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Everything posted by ratszo

  1. I just got the freeze right after $team updated.
  2. Pointless thread. Troubleshooting is where player help other players. Are you looking for advice on settings, or what?
  3. Probably a mod for that, to reduce recoil. Server i'm playing on has increased recoil as a mod. Otherwise, as the handsome Canadian said, tweak your dpi. My dpi is 360-ish.
  4. Post count, need more than 3..., 5?..., 10? Someone knows how many posts you need to make a thread. GL! ---------- Post added at 10:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 AM ---------- Saw a guy with a post count of 2 in there, so..., try again?
  5. ratszo

    Choice of GPU for ArmA 3?

    Best to ask in this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147391-Will-my-PC-run-Arma3-What-CPU-GPU-to-get-What-settings-What-System-Specifications Tho, cpu power is king in this game.
  6. Any feedback on the update from AMD users? Seems like big news for AMD players: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2645594 Poor review from Softpedia: "Microsoft’s recent patch for AMD Bulldozer processors was expected to bring a significant performance boost to CPUs using this architecture, but early tests seem to suggest that in most cases the “fix†doesn’t deliver any benefits to systems using it." http://news.softpedia.com/news/AMD-Bulldozer-Windows-7-Performance-Patch-Tested-Results-Disappoint-241228.shtml
  7. ratszo

    Squad XML Help

    Make sure the .paa is square..., 128x128, 256x256, etc. Use 'texview 2'. Can try different texview2 outputs, like, dxt5, blah blah. Can you see a shadow where the logo should be? If so, atleast that means the xml has the right name and format. Keep trying, it can be a process of 'hit or miss'. Good luck!
  8. ratszo

    Can't reset to default keybindings

    Hard to follow what you're saying, but i am abit hungover. " It was set to "Arma 3"..., wha? " i selected the arma 3 keybind loadout"..., huh? You looking in 'user/documents/arma3 profiles? Creating a new profile will default the keybinds.
  9. Pretty sure it was just a spelling typo..., he meant to say, 'the "winners"'. Can't we all just get along?
  10. Early days yet. So much to look forward to in the new year. I like your attitude soldier..., now give me twenty!
  11. ratszo

    Problem placing explosives

    Why not ask SaOk, the mission maker? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147768-SP-MP-Dynamic-Whole-Map-ArmA3-Missions-by-SaOk
  12. One thing to look at is ajusting the view distance --thru the "self-interaction" key, press 'configuration' to reduce view distance. The 3000m default is too high for my rig. As most of us know, view distance can be a major fps drain. Good luck G.
  13. ratszo

    gunshot sound direction

    Yeah, i know. A very good solution i've found is using the rifle.PBOs From "Speed of Sound" mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?166824-Speed-Of-Sound By BigPickle. What i did was make a "@rifles" folder where i place just the core.pbo and the various rifle.pbos together in an "addons" subfolder within @rifles. These are superb .pbos for directional gunshots --straight mono right to the source. For MP, i know the 'ETUW' servers run the full Speed of sound, SoS, mod: http://arma3.swec.se/server/data/27982 Good Luck
  14. ratszo

    Razer Tiamat 7.1 headphones muffled

    Yeah, sounded like too much bass. You do have bass/treble sliders, right? Boost treble? King's idea 'bout trying other frequencies makes sense too. Happy new year!
  15. ratszo

    What seems to be the problem, Armacer?

    Try flying "Cliffs of Dover" --breathtaking graphics. But the strain on hardware makes even baby jesus cry. People getting 15fps on high-end rigs need to look at settings and the missions they play. Some dogs don't hunt. Some missions don't run worth a damm.
  16. ratszo

    Razer Tiamat 7.1 headphones muffled

    Found an old thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?157247-Surround-sound-problems-DEVs-take-notice You try this Razer "Synapse 2.0" driver? http://www.razerzone.com/au-en/surround Also, in windows, turn off any muting or 'sound cancellation" features. Keep us posted.
  17. Cool, ask the guys you're buying from to include a 'grounding bracelet' --anti-static wrist strap: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antistatic_wrist_strap Good Luck! Let us know how the new gear works.
  18. ratszo

    Razer Tiamat 7.1 headphones muffled

    Using Razer drivers? Do you have a graphic EQ feature? Too bassy..., boost treble?
  19. It's a huge problem in multiplayer. "You just hear voices in your head." Lol, Atkins, you nailed it. May need to up my Meds..., the voices....
  20. Static discharge is a problem in very dry and/or very high altitudes. If you get static shockes touching door-knobs, petting your dog, etc. yeah, it's a problem. At sea level, high humidity, not so much.
  21. ratszo

    Stuttering FPS as of Dec 19, 2013

    Vsync on, with Triple Buffering is made for this kind of screen tearing. Multiplayer, sounds like 'packet queuing' --some servers have been running new net-code this past week, strictly beta testing. Search posts by Dwarden lately on the subject. Ask your server admin if they are using it.
  22. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    If i had 100% utilizations across my cores..., i'd be crashing apps. Every single one. Try running a3.exe on 'real-time'' affinity. You will see 100% utilization..., until the 'puter hard-locks. ---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ---------- My advice is to tweak setting under load. Staring at the sky @100 frips is not the place to find the sweet spot for your system. Tweak settings where it matters. Find the place where you're getting 15fps --tweak there.
  23. PM Dwarden? PS- admire your 100+ player PvP servers. Good Luck!
  24. Gah..., been years since i flashed my bios. As i remember: --flashed bios. --re-installed Manufacture's (amd) chipset drivers. --possibly re-seated my nvidia card into its slot for it to be recognized. Suggest you go post over at this forum: http://www.overclock.net/t/1023100/official-gigabyte-ga-990fxa-series-owners-thread-club 800+ pages of pure ga-990fxa-series love. Ask 'bout flashing..., chipset..., nvidia gpu.... Good luck!