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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    MCC and editor issues

    AFAIK you cannot do this in A3 with MCC. In A2 you could use the 'hidden' 3D editor to create an .sqf file which would then go into your init.sqf and create the placed items 'on the fly' at mission start, and I know for A2 that it was not possible with MCC. Perhaps ask in the main MCC thread I'm sure you'll get an accurate answer.
  2. Do you have Steam ports defined in your server.cfg? Also maybe post up your server.cfg file so I can take a look.
  3. Added as a feature request: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/74094
  4. Great!! If it's any consolation I knew nothing about mySQL before setting up an MSO server it's really not that hard. The most common mistakes: - not having all the prerequisites installed - not giving the user full DB permissions in mySQL - not having the database.txt file in the correct location or with incorrect info - @Arma2Net not loading properly or not at all - dropping tables is much different than emptying tables :p
  5. ^ what did you disable from each mod if I might ask?
  6. Must have been HH and his kinky 69 fetish
  7. SavageCDN

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    Hmm..perhaps you are right I'm getting old :p
  8. hmmm...yeah I get about 90-110ms depending on how much Rogers is over-saturating their network that day. If your group does primarily COOP gameplay ping doesn't matter that much IMO... but I could see how you'd want to avoid that.. good luck and Leafs Suck :p
  9. Your dedicated server - did you use the A3 dedi server files available through Steam tools or just another copy of your game?
  10. I'm in Canada as well (Ontario) but I found that getting something I wanted in NA was far more expensive than an EU provider like Hetzner. Perhaps virtual/slot servers are cheap enough but I wanted a dedicated box with full access for things like mySQL, setting up our own repo, etc. With a dedicated box you can also run multiple servers, teamspeak, etc. which is handy. CPU clock speed is the single most important feature.. so spend your $$$ there. Don't worry about SSD it doesn't do much for a server running Arma. Minimum 2GB of RAM for each game instance plus overhead. 100mbit line minimum. Our server: i7 2600 32GB RAM 2 x 3TB SATA6 drives
  11. SavageCDN

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    Nail hits head. I believe in Arma 2 and earlier (or maybe it was in A1?) the AI did indeed "drive on rails" but it caused issues like you pointed out and as such they changed that behaviour. Yes in A3 the AI driving skills are dumb. In A2OA they are quite good so I expect eventually this behaviour will be fixed. I can't believe people are still comparing other game AI to Arma's AI. There simply IS no comparison.
  12. ^ haha that was my comment in Skype... must be a scripted convoy or some other witchcraft :p
  13. Don't see them on the list: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Supported_Factions @redarmy - I'm a bit confused by your question - you've grouped a Russian BTR to an Independent group and want to know if somehow the BTR takes over as group leader will OPCOM still issue orders? Why not just use Russian group instead of AAF?
  14. see previous page my post.. with the caveat that this was tried some time ago (before bCombat was in beta release) so things may have changed. What we really need is some tests with the current versions of both (and with a 'standard' mission) More info with regards to TPW mods and bCombat:
  15. In the future Logistics module will have more 'meat' to it (or so I've been told.. but they promised me unicorns too and I don't see that happening any time soon...:p ) That's a good question re: supplies consumption for profiled units - we'll have to wait for a DEV to respond to that one. see below With regards to ORBAT it does try to generate a standard 'mix' of units (ie: even if you select Infantry as the spawn type you will see attached motorized and occasionally a mech/armored vehicle) edit: OK profiled units do NOT consume resources - at least not yet. Groups that spawn in, consume resources (fuel, ammo), then get profiled again WILL retain their supply levels (ie: so spawning back in does not top them up to full again)
  16. SavageCDN

    Global BattleEye banned for no reason?!

    http://battleye.com/support.html support email in 2nd section Be advised you probably won't have any luck.. your key was most likely stolen and used to hack. Never install any "booster" crap like that on your computer!!!
  17. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn There is a wave respawn mentioned here but I've never tried using it edit: sorry that's for A3.. not sure about doing this for A2
  18. SavageCDN

    Jurassic Arma

    it was about 90,000 earlier this morning
  19. SavageCDN

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    +1 great idea
  20. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server
  21. SavageCDN

    Querying A3 Servers?

    Yeah Skype confuses the crap outta me as everyone has 2 different names and it displays one depending on the angle of the sun or some other witchcraft. For your donations you should add a field for 'forum name' or 'teamspeak name' so that it's easier to track.
  22. Yeah best of luck it's tough to get players!! Be advised Zeus AI is quite outdated (over 2 years since last update) and may cause issues with AI behaviour. I'd recommend using @bCombat instead (it does work in MP) or perhaps @ASR_AI
  23. Check the MSO wiki for database setup instructions I'd bet they are pretty much the same https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mso/wiki
  24. SavageCDN

    Desync Value

    It will depend on the mission as to how much upload per client is required. Heavy missions like MSO/ALiVE I would suggest 256kpbs/client whereas most 'normal' missions will require only 128kpbs/client* *based on Arma 2 - I've read A3 might be higher in terms of required bandwidth https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/basic.cfg