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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    Can't start mission on server

    Are you running the beta version of A2OA? If so you should be using @CBA_CO instead of the other 3 CBAs. Post up your startup params.
  2. First you'll need each mod's .bikey file in the servers \Keys folder Then you'll need to enable sig checks - in your server.cfg - verifySignatures = 2; This will allow players to join with optional mods as long as the key file is in \Keys If you want to require certain mods you need to make sure the mission.sqm file has them as a requirement. For ACE, CBA this is easy - go into Modules in editor and place down Requires ACE and Requires CBA modules. For other addons like weapons/vehicles just place on of them somewhere on the map (even at 0% probability) and this will add them as a requirement to play the mission. If your mission is saying to others that it needs ACRE it means you have an ACRE object on the map somewhere (probably the All Radio Crate). To get around this you would need to remove all ACRE objects in the editor and then add radios via script or some other method. Although I'm not sure why you would want to have some players running ACRE and some not - this might cause unintended issues.
  3. Don't see why not... I assume you get at least 2 cores? ;) For life server you also need a database backend so make sure the provider can setup mySQL for you. I have no experience with life mission but do with this type of setup in A2.
  4. SavageCDN

    Server not showing in browser

    If you are referring to the mission download stopping right after the start of download.... pause for a bit... then it continues to download - this is normal behaviour and cannot be 'fixed'. The server seems to 'read' the mission first then once it is ready it allows the download to continue. I have no idea if this is the actual cause just guessing from observed behaviour.
  5. Ah Ok I see what you mean now. If you just want areas with no AI spawned you could try using blacklists for the CQB/Placement modules.. although be advised the blacklist will only prevent units from spawning there at mission start... they will not prevent units from moving into those areas during the game.
  6. If you just want to be assigned tasks by OPCOM create a zone (placement module) but in the module params set it to Objectives only instead of Place units... at least I think this is what you are asking :p As for crashing/causing problems if you delete AI I don't think so but perhaps a dev could better answer this.
  7. SavageCDN

    How do I run Battleye on my servers?

    Can you post up your server.cfg as well as the params you are using to start the server (ie: command line)?
  8. Thanks for the detailed response Sickboy (and also thanks for all you do re: SU/PWS and DevHeaven) To be honest I have not looked at PWS in some time so I need to give it another chance. My only concern is with the ability to create custom repos... and the fact that I'm much more familiar with SU but that is my problem not yours :p If I can keep using SU to create/manage repos that is just fine and will await that feature in PWS.
  9. ^ that was actually a Patrol Ops feature if I'm not mistaken... @Delta - currently this is not possible... besides it is a placement module which doesn't do much else after the init of the mission anyway.
  10. Oh god please no minarets!!! We would always have to halt whatever we were doing to blow it up and stop the noise!!! :p
  11. Does this mean that the old 2.9.7 will no longer connect to the six network at some point (or other 'show-stopping' issue)... or just that there will no longer be updates to the SU?
  12. Yes this has been a problem for some time. ACE included an AI grass viewblock module but this did not affect the ability to see through trees and bushes. They can also detect you behind slopes in terrain even though they have no possible line of sight.. this has been shown multiple times in the past. Good to know that AI can't see through smoke though IIRC this was not the case for Arma 2 outside of ACE mod.
  13. Sorry wasn't thinking when I posted :p
  14. Have you seen this? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?166488-cTab-Commander-s-Tablet-FBCB2-Bluforce-Tracker-UAV-and-Helmetcam-Interface There is a commander tablet as well as a squad leader device (android phone)... besides it comes with some nice features for command and control.
  15. SavageCDN

    How do I run Battleye on my servers?

    Windows loves to block .dll files 'for your safety' so I would check that first to see if they are being blocked. ie: http://www.izenda.com/Site/KB/Uploads/Images/unblock.PNG
  16. SavageCDN

    [COOP 16] AAF vs Rebels 1.0 (ALiVE)

    Nicely done!! Can I link this thread to the ALiVE wiki so others can find missions that use ALiVE?
  17. SavageCDN

    Can't join ArmA 3 servers.

    Any params you add to the game when starting ie: using a game launcher, or going into Steam and adding custom params like -window -nosplash, etc. If you don't do this nevermind.... but still need to see your RPT file to troubleshoot further. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files#Arma_3
  18. This is caused by the server not having the required addons for the mission. Checking the server's RPT file will tell you which one is missing. Also in your command line: -you are running \expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion twice -you are running non-beta version of CBA with the beta version of OA. Remove CBA, CBA_A2, CBA_OA and replace with just CBA_CO -kyo_MH47E is missing the @ symbol (which is fine as long as the folder on the server is the same)
  19. SavageCDN

    What AI mod are you using?

    Foffy I would stick with what you are using now.... ACE (which comes with DAC - check it out if you haven't already it blows all other AI spawning / group behaviour systems out of the water), ASR_AI, TPWCAS. GL4 is great as well but you need to be aware of it's limitations and issues arising from a script that has not been updated in > 2 years. Same goes with Zeus_AI - it is known to cause issues especially with the beta version of A2OA. Obviously if you test a bunch you can eliminate some of these problems.
  20. SavageCDN


    A similar fix for your MSO spawning issues... post in the MSO thread or fire me a PM and I'll get you sorted out
  21. Thanks for taking the time to do this... voted up!!
  22. SavageCDN

    XLib - by X39

    Suscribing to your newsletter :p Also in addition to a spawn limiter one of the 'problems' with some Insurgency missions is that players flying overhead will cause enemies to spawn.. not sure if this is something you have considered.
  23. SavageCDN

    Can't join ArmA 3 servers.

    That is odd there should always be an RPT file unless you are using the -nologs parameter in your startup line. Can you post up your startup line and 2x check to see if there is an rpt file there? Also have you tried re-installing Battleye? http://www.battleye.com/download.html
  24. That is indeed strange... my only thought is that facing south-west.. I bet they are looking at position [0,0] on the map.