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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. The PERF binary is a testing .exe that is released to server admins usually available through the Dedicated Server Skype channel. It usually includes fixes, etc for MP that are tested before being released in an update.
  2. Are you on DEV branch by chance? OMG it's soooo cool Not everything has been tested yet but so far so good... no glaring issues (you will get an ALiVE version warning message but it still works fine)
  3. Is this an existing mission you are trying that worked fine before? Remove all ALiVE modules and re-add them to test.
  4. SavageCDN

    5-10 FPS on Multiplayer need help!

    Setting everything to LOW is not the answer as it puts more load on your CPU (which is already underpowered) - use at least the middle-ground settings or experiment with higher ones which forces Arma to use your GPU instead.
  5. Hmmm perhaps try deleting and re-adding your ALiVE modules.. if still no go can you post up your mission?
  6. Reaper just tested it with the Foursome demo mission on Altis and all seems OK - groups spawn, etc. Are you using custom units/maps/etc?
  7. The general rule is it's always Soonâ„¢ unless otherwise notified :p
  8. SavageCDN

    LF Basic.cfg Knowledge

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/basic.cfg or check the dedi tutorial http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server
  9. I have not tried the HC in Arma 3 yet but.. 1 - yes that is the general idea for the HC.. I can't say how much of an improvement it will be with just one player connected but if your mission has a LOT of AI it will help **it will NOT work for SP missions you will need to convert any SP missions to MP as it is being run in a dedicated environment. Also the mission must be designed to work on the HC you can't just plop any mission down 2 - again if you have a LOT of AI it will make a difference regardless of player count 3 - I might be a bit biased but using ALiVE on a dedi might solve your issue without the hassle of setup/config of the HC Arma server only uses 2 cores - one is for AI and one is for 'server stuff'. When you add an HC, the AI is offloaded to the HC core instead, freeing up more resources for the server cores to do 'server stuff', which generally keeps FPS as high as possible
  10. SavageCDN

    Mysql Error Arma 3 Altis life

  11. What am I??? Chopped liver?? :p I like this idea. Feature request added: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/74141 I have never seen this... are you able to reproduce it?
  12. SavageCDN

    Afghanistan Map - No Name.

    Great news loved FATA
  13. From last page: Altis life thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168139-Altis-Life-RPG
  14. Anything I've read about OVH has mentioned cheap prices and crappy service.. but I have no personal experience with either.
  15. SavageCDN


    the proper syntax is: -mod=@life_server;@Arma2NET (I always run @Arma2NET last not sure if that actually matters)
  16. Very interesting.. if you need a server and warm bodies let me know. We are running Haze+Sacha's version of ALiVE Insurgency at the moment.
  17. @Halex - are you still having problems with this? DAC for A3 update: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173755-quot-X-Cam-quot-and-quot-DAC-quot-Project
  18. SavageCDN

    DAC Arma 3

    DAC update: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173755-quot-X-Cam-quot-and-quot-DAC-quot-Project
  19. Put down a trigger with conditions and say 300m radius. In the onActivation field paste that code minus the comments, adjust the params to taste (size, location, etc) - it's that easy! Not sure to be honest but I'll find out.
  20. SavageCDN

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    I haven't even read the thread yet but I must post my happy dance of joy
  21. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Script_Snippets //will register a position as an objective to all OPCOMs in the current mission if (isServer) then { { [_x,"addObjective", [ str(time), //ID (string) getposATL thisTrigger, //position 100, //size "MIL" //type ] ] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM; } foreach OPCOM_INSTANCES; }; Not sure about your second question though I would guess no.
  22. Wow looking great!! Need to get unsung back on our A2 server!!! (this thread needed more Savages :p )
  23. Videos showing ASR_AI + TPW vs bCombat http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?171436-OPEN-BETA-SP-bCombat-infantry-AI-Mod&p=2631253&viewfull=1#post2631253 Also bCombat 0.16 DEV https://github.com/fabrizioT/bCombat
  24. ^ this is a long standing 'bug' with JSRS back to Arma 2 version. My only suggestion is to not run JSRS when editing missions. OP has a great attitude :(
  25. SavageCDN

    =BTC= Revive missing SQF issue

    Your best bet is to ask in the main BTC script thread.. if you've already re-downloaded the files, etc not sure how to help otherwise.