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About TSonar

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  1. I get the Invalid CD Key arrow when I try to join a multiplayer game in OA. But in normal ArmA II, I can join multiplayer matches. Bought Combined Ops on Amazon Digital Download Friday, May 18th.
  2. TSonar

    Tips on Landing?

    My biggest issue is the decent and stop. It's also how to land smoothly. I keep fidgeting with the level control to drop the chopper but I either drop too hard and don't recover or I drop and raise it up too much.
  3. TSonar

    Tips on Landing?

    I don't have a joystick and pedals though. Don't have much money. I'm using my mouse and keyboard :x
  4. I am absolutely terrible with trying to land a helicopter. I'll end up either taking forever to land, losing control, or hit the ground too hard or land at an incorrect angle. Can someone give me a step-by-step walkthrough of how to land quickly and efficiently?
  5. Here, I'll post my full rig to avoid any future questions. Processor: Intel Core i7-920 2.67 GHz (8 CPUs) Memory: 6144 MB Graphics card: GeForce GTX 295 ( 896MB per GPU, possible 1796 max VRAM)
  6. This game is really fun. I pre-ordered it on Steam and got access to the beta, but I have a few questions about the game. 1. Will this game be much more optimized for final release? I exceed well over the recommended requirements for the game and yet it runs poorly on any settings except for low (I think). Between switching med, med-high, high- very high, very high my FPS is still around the same low rate under 30. 2. Will the final release support SLI? I only exceed the required graphics card if my SLI is enabled. I have a GTX 295, which basically has two 896 MB GPUs. The problem is, when games don't utilize SLI, only one GPU of my card is read. That's it really. Thanks!