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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    Gameservers and playwithsix

    For your players you can setup an FTP repo of the mods you require and use Arma3Sync application to keep clients up to date.. doesn't help with the server however :)
  2. SavageCDN

    PurePings .cfg help

    Your provider should have a command line option for the -profiles parameter which should point to your server root directory (or have it done automatically). If this is done properly there will be a Users folder (taken from the -name param) in your server dir which will have the .profile file there you can adjust. If the -profiles param is not configured it will create the .profile file under \Users\username\etc, etc which you probably can't access through your control panel. I would try pasting those files from the wiki to your .cfg files and test (obviously adjust to suit your server).
  3. Arma server .exe will use a max of 2GB but it rarely gets that high in my experience. This will depend on the type of mission you are running.. if at all possible I would double your ram to 4GB... this leaves enough for the Arma server as well as your OS overhead (especially if using Windows).
  4. You can fix this by using verifySignatures = 2 option in your server config file. If you have this enabled players can only join with mods you have allowed - done by adding the mod's .bikey file to your server's \Keys folder. So to test your vanilla setup remove all .bikey files from that folder (except the BIS ones) that will prevent players from having mods loaded when joining.
  5. SavageCDN

    Gameservers and playwithsix

    Unless you have full access over your server (ie: VNC or RDP) you won't be able to use PWS or similar applications. You should have FTP access and that would be your only option as far as uploading mods. Unfortunately that doesn't help with syncing mods between client and server. BIS is working on something through Steam but unsure as to how that will work exactly.
  6. SavageCDN

    [Coop ACE] Delicate Balance

    Well we will just have to play this one again since there is an update
  7. SavageCDN

    [PvP] Airsoft: Bring Your A-Game

    Congrats on release!!
  8. Be aware that running AI mods with campaigns can alter the campaign (unless it was designed with that AI mod in mind). The 'easiest' one to use would be ASR_AI in my opinion - doesn't fuck with AI waypoints or higher-level behaviour. AGM is ACE-like but again would probably affect the campaign you are playing... for this I would try TMR first. IMO bCombat is the best 'overall' AI mod.. have not yet tried vCom AI
  9. I'm not 100% sure if this is what you are asking but check page 53 of the manual:
  10. SavageCDN

    ASR AI 3

    Also remember to disable any overlapping features ie: AI throwing smoke - I believe both ASR_AI and bCombat have that feature.
  11. SavageCDN

    AlienZ Mod

    I was a Car Wars addict as a kid... didn't know there was a mod for it :p
  12. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Supported_Factions
  13. Not sure about Zeus but the MCC Sandbox mod does exactly this - it has an export to mission.sqm function which you can then merge with your existing mission.
  14. SavageCDN

    Zeus + ALiVE + respawn for SP?

    Both 4 and 5 are respawn into another unit (Group and Side) - if there are no units to respawn into - Failed. Try 2 (instant) or 3 (Base)
  15. Download Notepad++ and search for Arma 3 syntax highlighting
  16. Try using @ASR_AI mod on your server this will give the AI the ability to communicate known enemies via radio.. and I believe the distance is configurable.
  17. Yeah check the ACE thread others have reported the same problem (no ammo in main gun). Pretty sure it's related to an addon as the ACE tanks seem to be just fine.
  18. SavageCDN

    "sleep" Not Working

    Also here: http://killzonekid.com/
  19. My guess without seeing your crate.sqf script is that the script is not using the Global equivalent of addWeapon, etc. Your crate script should only run on the server and make sure the add commands are addWeaponGlobal, addMagazineGlobal, etc.
  20. SavageCDN

    [PvP] Airsoft: Bring Your A-Game

    For sure.. can help with dedicated server too if you don't have one. Messaged you on Steam.
  21. My guess is it's a problem with the units you are spawning or some other script maybe? Do you get the same lag spawning in vanilla Arma 2 units?
  22. SavageCDN

    Create multiple respawns

    Yeah this is a bug I belive with respawnTemplates. A workaround is to black the screen at mission start and teleport the players into your chopper after they spawn.. .then fade back in from black. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178399-BIS_fnc_selectRespawnTemplates-Respawn-template-not-found&p=2704188#post2704188
  23. SavageCDN

    Create multiple respawns

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn#Respawn_Types You also have respawn = 3 in your description.ext?
  24. SavageCDN

    Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

    Thanks for the missions Snake Man.
  25. SavageCDN

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Played a few hours of ACE MSO over the weekend and all tanks had ammunition. Also was able to use all chat channels (someone had this issues a page or two back). Mods were all the ACE ones plus ACRE, Fata, clientside stuff.