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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. Yeah it would just be a case of find/replace with the new classname... but I can't find that thread anywhere now!! edit: found it! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149803-IFrit-classname-changed-in-Dev-update
  2. SavageCDN

    RH PDW pack

    You can also enable and disable mods through the in-game Options Expansions menu if you dislike messing with startup params
  3. SavageCDN

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    That's a tough question.. Arma2 isn't going anywhere anytime soon though. What about using A2 version to test your DB stuff then look to moving to A3 closer to beta release? Also if you need a server that runs mysql to test fire me a PM
  4. Wow I've only got about half that so far!! Same though most of the time is in the editor. I stopped running Arma2 through Steam after it broke 1000 hours... got too embarrassed by the number :p H.O.B.B.Y. Edit: dunno if you've tried it yet but DAC runs very well with the mission. I added it to 1.4 to beef up the non-CQB patrols (you were using the new dynamic spawn thingies). It also plays nice with UPSMON. If you're interested at all feel free to send me a PM
  5. SavageCDN

    RH PDW pack

    ^ seriously.. someone mentioned it before but at this rate we'll have Arma 3 before BIS releases it :p Thanks RH!!
  6. Latest update they have changed the classname of that vehicle.. there is a thread around somewhere about it *Drools* You should probably sleep one of these days :p
  7. SavageCDN

    Dedicated server - status

    ^ it can be problematic on 2008 pre R2 servers as well.. requires a heap of stuff to be installed and on a server that's not going to happen.
  8. SavageCDN

    ASR AI Skills

    Well the vanilla AI in A3 suffers from the same issues as in A2 - 360noscope headshots from standing Automatic Rifleman at 300m. Up close CQB is the opposite - unless they happen to be facing in your direction you could walk up to them and disrobe and they wouldn't notice you (yes I have tried it :p )
  9. SavageCDN

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    ^ you evil, evil man :p
  10. SavageCDN

    Dedicated server - status

    * Linux server binary is slated for release after Windows server binary
  11. Yesterday. Our server. See my siq... you'll have to join TS for the server password.
  12. SavageCDN

    3rd person view and difficulty levels

    Primarily COOP player so 3rd person is important, but should be restricted to recruit and regular (I'd be happy with even just recruit). What I'd love to see is the ACE module or something similar - force 1st person outside vehicles - in A3
  13. SavageCDN

    Discussion on mission filename format

    Great post thanks!!
  14. Thanks!! Someone mentioned it already but make sure your database.txt file is in your Arma directory... if that doesn't work try putting it here: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Arma2MySQL (-> create the folder if not there) This is where I failed during the setup and clients connecting hung at the same spot (loading persistent data)
  15. MHQ respawn is not MSO code it is BTC_Revive.. and I believe it just spawns in a random 50m radius of vehicle (I did not see any functions like the BIS find_me_a_safe_spot_to_spawn function). Being a huge fan of MSO I am grateful for a similar mission released so soon. Are you working in conjunction with the MSO team? One of the complaints I get from players is the AI headshot from 300m issue (I know it's not an issue with your mission).... is there any way to adjust the skill/precision levels of the AI spawned in by the CQB module? (still using 1.4 version)
  16. SavageCDN

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    Sorry I was just referring to this post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134603-Mp-Fockers-Most-Wanted-co-op&p=2223226&viewfull=1#post2223226 He mentions adding PDB to the mission. :)
  17. SavageCDN

    Mission optimization

    Good idea to post it in the fill script thread... from what I can tell it's a bug with locality and ammo boxes?? Anyway the VAS thing is a godsend.
  18. Wow this is a great idea!! Was this not possible in A2? Installing on server today!!
  19. Thanks for the update Focht.... this and the DW Sandbox mission are the best out there so far!!!
  20. SavageCDN

    Mission optimization

    Try removing the fill crate script and test. If that works go with this instead: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149077-Virtual-Ammobox-System-(VAS)&p=2328220
  21. SavageCDN

    Full screen NV

    You can't fight in here anyway.. this is the WAR ROOM!!
  22. SavageCDN

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    The great thing about Arma is you can poke around here and find a great mission you somehow missed before!! Thanks for releasing this (I know I'm a bit late to the party) Did a persistent version ever appear? If so I'd love to take a look at it. Thanks :p
  23. SavageCDN

    DM 32 Razing of Zargabad

    :partytime: Thanks for this Celery love your DM missions!!
  24. Enemy CQB Populator change it from 10% to 40 or 50% Again thanks for this mission our server runs it 24/7
  25. Pretty sure it's not a hack we had a guy on our server who spawned high in the air with only 2 other (trusted) players on at the time. Seems to be rare though. Using latest BTC revive.