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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. If you need any advice on DAC fire me a PM or post here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?99753-Dynamic-AI-Creator-%28DAC%29-V3-0-released
  2. Thanks will try this out next chance I get. My attempts at doing an MHQ in multiplayer with JIP results in seemingly random results :p
  3. A bit late but... you need to adjust one of the parameters in the init line of the static arty piece being used by UPSMON: nul=[this,3,3000,100,7,2,"ARTY_Sh_81_HE",25] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf"; 25 is the # of seconds between salvos.. so for 10 minutes you can change this to 600
  4. If Iron Front will be using Arma engine updates then it should bode well as they have made good strides in this area in Arma. If not, then we rely on AI scripts like UPSMON to fix the problem. More info here: http://forum.iron-front.com/showthread.php?943-AI-in-Iron-Front
  5. No you will need more access than just FTP.. it will require MySQL installed and configured on your server and unless your provider is willing to do that you may be out of luck. You can still use MSO with some persistance.. but if the server or the arma server .exe is reset you will loose your mission progress and have to start over I can't look right now but I think it's disabled by default just the Nomad save-state thing is active... not 100% sure though
  6. SavageCDN

    HOG MHQ v1.0

    Yes thank you for this it will see heavy use :p
  7. Don't think there is an actual parameter no.... have you tried running ASR_AI mod when playing? It shouldn't break anything else... edit: I am wrong there is a CQB unit spawn parameter but not 100% sure what it does
  8. Hmm.. if the AI are shooting each other it's not to keep the group size down :) There must be another problem (most likely a side setting that is incorrect ie: you are spawning Russians but the side setting is set to West) What DMarkwick was referring to was DAC_Reduce_Value = [2000,2050,0] which reduces an AI group down to just the leader if there is no player unit closer than 2000m. Setting the third value to zero disables this feature. Unless I'm mis-understanding your question? I think the only way would be to check for when all helis are dead, delete the heli zone then re-create it
  9. If you want to do it specifically for a black screen until DAC is finished init use waituntil {(DAC_Basic_Value > 0)} Something like make_screen_black_code; disableUserInput true; waituntil {(DAC_Basic_Value > 0)}; disableUserInput false; fade_in_code; disableUserInput so players don't shoot the guy in front of them at the start point :p Just tried this - great for testing missions thx!!
  10. Yeah this is usually the part that gets me.. the MP/JIP marker updating on a moving vehicle. Yes I am built the same way. Sometimes I even go through the F2 files and delete the commented out stuff 'cause I'm crazy :p
  11. wow great idea thanks for releasing it.
  12. I know it's a bit OT but what are the issues with large mission file-sizes? We usually have a player count in the 20-30 range but I've never really thought about the mission file being an issue.
  13. I use F2 for pretty much every mission and I usually end up cutting out the files I'm not using (only to keep mission file size down). I think this would be a good idea (lite version). What I usually don't use: Gear scripts Group picker COIN
  14. I assume you mean the ACE radios? I've never tried MSO without ACRE but for ACE stuff you might have to manually add them to ammo crate script. For your 2nd issue are you using the persistent DB feature?
  15. SavageCDN

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Not sure if I can fix it but I'll take a look if you want to fire it my way
  16. SavageCDN

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Latest clips sent off!! Let me know how bad my Afghan accent is :p
  17. SavageCDN

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    ^ I'm the drunk-sounding Canadian :p
  18. SavageCDN

    ASR AI Skills

    Thanks I did not know that
  19. UPSMON also makes the patrols more dynamic in that they are not starting at the same location (although they can), and are assigned different waypoints each time you run the mission. Using waypoints in the editor is great but you lose that 'replayability'. There are tons of other features as well https://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/wiki
  20. I've used UPSMON in conjunction with this script to get around that problem. Basically use UPSMON on the unit (or group) with a respawn parameter, then set the empty vehicle beside the UPSMON group making sure it respawns quickly when destroyed (ie: 5-10 seconds). UPSMON groups will automagically search for empty vehicles to use if their assigned waypoint is > 500m (you can adjust this distance in UPSMON init file). Of course this only works when the group and vehicle start a good distance away from their assigned patrol area.
  21. Thanks for the reply!! I'll try and make a simple repro with no other addons or fancy scripts (other than ACE obviously)..anytime I've tried and seen those issues it's been with a bunch of mods (although none I can think of that would conflict).. maps, ASR_AI, TWPC Supp and TWP LOS, etc. and usually some kind of AI script like UPSMON or DAC. It's possible that it is something to do with my setup although I see psvialli has experienced the 'no option to tell the chopper to go' problem. If you need some testing help otherwise just fire me a PM I can give it a go on a dedi with a group of players. PS: Sometimes we cheat and use the medevac as a transport chopper :o
  22. SavageCDN

    ASR AI Skills

    That's a good question and my answer is that I have not noticed any negative effects - with the TPW debug on I still see the coloured balls over suppressed units... perhaps TPW overrides the UPSMON suppression? I know it does conflict with one mods suppression.. I think it might be GL4? With GL4 though you can disable AI suppression.. ChrisB might have a better idea he uses GL4 a lot.
  23. I've been scrounging but can't find anything as far as documentation for the HC... and I'd love to test it out our dedi has more than enough horsepower.. I guess it's just limited to a select few?
  24. SavageCDN

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Hey about half done the scripts... work has been a bitch but will get them completed by tomorrow...sorry for the delay (again)