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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. the "undefined variable" errors are just informative.. they shouldn't actually break the script. It's very annoying but you can work around it by not using the -showScriptErrors param and using -noLogs param on your server.
  2. SavageCDN

    Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

    Thanks for hosting and creating the missions!! We'll be doing the same this Sunday July 20th see the link in my previous post for more information
  3. Striking fear into the hearts of Python fans since 2012 :p (and a darn good traffic controller)
  4. SavageCDN

    Predator Mod

    ^ ooh.. I know what we're doing this weekend!!
  5. SavageCDN

    ArmA3 Steam Forums are a joke.

    Yeah I can't read those forums without getting angry/depressed. It's like the Youtube comments... where the lowest common denominator rules the day!!
  6. Go Oilers!! Some of these errors are "normal" A2 errors. The others are probably due to the changes in the 1.63 update (I assume you are running 1.63 version?) and those changes breaking BIS' own scripts. See if you can find a recent mission or something like Insurgency and test with that instead of the stock BIS missions.
  7. SavageCDN

    Predator Mod

    for extra fun use MBG Nam map with UNSUNG or VTE mod units.... GET TO DA CHOPPA!!
  8. A few things.. you should also post this on the A3 feedback tracker if you want a dev to look at it. Also include your server RPT file, the minidump file it generates in your A3 directory when it crashes, and your server startup parameters and server.cfg file.
  9. -exThreads will always be 1 on a dedicated server no matter what you set it (same goes for HC)
  10. Understandable OHally.. thanks for all your work to date on these mods.
  11. SavageCDN

    Question about available mods.

    Using the @ is just a community standard and it keeps your mod folders at the top of your A3 game directory. Really you can name the folders whatever you want or even dump all your mods into one big folder and launch that... although that is not recommended ;)
  12. Unfortunately there are problems with Lingor, Isla Duala and I assume Pantera in the indexing process: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/73851 For anyone having issues with the CQB module please PM me a link to your mission (remove as many mod requirements as possible) as well as a copy of your RPT file (client and server if used). There are a few reports of problems however any repro I create in vanilla Arma 3 has no issues. I'm guessing there is perhaps a mod conflict or some other hard-to-nail-down issue.
  13. SavageCDN

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Not sure what you mean... is ACE disabling those channels? Are you sure the mission doesn't have disableChannels command in description.ext?
  14. I agree about the script version... certainly will make it more accessible for all on public servers. CSE was released yesterday as well you should check it out (interaction features).
  15. There have been reports of certain instances where CQB does not work however I have yet to nail down why. Any vanilla tests on any map I've done have come back just fine with CQB finding lots of locations and spawning in guys. If you like can you post more details or PM me your mission so I can take a look at it? What island are you using in your mission?
  16. oooh... update ALiVE 0.70 was released to testers yesterday so I'd imagine (barring any issues) it will be released early next week.
  17. SavageCDN

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    Congrats on release!!
  18. SavageCDN

    Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

    Trying to get a decent group together for this Sunday July 13th evening GMT. I'll post up more details later today. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?35912.last
  19. Does it matter if he's using playSound and his files are configured under cfgMusic? Maybe an (isServer) condition in the trigger?
  20. To get the custom sounds to play in an MP environment you would need to create a function that broadcasts the event to all players. I figured this out trying to get a custom sound to work with the DLC karts... other players on the server could not hear the sounds. I don't have the stuff in front of me but I can post an example later today. *sorry just noticed these files are under cfgMusic... not sure if the same applies as cfgSounds*
  21. SavageCDN

    ACE for OA 1.13

    No idea myself but you might find some information here: http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Modification
  22. I highly doubt Silola is going to create some videos for and older version of DAC... there are quite a few youtube videos already.. google this: site:youtube.com arma dac tutorial Also the demo missions are quite helpful if you haven't tried them... pretty sure there is one for DAC Artillery. Failing that just post up any issues here.
  23. you would need to add a loop.. something like while {alive _crate} do { //crate fill stuff sleep 600; }; Check here for more info (yes it's for A3 but commands are similar) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147962-Working-MP-ammo-box-script
  24. The script would have to be re-written with setVehicleInit replaced by the new BIS MP function