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Everything posted by TSonar

  1. I get the Invalid CD Key arrow when I try to join a multiplayer game in OA. But in normal ArmA II, I can join multiplayer matches. Bought Combined Ops on Amazon Digital Download Friday, May 18th.
  2. This game is really fun. I pre-ordered it on Steam and got access to the beta, but I have a few questions about the game. 1. Will this game be much more optimized for final release? I exceed well over the recommended requirements for the game and yet it runs poorly on any settings except for low (I think). Between switching med, med-high, high- very high, very high my FPS is still around the same low rate under 30. 2. Will the final release support SLI? I only exceed the required graphics card if my SLI is enabled. I have a GTX 295, which basically has two 896 MB GPUs. The problem is, when games don't utilize SLI, only one GPU of my card is read. That's it really. Thanks!
  3. I am absolutely terrible with trying to land a helicopter. I'll end up either taking forever to land, losing control, or hit the ground too hard or land at an incorrect angle. Can someone give me a step-by-step walkthrough of how to land quickly and efficiently?
  4. TSonar

    Tips on Landing?

    My biggest issue is the decent and stop. It's also how to land smoothly. I keep fidgeting with the level control to drop the chopper but I either drop too hard and don't recover or I drop and raise it up too much.
  5. TSonar

    Tips on Landing?

    I don't have a joystick and pedals though. Don't have much money. I'm using my mouse and keyboard :x
  6. Here, I'll post my full rig to avoid any future questions. Processor: Intel Core i7-920 2.67 GHz (8 CPUs) Memory: 6144 MB Graphics card: GeForce GTX 295 ( 896MB per GPU, possible 1796 max VRAM)