their line of sight you can command them to suppress the "blue" (or whatever color) smoke and then throw that smoke onto the building in their line of sight. hopefully they implement this. i think it's also to do with ai accuracy. i feel the ai make nearly impossible shots on a semiregular basis from way too far away which does affect the engagement ranges.
  17. - also a "suppress (blue/red/green/white/yellow/general) smoke" command so if you have place your machine gunner in overwatch whilst you and another teammate clear a settlement you can instruct him to suppress certain areas to facilitate your movements and maneuvers by throwing certain smoke on them or if you're within his line of sight by pointing at them. he could say "cannot see you" if you try command without smoke from outside his line of sight and then you could move to where he can see you or he may even name distinctive objects/buildings that he can see close to where he last saw you it would be like this leader; "suppressive fire on that building." mg; "i dont see you. i see a building with a ladder to the roof and 2 dark green railings." leader; "suppress the 2 story building directly to the east of that location." mg; "affirmative. now suppressing." or if there are no distinctive buildings/objects it will be like this leader; "suppressive fire on that area." mg; "i dont see you. pop smoke at the location." [leader pops blue smoke on the location] as soon as he sees smoke in that area mg says "i see blue smoke" leader; "suppressive fire on the blue smoke." mg; "affirmative. suppressive fire on blue smoke. now firing." - a system where you can set up logs/rocks to roll down a hill/fall off a cliff to damage or distract your enemy would be quite fun. lol throwing stones one guy said proper suppressive fire is very important because it allows the team leader to create cover where there is none.
  18. - the bullet penetration is very important for realism as a 7.62 nato round will go straight through a 2 brick wall. if you are inside a regular small house and a machine gunner is firing up that house it will literally tear the house apart. trees too. which means that half the cover used in arma 2 is actually totally unrealistic.
  19. - Damage taken from shrapnel/fragmentation (what is the proper military term here i know there is one) from walls etc affecting vision and possibly cutting up hands and arms ---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 AM ---------- please fix the clipping where bodies end up in rocks/walls etc its so distracting ---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ---------- - take away or reduce the "zoom in/focus" function to at most half of what it is right now. around a fifth of what it is in arma 2 would be okay but i think it should be taken away completely or at least severely reduced. so unrealistic for a guy with a red dot sight to be able to fire at point targets at like 400 meters. then people would actually be forced to study and use the terrain properly as well as take time to plan attacks around sight lines and vantage points and use area target fire for suppression whilst others advance and use other fire and movement tactics - explosive breaching devices for breaching through walls and breach charges for explosive breaching of doors - for cqb it would be nice if we could move tightly against walls by holding the movement button against them ie if you stand with a wall against your leftside and press "a" then you will get as close to the wall as possible for as long as you hold "a" etc - windows should break when shot. give us the best destructive environment ever haha. explosions of breaking glass can cut the face and damage the eyes if no protective eyewear is worn. blood can drip into eyes even if they arent damaged themselves. - modelling for proper bullet penetration - when there is no/sporadic firing, friendly AI should say when they are firing so that you know it's not an enemy firing 5 meters from you - no switching from prone to crouch when crawling over obstacles. instead when attempting to move "prone" over an obstacle, move over it with the lowest profile possible - movement is more fluid to the point where you can run and jump halfway up a ladder and climb it from there. easily dive/scurry through windows and under cars - things actually move/break when shot/damaged
  20. - Also, when the player gets wounded, assuming BIS implements one of the nice and complex wounding systems, there should be visual clues as to where you are wounded as well as a graphic of a body showing wounded areas. This should come up a few seconds after being wounded because if you are wounded in real life you will know where. If there is a nice complex medical system too then this would allow wounded players to tell their team-mates exactly how they are wounded and what medical treatment/supplies the medic needs to have at hand. The medic could then resupply accordingly or 2 medics could "trade" items.
  21. The caps was my fault but I can't even see the colours. Anyway.
  22. I read the updated ideas list on the first page of this thread and see I have repeated a few things. Apologies for that. Mainly I would like faster and more fluid movement and action that is more instinctive. I think that the pop up and shoot mechanism along with the 1-key-grenade-throws/launches will be a huge step towards making the game more realistic. ---------- Post added at 03:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 AM ---------- - Eyes shining in NVG is excellent. Also, animals eyes shine different colors than humans because they have different rod/stem configurations which reflect different light frequencies. - The ability to climb over walls that are 2 meters or less high by jumping up. If possible according to the weight of the equipment. - Flashbangs and gas grenades. Gas masks. Visual and physical responses to flashbangs and gas grenades. Earplugs too. The possibility of taking damage to one hand/arm/leg/eye, and visual and physical responses to that. - Weapon resting should be automatic as far as reasonably possible. If there is an easily available resting point it should be used without the user initiating. There should be an option to turn the automatic part of this feature off because I think some people might not like it. - Regarding the peripheral vision idea - someone should push this through to the worlds combat forces. A sort of mirror-helmet system which would function somewhat like a cars side mirrors would give soldiers a wider angle of visual perception in CQB ie a soldier who had gotten accustomed to that system could see to his front and sides by moving only his eyes and without moving his head. This could possibly be implemented in the USA's new Future Combat System. If this happens contact me and I will send my banking details. This would be incredibly useful in room clearing procedures. - Customizable soldier physical attributes like strength, agility, vision, reaction time. So that we can set up our soldier to have similar strengths and weaknesses to our real selves. I don't care so much about the aesthetic component of this. My suggestion is only regarding the functional aspects of the players characteristics. Maybe even asthma pumps for asthmatics and spectacles that can break for those who wear them. - As far as I know, sound travels further in colder air. - This is a big one for proper attacking of buildings. A "Suppress That Building" command which causes the selected team member(s) to take cover/lie down/take a stable firing position and take suppressive fire (an initial burst followed by a consistent 1 shot per second and even less if the enemy is not trying to return fire) at the open doorways, windows and firing-holes of the building. Then an "Assault That Building" command which would causes selected team member(s) to advance towards the building, firing/throwing grenades into it, and stack up, throw a frag or if they have a flashbang, and enter. The suppressing element would cease fire as the assault element enters/moves into the firing zone but only AT THE LATEST SAFE POINT POSSIBLE. Throughout this procedure any involved team member(s) would take immediate fire on any enemy that exposes himself or tries to leave the building and would stop firing/attack if the enemies in that building were dead or had escaped. Adding a similar "flank that building left" and "flank that building right" command would allow a huge number of possible attack strategies. The same logic can be applied to any area of land ie when you're looking at a bunch of rocks instead of a building the commands change to "Suppress that area" and "assault that area" etc and work the same way with the various elements working together throughout the procedure. - A larger choice of ammunition and personal protective gear including hollowpoint, armor piercing, non-lethal, kevlar vests, head protection. Then the weight of the persons gear should be compared to his/her strength attributes and he/she should be made slower accordingly. Ammunition should act like its real life counterparts eg hollowpoints will not penetrate a kevlar vest but armour piercing rounds will cause much less fragmentation damage on impact. A multi-axis point system of rating an ammunitions fragmentation, flight stability and armour piercing capacity would help here. - It's been said before but allies can tell other allies they have seen enemy and it happens automatically so if unit 1 is a sniper unit overwatching the area and unit 2 is the assault unit and the sniper unit sees enemy they will radio the enemy number, type, and grid location to the assault unit automatically. - Enemy AI should always fire and relocate once they've been spotted. - Also AI should take immediate cover once being fired upon before trying to find the shooter. - Realistic armor for vehicles ---------- Post added at 04:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 AM ---------- totally agree on the fog of war thing where piles of tyres and rubbish can be set alight with gasoline whatever to lay smoke all through the area
  23. I have coloured and numbered the practical suggestions in this post in an attempt to make it easier for you to skim read. When I said "better CQB AI" I meant faster, more aggressive, they shoot on sight, not running around looking at you for 10 seconds while you aim at them. If they think you're in a building they will bombard it with grenades or grenade launchers and suppress the doorways and windows with machine gun fire whilst other units run to the building - no need for flanking if they know you're suppressed - and throw every grenade they have in there. And fast. Everything must be fast fast fast. 1 - It's got to be fluid, instinctive, deeply aggressive and viciously violent. In ARMA 2 you can run around the enemy AI in CQB. They'll look at you. I don't understand why it's like that. It's such a let down. They must HUNT US DOWN. Basically I think that ARMA is excellent except for the CQB. 2 - I'd focus on making movement and actions more fluid. Take away the getting stuck in doorways. The chance of me getting stuck in a doorway when there's a guy shooting at me is minimal. I will be through that door like you won't believe. Make grenades and flashbangs and smoke grenades and grenade launchers all able to fire from one press of a key. Yes, weapon safety and ROE and all that, but when you're in combat there's no checking and double-checking. 3 - Make the lean and the stances more instinctive too so that when you crouch in front of a window your head isn't ever a bit too low or too high. If we're crouching in front of a window/fire-hole it means we either want to be looking through it, or are taking cover near it with the intent to look through it soon. I'd make it so that if you HOLD THE CROUCH BUTTON THE ENGINE WILL ASSUME YOU ARE FIRING/OBSERVING AND WILL ALIGN YOU PROPERLY, WEAPON OUT THE WINDOW, AND WHEN YOU RELEASE THE CROUCH BUTTON IT ASSUMES YOU ARE TAKING COVER AND DROPS YOU BELOW THE WINDOW SILL AND OUT OF SIGHT. I'd do pretty much the same thing with the lean button. This will allow us to do "pop out, spot, fire, and pop back to cover" firing maneuvers which will help make gameply more fluid. In reality the anatomy of the human body allows it to be extremely fast, instinctive, precise, and agile. This should be reflected in the game. You know what I mean? Realistically we would be able to throw 3 grenades accurately within 5 seconds whilst running, and then dive into an open window without flying into the wall next to it because we aimed a bit skew. Sorry for the capitals. I wrote that before I saw the colour settings. I'll put a list of common parts and situations that may damage them up here and on armaholic soon. This would also open up the opportunity of specific vehicle sabotages by removing certain parts, which would mean a recon team could infiltrate an enemy camp and remove a couple CV joints from the vehicles, take them back with them, and then replace them after the main assault force had eliminated the enemy threat so that the vehicles can be used. Allow us to climb trees and build hides in them for the height and camoflague advantage. Would be fun also to be able to blow these trees down with satchel charges. With this and the shovel for digging foxholes and the hatchet for hacking into deep brush I'm basically talking about finding ways for us to be able to use the environment to our advantage. Wow all this thinking is exhausting me and I don't even have a beer to help me out haha 4 - Crossbows. Because they are awesome.
  24. 1 - Better CQB AI, or something that makes it easier for modders to do this but please just make the CQB AI devastatingly aggressive and fast. Superhuman skills please. 2 - AI Pathfinding which actually works. No offence haha 3 - Ability to "rest" weapon on window sills, rocks, for a stable firing position 4 - A more complex vehicle damage and repair system - to be honest I haven't looked too much into this part but it would be awesome to have actual items for repairs such as crankshafts, wheels, exhaust systems, a welding kit which an engineer could use or a repair supply truck could carry for spot welded armour repairs. Suspension kits e.t.c. and realistic repair times. Oil leaks. Even more complex things such as CV joints. I don't know about tanks but if you like I can email someone a list of general motor vehicle parts. 5 - Ability to set a single keys for "throw frag grenade" and for "throw smoke grenades" - the old system of having to change weapons to throw grenades is not instinctive 6 - Things that one does with ones hands should be quick and easy to do. Eg resting the weapon, throwing grenades, firing a underslung grenade launcher. Let us keymap 5 of these "hand-actions" so that we can have a quick and easy custom set up. 7 - A better optimized engine. Arma 2 doesn't run AMAZINGLY on my machine even with an i5 3.10GHz, 4GB RAM and NVIDIA GTX 550ti GPU. 8 - Make general movement easy. I mean, I could crawl through rubble or run through narrow doorways all day and never get "stuck". There's no realism in getting "stuck" like that. We need to be able to just run through buildings like we could in real life. A fluid motion. Maybe implement some sort of "collision avoidance code" which kindof nudges the player away from objects if they're sprinting but doesn't have an effect if you're just running or walking. Definitely there should be an option for the sensitivity of that "collision avoidance" and an option to turn it off though in case people don't want it or it does strange things. 9 - Make the player really get into the cover that they are taking, automatically. In real life even an untrained soldier would crawl as close to the rock that's protecting them so I think it should be automatic that the player swing his legs behind the rock or hug the rock closer whilst leaning etc. Kindof like ragdoll physics, but for live players who are hiding/taking cover. Also, give us some tools to hack our way into bushes and to dig foxholes. We want to be able to make our own defensive positions. And for snipers give us small hatchets and the ability to chop branches from nearby trees to make detailed hides. 10 - Crossbows!!! 11 - More lifelike animations. And again things should be faster. I guarantee you if I am being shot at and need to throw a smoke grenade it will take me less than 2 seconds. 12 - A detailed wounding and medical attention system, including everything that's in a US medics IFAK kit. This is so good because it actually trains people to have a better idea of how to deal with such medical situations in real life. I mean, I always thought that chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth were to sort of jump-start or shock-start the heart. I didn't realise until playing ARMA 2 with a medical system mod that they are actually to replace the heart and lungs normal function and keep oxygenated blood going to the brain to stop brain cells dying off while other assistance like ephedrine e.t.c. is brought to the scene. I will be happy to email someone a detailed list of possible injuries and their treatments and the supplies needed. 13 - Fixed the clipping bugs. They're very distracting. _____________________________________________________________________ I'm sure you guys know this by now but people are expecting Arma 3 to be incredible. The best FPS tactical shooter ever. This game (series) is definitely a part of video game history. I'm more excited about Arma 3 than I am about the blonde Norwegian girls I met last night. And there were 3 of them!!! I will definitely be interested in being involved in marketing your game in South Africa, where I currently live. There is big interest here. Contact me if you like. I'm also an excellent storyboard writer and a decent sound designer. Feel free to contact me with anything you may want.
  25. Make it so the more you use a certain weapon the better you get at handling (reload times, aim responsiveness, accuracy whilst moving etc) that weapon and others like it. Talking about small arms here and other hand/shoulder operated weapons. I'm so excited for ARMA 3 I want to throw my TV into the wall. Guys people are basically depending on you here. We want something epic. Like, if you throw two grenades into the same room, we want there to be a chance the blast of the first will blow the second back into us and kill us kinda thing.