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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. Not sure about Arma 3 but for A2 you can expect upto 256kbps upload per client for heavy missions like MSO.. most other missions I would guess 128kbps upload would be OK. I've never used the hosted MP option for Arma 3.... I would try running a dedicated server on your PC (assigned to 2 cores) as well as your client (assigned to 2 different cores). With hosted you don't have nearly the same options AFAIK.
  2. Config viewer in editor - look under cfgGroups (I think) edit: or maybe CfgFactionClasses
  3. The ALiVE skype channel is called: ALiVE - Public Channel (formerly MSO) I assume you have followed these directions? https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mso/wiki I would suggest joining the Skype channel as well.. my guess is that you don't have the database.txt file in the location required for arma2net to function but one of the MSO guys might be able to troubleshoot further.
  4. SavageCDN

    Bovington testing grounds Dorset

    looking good! Hatchback sport + allowDamage false + this map = FUN :p
  5. SavageCDN

    [Coop ACE] Delicate Balance

    Thanks for the update great mission
  6. Unless I'm not understanding you just replace the 1st 2 lines with the ACE ones: respawn = 1; // 1 is bird, 3 is base respawndelay = 3; // don't think it matters if value is 3 or 10 for what you are doing disabledAI = 0; showCompass = 1; showGPS = 1; showWatch = 1; See here for more info: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext
  7. SavageCDN

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Keys do not work on a listen (host) MP server - only on dedicated. If there is an object in the mod that you can place in the editor... that will force clients to have that mod loaded. Jarhead - Thanks for this great mod and your devotion to helping out other modders.
  8. ^ yes for ALiVE to work with the Nimitz you need to make sure that it is not being profiled by ALiVE. This is done using the Profiles module - set it to NOT profile synced units then sync the Nimitz object with it. I have not used the Nimitz in a while so it may be that recent A3/ALive updates might break this functionality. If you still can't make it work I suggest posting back in the ALiVE thread or PM me with more details.
  9. SavageCDN

    MSO persistent db

    I would suggest one of two things then: 1 - join the MSO Skype channel (now called ALiVE) as it will be much easier to help you there 2 - Make a post in the main MSO thread here with all your server specs, config files, rpt file, sql log, etc. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?142683-Multi-Session-Operations-v4-5-released
  10. Thanks for your reply Spooky. I probably could have handled that better myself.. it has been a long day.
  11. Please check my post history then come back with complaints about lack of help. You'll notice that if the person asking does not do it in a way that makes him/her sound like an asshole I'm a pretty helpful guy. If you like please share with us how you fixed your problem, so that others can benefit from the knowlege.
  12. I've never used Alt-T as a key combo to teleport always through the ALiVE menu or by adding onmapsingleclick stuff to player's init... not sure what would be causing that.. I'd counter with your attitude needs some work but then I'd be speaking the truth. We'll get on those tutorials as soon as the time-consuming work provided to you at no charge finishes up. Please make sure you only have ONE Combat Support module on the map. From the wiki: "CS automatically detects which side the unit belongs to and will only make it available for use by units friendly to that side. You only need a single main CS module."
  13. SavageCDN


    Thanks a lot for the reply Fireball... I'll have a look at what you suggested. Setting the units 50m in the air did fix the spawn in swimming animation on ACE Lingor I have tested it on dedicated... but perhaps it can cause issues as you suggested. It's been too long since I've fiddled with Insurgency :p
  14. At the moment you cannot. If it's a military placement module then yes there need to be mil locatoins within the TAOR. Civilian placement module needs to find a civilian location. If you are getting that error check to make sure it's a civ module you are using and perhaps make the TAOR a big larger so it detects something. This is the first I've heard of this... are you sure there isn't some leftover debug stuff in the player's init? **NOTE** If you are using TFR mod with ALiVE please read this: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Combat_Support
  15. SavageCDN

    MSO persistent db

    Get the .sql file from that link http://dev.withsix.com/attachments/20211/MSO20130208.sql In mySQL workbench you need to login as db admin and then import that SQL file - this will setup all the necessary tables, etc.
  16. SavageCDN

    New to ARMA

    Funny.. I find these forums to be the opposite of what you are saying.
  17. SavageCDN

    ACE Mission Errors

    @CBA_CO is for the beta version of A2OA @CBA, @CBA_A2, @CBA_OA are for the non-beta 1.62 version of A2OA
  18. SavageCDN

    Need help setting up PDB for MSO

    Giorox I suggest you join the MSO skype channel as it's much easier to get help there.
  19. SavageCDN

    AI Running on the spot?

    Need a LOT more info first: Server specs? Mods used? Startup line? server config file? rpt errors? Do these problems only happen on dedicated not on your PC as MP host?
  20. ^ What Gunter said also you can add to your startup line: BEpath = full\path\to\Expansion\Batteye
  21. I would suggest joining the MSO skype channel for further help. My guess for your PDB issue is you don't have a database.txt file with the sql login info, etc or that file is in the wrong location. http://dev.withsix.com/projects/mso/wiki Check here for some documentation as well.
  22. SavageCDN

    MSO persistent db

    The instructions are here but you need to have mySQL installed already. http://dev.withsix.com/projects/mso/wiki
  23. SavageCDN


    You can setPos all playable units to 50m height (init field in editor) - this will prevent them from touching the water before spawning at mission start. For base respawn I think you need to create an object below the respawn_west marker (at sea level or just above) so the unit 'touches ground' instead of water... have not tried this myself. For player respawn there is an elevation setting you can adjust.. I'll have to look at my mission to remember what file/line that was ;) God bless you I was trying to figure this out as well... is startPos the variable in question or startLocation (there is a spawnPos variable too but I think it's for CAS spawning)?
  24. @landis - seems it indeed was a bug only affecting SP and MP (host) - HH has already fixed it and will be in the next release. For the time being use different markers.