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Posts posted by m4rt14l

  1. Fantastic work, after nexus patch this can save my life :)


    Just one thing, I will use his work to create scripted tasks like this:

    fn_spawnCommsMission = {
    	//creating the marker
    	_markerArray = ["commsmkr_1","commsmkr_2","commsmkr_3","commsmkr_4","commsmkr_5","commsmkr_6"];
    	_rnd 	= floor (random (count(_markerArray)));
    	_mrkSpawnPos = getMarkerPos (_markerArray select _rnd);  
    	_markerSO = createMarker ["mob_comms", _mrkSpawnPos];
    	_markerSO setMarkerShape "empty";
    	//creating the vehicle
    	_newPos = [getMarkerPos _markerSO, 100, 500, 10, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    	_movilhq = createVehicle ["rhs_gaz66_r142_msv", _newPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    	_isFlat_comms = [getMarkerPos _markerSO,500] call getFlatArea;
    	_movilhq setPos _isFlat_comms;
    	_camonet = createVehicle ["CamoNet_OPFOR_big_F", getPos _movilhq, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    	_markerrtw = createMarker ["rtwmarker", getPos _movilhq];
    	_markerrtw setMarkerType "o_support";
    	_markerrtw setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    	_markerrtw setMarkerSize [1,1];
    	_markerrtw setMarkertext "OPFOR Mobile Comms";
    	["taskcomms", "Destroy Mobile Comms", "CREATED", true] call ENGTASKS_CreateTask;
    	["taskcomms", getMarkerPos "rtwmarker", false] call ENGTASKS_SetTaskDestination;
    	sleep 10;
    	_grp1S = [getpos _movilhq, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "LOP_SLA" >> "Infantry" >> "LOP_SLA_Patrol_section")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
    	nul = [_grp1S,getpos _movilhq] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;
    	_grp2S = [getpos _movilhq, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "LOP_SLA" >> "Infantry" >> "LOP_SLA_Rifle_squad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
    	nul = [_grp2S,getpos _movilhq, 150] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
    	waitUntil {!alive _movilhq};
    	["taskcomms", "SUCCEEDED"] call ENGTASKS_SetTaskState;
    	sleep 10;
    	deleteMarker _markerSO;
    	deleteMarker _markerrtw;
    	deleteVehicle _movilhq;
    	deleteVehicle _camonet;
    	{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grp1S;
    	deleteGroup _grp1S;
    	{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grp2S;
    	deleteGroup _grp2S;
    	_myHint ="Good Job!";
    	GlobalHint = _myHint;
    	publicVariable "GlobalHint";
    	hintsilent parseText _myHint;
    	["taskcomms"] call ENGTASKS_DeleteTask;

    Testing on dedicated server I receive an error about 69 line of Engima\SimpleTasks\Common\Functions.sqf

    	if (count _taskTargetDestination > 0) then {
    		_isDestination = typename (_taskTargetDestination select 0) == "SCALAR";
    		_isTarget = !_isDestination;

    However everything seems to work correctly, perhaps there is something I am doing wrong, can you help me?


    Greets and thanks.

    • Like 1

  2. I have a dynamic co-op mission in which use repetitive tasks in random order and locations,


    I started using these commands:

    _null = ["taskcomms", west, ["Find and destroy SLA mobile comms","Destroy Comms","Destroy Comms"], [_movilhq, true], "CREATED", 1, true, true, "Destroy", false] call BIS_fnc_setTask;

    this works only the first time of each task class runs, from there tasks are not created although deleted by call BIS_fnc_deleteTask function.


    anyone has any idea of how I could get these repetitive tasks works?


    until now everything worked using this command:

    _null = [west, "mob_comms", ["Find and destroy SLA mobile comms", "Destroy Comms", "Destroy Comms"], getMarkerPos "rtwmarker", false] spawn BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

    but it has stopped working after 1.54 patch.


    Thanks in advance.


  3. I'm not surprised even after deleting that, with yesterday's update, your game is crashing. I haven't tested much since the 1.54 release so I'm unsure of the cause.

    Bare in mind, ACE and CBA both have updates.

    Also, RHS is having issues right now so I'm not sure how playable the mission would be anyway at the moment. And I'm assuming Leights would be having problems too but again, I haven't really tested too much since the update because most of my favorite mods need updates thanks to BIS.

    Where exactly is it crashing? After deleting "3DEN" and trying to re-PBO the mission in the Editor? I take it it's crashing when you click play in the launcher?

    And I should also point out there may be a way to re-PBO the mission after deleting the "3DEN" entries from within the PBO manager itself. I'm new to this and the only way I could do it on a mission I was editing yesterday was to physically save the mission in the editor itself after deleting those same entries.


    Sorry for the inconvenience I will try to fix soon as possible, besides after latest patch arma3server.exe has stopped working, thereby I can not test the mission properly.


    Greets and thanks for the report.

  4. @m4rt14l


    btw you should replace "Advanced Medical module" with "Basic" for now because it's bugged atm.


    If you get hit in the legs there is no way to "get healed" to a point you can jog or run again ..unless you get "respawn" ;)




    Eventually you can use Advanced Medical module to heal legs (using Personal Aid Kit -which i still believe there is a bug there so PAK

    is still required..)

    BUT..your mission needs to synchronize an "ACE isMedical Facility" module and "ACE isMedical Vehicle" module with an actual medical structure and/or vehicle.


    Same goes of course for ACE repair structures and vehicles.


    Good luck


    Hi giorgygr,


    It is a matter of taste, some people prefer Advanced Medical Settings and some other the Basic Medical, but the advanced module works fine, have long since I am using.


    About "ACE isMedical Facility" module and "ACE isMedical Vehicle" module, I'm not sure, but I think that only work with Basic Medical Settings, I will check it and add if necessary.


    Also I will review Repair settings.


    Greets and thanks for the report.

    • Like 1

  5. Well ..i was eventually confused with Ctab.

    Is this addon has any *crucial bindings with the mission?


    We probably want to use the mission for max 2 fireteams/not a full server :S


    Certainly NOT, but adds a technological improvement for command, this be able track the BLUFOR teams, UAV´s, etc...


    Simply it's more funny and Tacticool.



  6. Released new v2.6 version,

    2015/08/21, 21:29:17 "param" <ALiVE_fnc_profileHandler> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead.
    2015/08/21, 21:29:17 "param" <ALiVE_fnc_hashGet> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead
    2015/08/21, 21:29:17 "param" <ALiVE_fnc_arrayBlockHandler> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead.

    I have corrected this error with RPT.


    You can download new version at header of the thread, greets and thanks.

  7. ACE version

    We run all the previous addons (like ALiVE/Leight's/RHS_Esc/TFR etc) +ACE

    Maybe is it our mistake?

    (I couldn't understand very good from Armaholic notes if the requirements was

    ACE with Vanilla addons/units


    ACE +all previous addons :/ sorry)

    For ACE3 version you need,


    All In ArmA Terrain




    Leights Opfor Pack

    RHS Escalation (AFRF + USFRF)

    Taskforce Arrowhead Radio

    Greets and thanks.

  8. would be cool. thx! we didnt find the error that caused this massive spam.

    I hope to fix it as soon as posible, I'm working on it.


    Is it something on my side?

    We tried to run latest version (the updated Armaholic version) but the mission doesn't even initialize/although

    we are running all addons (of course).

    which versión? ACE3 or Vanilla?

  9. I also get tons of rpt and im using the newest alive / server. Its not playable, we have over 100mb of logfile after 2h.



    From last night until today morning, I just check mine and my log file is 1.32 GB... this is getting crazy. All our mods are up to date. We only keep ACE3 in 3.3.1 because last one is bugged.


    I'm reviewing and I will try to correct it as soon as possible, thanks for the report, and apologies.

  10. New 2.5 version released you can download at header,


    *Last Update v2.5*


    *Added CIVILIAN INTERACTION MODULE by SpyderBlack723.


    Now you can interact with civilians in a complex and inmersive way, you can question these in search of IED´s, hostiles or enemy placements, in addition of register or arrest them, honestly it's the best plus for the ALiVE living environment, many thanks for allowing me to use it.



    -Now players can access to the Operations Menu through BIS Communications Menu (0-8-1).


    -Added Headless Client.


    Greets and thanks.

  11. Yes run my game with -showScriptErrors, this is what it says my RPT,

    21:02:33 Error in expression <[sealone, C Alpha 1-1:1, 'intel']>
    21:02:33   Error position: <Alpha 1-1:1, 'intel']>
    21:02:33   Error Missing ]
    21:02:33 Error in expression <[sealone, C Alpha 1-1:1, 'intel']>
    21:02:33   Error position: <Alpha 1-1:1, 'intel']>
    21:02:33   Error Missing ]

    sealone is the name of the unit player.


    Many Thanks for your help.

  12. Yes, that is how it should work. What's happening if you do it that way?

    The script not work,


    I will explain better, what I do is spawn an AI just like that:

    _civilian = ["LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_01","LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_02","LOP_Tak_Civ_Man_04"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _infogrp = createGroup CIVILIAN;
    _informant = _infogrp createUnit [_civilian, [(getMarkerpos _markerinformant select 0) + 1, getMarkerpos _markerinformant select 1, +1.5], [], 0, "NONE"];
    _informant allowDamage false;
    _informant disableAI "MOVE";
    [_informant, "opener2"] call IP_fnc_addConversation;

    this is the piece of conversations concerning this AI:

    	class exit2
    		exit = 1;
    	class opener2
    		arguments[] = {"(name player)"};
    		responses[] = {"intel"};
    		sentences[] = {
    			"Hey, you have some information?",
    			"Yes, %1. What would you like to know?"
    		sound = "radioclick";
    	class intel
    		responses[] = {"exit2"};
    		expression = "nul = [] execVM 'scripts\IntelTasks1.sqf';";
    		sentences[] = {
    			"Give me your info"

    And the script I want to run, and that's what I think does not work. Thanks.

    hint "You have new info";
    sleep 5;
    _missions = ["info1","info2","info3"]; //mission array
    _choose = _missions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // random mission 
    [_choose] execVM "rtasks\makeIntelTasks.sqf";  //call mission
    sleep 60;
    if(true) exitWith{};

  13. You update this mission? spam in rpt

    2015/08/21, 21:29:17 "param" <ALiVE_fnc_profileHandler> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead.

    2015/08/21, 21:29:17 "param" <ALiVE_fnc_hashGet> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead

    2015/08/21, 21:29:17 "param" <ALiVE_fnc_arrayBlockHandler> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead.


    Does not appear this on my rpt, i use last ALIVE version, maybe I can be these?.

  14. TFR is not working because the TFR module that was on the map with missing information about the TFR TS channel.


    Many thanks, take note for fix this.


    Martial hay alguna manera de hacer esta mision para 60 players?



    Si claro, se pueden añadir más slots jugables pero afectará al rendimiento.


    Yes, you can add more playable slots but will affect performance.

  15. New 2.4 version available at header,

    - Reworked all tasks, not increased performance but they give less bugs.

    - Changed "Destroy Supplies" and "Destroy Campsite" tasks to "Find Evidences" and "Destroy Ammo Caches", to get more similar to counter-insurgency mission.

    - Reworked "Repair Vehicle" task, now damaged vehicle has two Menu Actions to tow or release the vehicle from the CRV.

