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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. You can also check out the Pyrgos Assault mission by Jman - nice small mission including CQB it should show you all you need to know. Also includes a check in init.sqf to end the mission once all ALiVE-generated units are killed. www.alivemod.com
  2. SavageCDN

    Problem with server list

    I think the english word you are looking for is "fucked" :p
  3. They only work cause they are an addon where the configs have been changed to place them on the BLUFOR side instead of GREENFOR.. the person who mentioned them above was trying to use the GREENFOR versions while playing as BLUFOR units. Thanks for the report though good to know they work!
  4. Dynamic AI Creator but unfortunately it's not (yet) available for Arma 3 :p EOS does a lot of what you want except I don't think calling in reinforcements is one of them. Have a look at UPSMON for A3 - groups communicate via radio and can send/receive reinforcements. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170803-UPSMON-Updated-to-ArmaIII
  5. SavageCDN

    DAC Arma 3

    Nothing yet... Valery did say in my conversations with him that they are still in the testing and ironing out bugs phase and there is no real ETA.
  6. SavageCDN

    Outlawz7's ArmA3 missions

    A3 also includes built-in editor modules for tasks, briefings and notes.. although you can still do the old way as well.
  7. SavageCDN

    Problem with server list

    ^ in the past the limit was 500 results from GameSpy ... not sure if that is still the case. OP - if you keep hitting refresh your server will show up eventually. Not really a solution but....
  8. If I'm not mistaken those units are not supported in version 0.5.4 but will be for the next release. Regardless here are the faction names: drIrregulars mas_afr_rebl_b mas_afr_rebl_i mas_afr_rebl_o mas_ukf_sftg mas_usa_delta mas_usa_devg mas_usa_rang mas_usa_usoc SUD_RU (Also Iron Front will be supported next release) If I'm understanding you correctly OPCOM will indeed send troops to different TAORs to assist (if enough troops available). I don't know if there is any kind of distance check, etc. 1 - This feature may be added in a future release (adding stuff to module init line) 3 - if you do find a problem please create a simple repro mission and send it to me via PM or post on the Dev Heaven tracker https://dev.withsix.com/projects/alive?jump=welcome 4 - not sure but logged a DH ticket we'll see what punishment the DEVs come up for me https://dev.withsix.com/issues/73683 6 - OK it is a good suggestion 7 - If you can replicate it please send me a repro mission so I can test it out. That particular problem is one that happens with Arma 2 (ACE) as well so I'd need to be convinced it's an ALiVE-specific problem. Are you using any revive scripts in your mission? Not an overall fix - the addon has to have properly implemented group configs in order for it to work with ALiVE (ie go into editor press F2 - are there pre-defined groups there you can select?). The DEVs have been working with various addon authors to assist where needed, but outside of that there isn't much that can be done. :D Great report thanks for posting!!
  9. also check out https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playSound some commands play the sound for all players, others play in 3D (only close players hear it)
  10. by no means simple but this works for A3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9285
  11. hmm.. well if it was a server-side mods issue (not loading, mods missing) you wouldn't even get that far - you'd get "Cannot play this mission" spam in the server console window as soon as someone joined the server. What you are describing happens when the client doesn't have all required mods... but you say that is not the case... so I'm not sure where the problem could be. This would only be an issue if you have this outdated setting enabled equalModRequired = 1; If that is the case remove that and use verifySignatures = 2; instead http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg
  12. You're welcome!! @hlfritz - I'm not sure if ALL the F3 features are compatible with ALiVE.. in fact I'm sure there are some that are not. Best to test it out!!
  13. Thanks for this .. .do the civs spawn on clients or server?
  14. Check out the F3 Mission Framework they have an excellent briefing template that supports multiple sides, etc. With regards to your CAS comments this feature is planned for future versions (being able to use any allied assets for CAS) - no guarantees of course :p
  15. Usually this is caused by the server not loading the required addons (especially since you mention it works fine running on your PC). Even if you have them setup properly etc in your control software, batch file, etc I would double check it as well as making sure the addon folders on the server have the proper folder structure: @addon_name\Addons\name_of_pbo_files.pbo Also make sure whatever addons you are loading also have any required addons loading as well (ie: ACE requires CBA, etc) Where are you seeing this error message? In the .rpt file, server console window?
  16. I don't think there are multiple server entries for GS - I mean obviously they have more than one physical machine but I'm unaware of any other IPs other than the one I listed.
  17. ^ even with sig checks enabled you can still join with no ACRE if the mission itself doesn't have an ACRE requirement or some other check on the server.
  18. hmm...not sure then :confused: Perhaps try deleting your cfg file and grab an 'example' one from BIS wiki or some other place and adjust to suit. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg As you can see in the example there is a semi-colon at the end of each line.... I would add them in just in case. Not sure about more than one IP - do you mean you want to report more than one IP for your server to Gamespy?
  19. What are you doing out of your cage???
  20. Might be worth posting this in the Server Administration section of the forum. It almost sounds like your config file is not being loaded at all. There are lines in your config you posted missing ";" at the end. ie: it should read BattlEye = 1; Also your reportingIP should be "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"
  21. Yes this will work as well as using the built in A3 modules For the current version CQB only works on Altis and Stratis. For the upcoming release CQB will work on all A2 maps including Clafghan. Here's what Fallujah looks like with 50% CQB: http://i.imgur.com/zH26EkS.jpg Also I'm not sure if it states this in the manual but you can manually place military buildings in the editor and the CQB module will populate them. Not sure if this is the same for regular buildings have not tested that. ---------- Post added at 10:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 AM ---------- 1 - I don't think you can add things to the module init line that apply to the spawned unit 2 - Yes it supports other aircraft however you have to be on the same side (ie: IND for hellcat, BLU for ghosthawk) 3 - need more info - make sure you aren't in Ghost mode when requesting CAS 4 - not sure but I think that's more of an Arma issue 5 - check here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167674-AI-Skill-array 6 - not sure 7 - probably more of a BIS issue
  22. ^ that would be a nice feature.. DAP had something similar did it not? Anyway thanks for this great script