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Posts posted by SavageCDN

  1. 11 hours ago, Outbreakdubs said:

    Hello, I'm trying to set up the war room and persistence on my dedicated server (rented from swiftnode) and I can't figure out how to get it working. Is there anything specific I need to know about getting it working in such a setup? Or does it not work with rented servers? 




    I assume you've followed the instructions in the War Room server setup?  Rented servers are hit and miss depending on the provider.  ALiVE persistence requires certain files to function and sometimes providers block access to these files (.dll .exe  and so on).  Your best bet is to open a ticket with the provider and give them the server setup instructions.  It's possible they have other Arma/ALiVE clients and have set this up already.


    You can also post your persistence log (found in @aliveserver folder) and RPT file (found in server root directory) to pastebin and link back here for us to look at.. might have some useful information.



  2. On 10/16/2017 at 3:50 PM, katipo66 said:


    Thanks Savage, i ended up throwing them in VR and grabbing the classes from the .sqm.


    I will grab your undocumented_features.sqf though, looks like some good tips in there, i been having a great ole time with DAC lately!





    If you've updated any of the unit configs feel free to PM me with them and I'll add them to github

  3. Unfortunately there's nothing in your RPT to indicate any issues.... and I don't see any ALiVE - related info in your RPT (you had a too many objectives warning in the previous RPT).  Either the RPT was cut off or you're not using any ALiVE modules in your mission... which is OK just different from last log.


    What I would do is make a copy of your mission and in the copy strip out as many mods as possible and test... it's the only way you'll be able to determine which mod is causing the issue.  Try to use vanilla assets in your test.

  4. Yeah the objectives will only affect the initial load time... nothing to do with the problem of not being able to join the mission.


    Try removing all sound mods (JSRS and Dragonfire) from the server... also try disabling MCC Sandbox that can have issues when run alongside ALiVE.


    If you still have problems you might need to remove some mods to troubleshoot where the problem lies.

  5. 4 hours ago, dodecahedron said:

    Hi I have a problem with fixed military logistics. Sometimes OPCOM doesn't (re)capture its own logistics objective after loading from save (was owned at time of saving). When I check the objectives in the tablet it is unassigned while other less important objectives are. Aside from hacky solutions like placing a few squads at objective in editor and adding profiling command in init (to make sure they are spawned at location even after save loading) or placing a custom objective with a really high priority (I don't want enemy to make a bee line for the hub every single time), is there a way to make sure objective ownership is the same as at the time of saving when I load?


    I would make an account on alivemod.com/forum and post your question there.  We'll need to see your RPT file (server) which should have more info.  How are you saving - War Room, local DB?

  6. On 9/9/2017 at 10:13 AM, Nichols said:


    Or you could alternatively on small player count servers change the spawn radius to include several hundred or a few thousand meters of distance. Typically we have more than one person in Zeus for those reasons exactly in order to "prep" the battlefield and reduce load on the server just for convenience sake. It was something we started doing 2-3 years ago to keep the players from getting booted or loosing connection with the server once ALiVE started spawning in virtualized troops. It also helps us keep the virtualized troops from running there at top speed all the time since they only travel in straight virtual lines and don't follow the roads or paths on the map.



    Hi just wanted to mention a few things - there is a setting to adjust how quickly groups spawn called SmoothSpawn in the Virtual AI  module - that might help with the server load when spawning lots of AI groups.  Also in the same module there are two settings called Virtual Combat Speed Modifier and Profile Speed Modifier that might help with keeping virtual troops from moving too quickly.



    • Like 1

  7. Hi NachoGuy,


    I'm out of town until next week - got your PM but it's hard to read RPT files on mobile with half a bar of signal strength.  Will reply when I'm back.


    cba_settings.sqf error - you can probably ignore this one I believe it's looking for a \userconfig settings file but it will revert to defaults if not found



    If you can get past the unit selection screen and get to the briefing then it's not a unit mod that is missing (IFA3) ... however it could be another mod (Faces of War for example)


    Multiplayer settings look OK - that message about not being a server is for your intro which actually runs as a separate mission before the real mission... there will be another mission init entry further down with your actual mission name that will say isServer: true


    .paa and other graphics (p3d) errors are most likely mod-related (IFA3) and shouldn't prevent the mission from loading


    As others have suggested make a copy of the mission and in the copy remove the intro and all scripts called from init.sqf or initServer.sqf and test that.




    edit:  if you are in [KH] just ask Jman for help :f:






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  8. 15 hours ago, jarrad96 said:

    Ok, here's a list of some of the ALiVE compatible factions I've made, if @SavageCDN can put them on the Wiki that would be nice. There are more than these but you already have some of them on the Wiki. 


    I've removed the factions you already have on the Wiki from this list, but if you want direct links to those ones you can PM me, or I suppose I can bug one of the minions. 


    Your wish is my command :)  Added to wiki:




    If you like PM me with the details for the other factions and I'll merge them into the same section (I gave you your own section).


    14 hours ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

    SavageCDN you can blame me for having him tag you!!!! (*evil laugh and mustache curl*)


    I'll get you... and your little dog too!!

    • Like 4

  9. 43 minutes ago, jdingo said:

    my game crashes when i have alive modules down and the arsenal finishes loading. when i removed the alive modules i got no more crashing. my mod list was very large though.


    "Too many virtual memory blocks requested"


    I've seen this before when using a ton of mods... there is no easy fix other than to trim down your mod list, or reduce the number of objectives and units in your ALiVE mission.


    edit:  how much RAM in your system?  Are you running 64bit Arma?



  10. 4 hours ago, yevgeni89 said:

    The vehicle skins I select don't seem to stay and always revert back to default skins and the gunner, commander positions on any mod tanks seem to be broken for me, I'll place crew in, and then save my config and load it, and it'll only spawn the tank or apc with a driver , but no gunner or commander, but the positions are filled? 


    Are you using RHS by chance?


  11. 2 minutes ago, zuzul said:

    Thanks for the tip, I'll do that tonight to check this out.

    I'm basing myself on the mission template "Insurgency (Altis)". I assume the values in the Alive modules  inside are corrects. 


    I would double-check any of the settings from the template just to ensure it is what you want in your mission.  Don't forget to do a player test as well with a few guys on the server before you have your 'official' mission running... to iron out any MP-related problems.  Check the wiki for any questions and post on the ALiVE forums if you are stuck.






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