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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    The New York City Project

    For me Fallujah runs great much better than Altis for example. Heavy areas of town it's down to 30FPS but outskirts or light areas a good 60FPS. Map looks great loved Emita City. If at all possible can you make it compatible with the ALiVE mod (MSO for Arma3) ?
  2. SavageCDN

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Thank you for this... would it be possible to post the key files for this mod separately for download? Much easier on server admins :)
  3. Voted for ticket and nice work!!!
  4. That seems odd... my i7 920 with 4GB RAM and a GTX570 runs about the same frame rate with demo mission in SP
  5. That I'm not sure about... do you get any error or something in RPT file when launching with MCC?
  6. The devs are working hard to update it for the A3 1.08 patch. It will be released "When Ready" which based on their previous schedule should be later today. No promises though :p
  7. SavageCDN

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    Yes thanks for this mod I use it all the time :)
  8. SavageCDN

    DAC Arma 3

    I did not get in touch with Silola directly however do have good news. That is all I can say at the moment... PM sent.
  9. Make sure you have the Requires Alive module placed and that the factions are set correctly in OPCOM and MP modules. Also check the MP module and make sure it's set to Place Units instead of Objectives Only
  10. ^ just to further what Friz mentioned - I find this helpful when planning a mission with Alive. Start by placing down these modules - Requires Alive, Military Placement (no filters, objectives only), Military Civilian Placement (no filters, objectives only). Hit preview and you will see all the possible locations that ALiVE generates. Take a screenshot for reference. Now when you are planning marker placement, etc you will know where those locations are. You can also do just the MP or MCP modules depending on what your mission involves. If you don't know already the easiest way to 'find' the marker centre is to zoom out as far as possible in the editor - this will prevent your mouse cursor from 'highlighting' map items (houses, runway lights, etc) and you can easily mouse-over the area to find the centre.
  11. plus one Also is this script MP-compatible?
  12. Already done :cool: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/73401 Awesome!!
  13. You're welcome and good luck! :partytime:
  14. You should have one OPCOM for each faction set to occupation and synched only to the MP/CP modules you want them to defend. Have not tested this myself so cannot say. Yes markers can overlap.. at least in one of my tests it didn't seem to cause issues. Yes you can use outside scripts like UPSMON but you will have to exclude those units from profiling (one of the options in profile module) With regards to Occupation vs Invasion setting: Occupation - units will be placed at objectives throughout the TAOR and will attempt to occupy and defend military installations. Invasion - units will start in the vicinity of the MP module and will move to take objectives as ordered by a synchronized OPCOM.
  15. edit: see my next post Basically it just generates the objective locations for the AI to fight over or assign player tasks as you mentioned. The fight will continue until there are no more groups to assign to that objective (so if you are using logistics it will go on forever). I'm sure the manual will get updated as it comes along. I'm just a tester and learned most of the stuff by trial and error. For anyone doing the trial and error thing I would recommend using Stratis as everything loads much quicker. I believe this is planned for next update.
  16. From the manual: "The profile system currently only supports the following waypoint types for virtualization: Move and Cycle Triggers and other complex editor tools do not function in the virtual battle space." Currently no way to make it any faster - civ module takes longer I assume as it has to grab all possible spawn locations (basically any enterable structure) whereas the mil module only has to look for mil structures. If you want units in those areas to receive orders then yes you will need an OPCOM module. For example, with occupation and OPCOM module linked the AI will send fresh troops to defend objectives that have been taken by enemy (assuming there are any troops left to send). You can also set a module to generate objectives only (no units spawn) and if linked to an OPCOM the AI commander will send groups to secure those 'neutral' areas.
  17. SavageCDN

    DAC Arma 3

    ^ hey I remember this.. .nice to see you are still working on it
  18. You require an OPCOM and an MP module set to BLUFOR side then all you should need to do is adjust the drop-down option under the OPCOM module - Player Tasks - YES. Yes this issue is now on dev heaven tracker..... thanks for reporting https://dev-heaven.net/issues/73378 Known issue perhaps? Some groups will be defending the objective instead of patrolling... https://dev-heaven.net/issues/73273
  19. Not sure about your mission loading issues but yes the markers disappearing are a sign things are working. On Altis it can take a long time to generate stuff especially if you are using civ placement module. If you want to speed things up remove that module and keep the enemy numbers lower.. much easier for testing. I think others have had the issue with the windows key and I believe they are making it so you can change this key for next release.
  20. Try turning off debug on all modules except the OPCOM one for the side you are playing... you will see the colours change depending on objective ownership. That's about all I can tell you as the rest is wizardry and unicorns :p
  21. Roger sorry for the delay gonna check it out Friday when I get some free time
  22. SavageCDN

    DAC Arma 3

    Thanks for your reply Valery I guess we'll just have to be patient and pray to the AI gods :p