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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. So you want one of the possible spawn locations to be the static C130? In the mission are there markers around the map that define the possible spawn locations? I think you'd need to add that location to the array of possibilities for it to choose from. Put the actual marker somewhere safe then have a trigger that teleports anyone detected around that marker to the C130.
  2. SavageCDN

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Thanks Giallustio I'll hopefully have some feedback for you this weekend!!
  3. ^ not sure what you mean by 'continuous custom task' - are you referring to the tasks assigned by the ALiVE system? If so there is no way currently to customize them.
  4. I'm not familiar with how Wasteland respawn works but in regular game you would have your respawn_west marker somewhere 'off' the map out of the way... once the player spawns in at the marker another script would teleport them to the C130. As for the trigger you could add a height requirement as one of the trigger conditions so that it only fires above a certain height. I don't have a code example handy ATM but could probably dig one up later if needed.
  5. Wiki has some info.. for more you should join the ALiVE public skype channel http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Unit_Mod_Config_Standardisation I don't think that feature is working yet.
  6. in MP triggers are global (run on all machines) unless you specify a condition like isServer. Taskmaster does work on dedi I have used it myself so you should have no problems. I'm far from an expert on this stuff but your code looks OK to me. Check the readme stuff for Taskmaster script as well there might be more info there (especially for things like JIP marker updating)
  7. hmm...have you tried spawning the player elsewhere ie: [0,0] then teleporting them to the static C130?
  8. I had a quick look at your RPT file - is this the file from your server or the client? I see DX11 loading messages as well as a GTX560 GPU so it's looking like a client file... if so please post your server's RPT file. Might want to do a Steam verify of all your server files as well.
  9. SavageCDN

    Hard disk cache affect performance

    I'd say it's the primary reason for the stutters - you are correct Arma is loading in new textures from disk. If you can get your hands on an SSD drive try moving your A3 install to the SSD... personally I saw a big difference when I used the SSD instead of my 7200rpm SATA drive.
  10. Random guesses: Do you have unique Steam ports defined for each server (not sure about HC might need unique ports there too) For the 2500 ping have your users run EVERYTHING as admin (steam, arma, etc) - sounds crazy but I've read that this can be the problem (also from Terox): 2500ms ping is caused by the server firewall not accepting incoming ICMP packets
  11. Please post your servers full RPT file to pastebin and link back here.. make sure you start with a clean (empty) RPT, fire up the server and copy to pastebin. Also your startup params would be good (ie what mods are loading, server params, etc)
  12. That is odd... I can see your server here (I assume this is your new server): http://arma3.swec.se/server/data/117384 I would try re-downloading the BE files... but honestly that is clutching at straws :p You have your beserver.cfg file in the BE working directory with maxping/rcon info there?
  13. Check this thread for info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server
  14. SavageCDN

    Battleye Rcon Help

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BattlEye This has the info you need. Basically you need to create a file called beserver.cfg in BattlEye directory on server (set in server.cfg) and add 2 lines: RConPassword myPassword MaxPing 300
  15. ^ happens to everyone glad it's working now
  16. Good to see this is progressing!!
  17. SavageCDN

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    Yes great mission nice to see an update!!
  18. SavageCDN

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    That is correct as far as GL behaviour is concerned as long as the GL init module is placed in the editor. I know this works for 'GL5' as well as I've tested it already with the ALiVE mod (which generates groups like DAC does). That would be ideal and while I'm pretty useless in the scripting/coding department I'm more than happy to test functionality between the two..... having used DAC religiously in Arma 2 and Group-Link 4 as well (both script versions but I assume things will work the same for mod versions).
  19. SavageCDN

    Our friend Randy Stratton is dying

    Did not know the man but my condolences to his family and friends
  20. -cpuCount=8 server .exe will never use more than 2 cores so change this to -cpuCount=2 (not that this is the cause of your lags) That RPT file is a mess of errors I would try running the server with the -nologs param it should speed things up a bit It's possible that your desync is caused by ACRE problems as well you should test the mission without using ACRE
  21. That looks like your client RPT not the server's.. .sorry I should have mentioned that I need to see your server's RPT file.
  22. @Pergor - most browsers have an "I know the risks just let me in" type option when accessing a page with an expired certificate @GavC - If you search missions on Armaholic you can find some there or check here: http://www.alivemod.com/missions You need to register on the ALiVE War Room site first before having your stats tracked http://www.alivemod.com/#ALiVEWarRoom
  23. Well the good news I guess is that you're not the only one :p But as to fixing it I have no idea it's a weird one....